Anime Survival

Chapter 52 - 12: Fighting

"Beware enemy attack!"

"Open fire"

*Bang* bratatat* *Bang*

In a bright room, a dozen Ishval-looking people were tied in the middle of a large circle with various strange runes under the tired eyes of a few men in white coats with the sign of the army on their clothes.

Behind them was a man of great stature, with blond hair, blue eyes, a thick beard, about fifty years old, who, as he heard the din outside, looked at two soldiers beside him.

"Go and see what's going on outside."

"Yes! General!"

The two soldiers went out for a while and came back at full speed.

"General, buildings 1, 3, 4 and 5 have been attacked!"

"Humpf? How did the militia manage to get into the city?"

"General this is not the work of the militia but apparently one man, he single-handedly decimated the soldiers in buildings 1, 5 and 4, he is now attacking building 3!"

Hearing this the General's eyes became sharp and he walked to the gate.

"General for your safety stay here..." Said one of the soldiers but before he finished his words the door was smashed by the man's fists.

"I will destroy this intruder who dares to attack the army alone, and show him the power and beauty of Armstrong alchemy, I Philip Gargantos Armstrong, I swear it!" Shouted Philip in cognates his gloves against each other while tearing the clothes of his chest and revealing an imposing musculature.

. . . . . .

"Shoot, don't let him get through!

*Bang* bratatat* *Bang* * bratatat* * bratatat*

About ten soldiers fired at James from all sides but he quickly hid behind a wall dodging the bullets and then fired three successive shots killing three soldiers before rushing towards the group of soldiers reloading their ammunition.

The first having finished loading his weapon aimed at James and fired but James who was already close hit the soldier's weapon, deflecting his shot then with a movement sliced his neck with his knife then removed the handgun from his belt and fired six shots at the reloading soldiers waxing their weapons killing them instantly.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Three soldiers further on took advantage of his attack and shot at him, he then held firmly the collar of the soldier he had just kill and advanced towards the three soldiers at full speed using the corpse as a shield then threw it towards the three when they got close enough and then fired twice killing two of the three soldiers and without stopping threw the handgun whose without ammunition in the face of the third soldier making him move backwards before approaching him and cutting his throat in barely a second.

Then, without stopping, he retrieved a machine gun and rushed towards the building in front of him, firing at all the soldiers before they even opened fire.

But when he was only about ten meters from the last building he suddenly stooped down before making three back somersaults dodging a few powerful stone projectiles that came to hit the ground and his gaze went to a man with a bare chest and imposing musculature who was advancing towards him.

"A steady heartbeat of confident footsteps and with perfect balance, this man must be strong enough, the circles of transmutation on his gloves don't fool him, he's an alchemist," James thought while analyzing his enemy in barely half a second.

"You must be strong and brave enough, young man, to dare create such a ruckus in a place under my command." Says the man looking at James sternly.

"Intruders, behold the glory and beauty of Aarmstrong alchemy!"

"Armstrong? Wait a minute, it's Louis Armstrong's father!!" James whispered in surprise but at the same time Philip struck his two fists against each other as lightning flashed out of his gloves and then hit the ground ferociously.

*Bang* *Bang*

Several extremely sharp and perfectly finished spikes emerged from the ground and attacked James.

James then put his palms in front of him, concentrating his aura.

"Canon Balls"

Three swirling balls of Nen were drawn from his palms and struck the spikes before exploding, destroying them completely.

Then, without stopping, he ran towards Philip, who again struck his fists against each other before hitting the ground.

James, who was then running, suddenly jumped backwards, at the same time several extremely sharp spikes coming out of the ground, forcing him to retreat again and again.

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