Anime Survival

Chapter 49 - 9: Training (1)

So James immediately began to exploit this idea.

A program is typically composed of a set of procedures and functions. A procedure is a sequence of instructions to perform an operation; for example, sorting a list. A function is a sequence of instructions intended to produce a result; for example, a calculation.

James then tried in first position to give his "Program" a spin-like procedure before throwing the Nen ball, James who was already experienced with this successful instruction on the first shot threw a small whirling Nen ball.

But the more complex the order the harder it was for him to carry it out, but after two weeks James could give the following instructions to the ball: Turn, advance, slow down, float and after another two weeks he could give instructions like, split, turn and move vertically, turn and split in half.

Then one month later James started to give functions to his Nen, he could for example make the Nen ball explode by giving it the function "burst" or give it a sharp shape by giving it the functions "compression" and "stretching".

After that he stopped training his control because he was limited by his aura quantity, but during his seven months of training his Nen had really reached a terrifying level of control, but this was not because of a so-called terrifying talent but rather his Senses "stats", which had increased his sensitivity, memory and body control to a superhuman level.

He had already mastered the Four Major Principles by then so he decided to start training in Advanced Techniques.

He already mastered the Gyô so he decided to start with the In followed by the En, Shu, Ko and Ken, the Ryu was an advanced technique that requires combat experience so he decided to abandon it for the moment.

-In is an advanced form of Zetsu used to render one's aura imperceptible, effectively concealing it. Unlike Zetsu, however, In does not stop the user's aura flow; instead, it hides it, making it impossible to perceive with any of the five senses or extrasensorial perception.

-En is an advanced application of Ten and Ren. In Ren, aura usually envelops only a small amount of space around the user's body. En is when one extends their Ren so that their aura extends further than normal, then uses Ten at the same time to contain and give shape to that aura, normally a sphere.

-Shu is an advanced application of Ten. Shu allows a user of Nen to enshroud an object with their aura, allowing them to use that object as an extension of their own body.

-Ko is a combination of Ten, Zetsu,Hatsu, Ren, and Gyo in which all of the user's aura is concentrated into one particular body part. Gyo is utilized to focus aura on a part of the body, while Ten is used to prevent it from dispersing.

But as soon as James started to practice he was amazed, because for the first time since the beginning of his training, he felt easy, the practice of the advanced although slightly difficult techniques were quite simple for him, that's when he understood that his choice to improve his control of the Nen had been extremely judicious.

He then trained more, starting his training by meditating at the IN state for two hours, then he practiced his EN creating a 50cm circle around him which increased to 1m90 after a week, unfortunately his aura level prevented him from doing better.

He found a military knife in one of the boxes left by "Doraemon" with which he practiced SHU and after a few days he could already cut a stone with his knife, but he didn't practice KO immediately he continued training at IN, En and SHU for another week before starting, greatly improving his skills.

He then began the practice of Shu, it was actually not very difficult for him to concentrate his Nen in one point of his body but it was very difficult to control the amount of aura to pour into his fists because of his low volume of Aura (sorry you must be fed up with this sentence).

He then began to quantitatively calculate his Aura according to his training and his current physical condition based on Knuckle explanations in the manga.

Knuckle Bine devised a way to convert aura in a numeric value, and use it in a system similar to the process of finding the Capacity factor of a power plant, in this case, the power plant being the Nen user and the energy being the aura.

The arbitrary unit of his system corresponds to the approximate amount of aura spent every second by a Nen user in battle mode (1 unit per second), and it is called "aura". However, once the fight starts, the aura consumption increases up to 6 or even 10 aura per second, due to the usage of techniques like Ryu and Ken and of Nen abilities.

The less skilled the Nen user and the more powerful the technique, the more aura is consumed this way.

Inexperienced users can consume as many as 10 aura per seconds with Ken, with the annexed increase when they utilize advanced techniques.

After assessing how much aura his opponents spend in combat every second and for how long they can keep using it, Knuckle is able to estimate the total amount of aura they can access.

He uses three parameters:

-Maximum Aura Power or M.A.P : the amount of aura stored inside the body of a Nen user. It varies for each individual and can be increased through training.

-Potential Aura Power or P.A.P : the amount of aura that a Nen user can expend before passing out. It appears to correspond to how much of their M.A.P. a Nen user can access at a specific point in time.

-Actual Aura Power or A.A.P. : The quantity of aura that is used effectively at any moment; in other words, aura output.

This is what determines the efficiency of the Nen user in a combat situation, as a high P.A.P. with a low A.A.P. is meaningless. A.A.P. can be increased through training.

It is also influenced by how well an individual can use Nen: lack of practice or low affinity for a certain Nen category can cause the power of an attack to be lower than the aura units expended. 

While using Ken, Gon's aura output during his final fight against Knuckle was about 1800 aura units, and a punch thrown in that state 150 aura units.

This might mean that on average, a Ken punch contains 1/12th of the user's total aura output.

A similar calculation may be used to determine a relation between aura output and aura reserves. If Gon's M.A.P. (21,500 aura units) is divided by his output (1800 aura units), the result is approximately 12. However, the output is a factor that can vary with training, and Gon's has always been considered exceptional.

Furthermore, it used to fluctuate with his emotions, all of this suggests that his values may not be reliable to establish a general law.

With all his information James estimates that with his current physical strength, he has like M.A.P 1250 aura units, his P.A.P is 105 aura units and each of his punches during a fight state is 9 aura units.

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