Anime Survival

Chapter 61 - 21: End

Surrounded by smoke and dust, standing on one leg Kimblee was constantly panting his sweaty body while his eyes were serious.

"Kimbleeeee motherf.u.c.ker!"

Grand scream in pain lying on the ground with his clothes all burned and his limbs twisted.

Usually when Kimblee creates an explosion, he controls the blast so that the flames and shock wave avoids his allies by manipulating the direction of his attacks.

Thanks to this his explosions hurt neither him nor his allies but this time the explosion although not targeting Grand was so powerful that he was wounded by the deflagration.

"It was the first time I tried an explosion of this magnitude, you should be thanking me for still being alive."

"Agh! Kimble! As soon as I'm healed! I'm going to kill you!"




Three extremely sharp air spikes (Nen) crossed the void in an instant and pierced Kimblee's chest.

Incredulous Kimblee lowered his head and saw three holes in his chest and began to laugh.

"Hahah *Cough* Hahaha *Cough*"

Kimblee laughing and coughing blood lost his balance and fell to the ground.

James walked slowly towards them, his body covered with a large amount of aura.

"You really are a monster, what a fantastic fight I wish I could still fight." Said Kimblee lying on the ground laughing.

"You're very strong, Kimblee, I have to admit it, but as I told you before, you were three against 1692, you didn't have a chance to win." Said James as he approached Grand and grabbed his head with his left hand.


Grand's head was immediately destroyed by a shock wave, and James recovered Grand's philosophers stone before walking towards Kimblee.

"Since you like explosions, then die with peace of mind." Said James as he ripped the two philosopher stones out of Kimblee's mouth and joined his palms together as he pointed them at Kimblee.

"Isn't it ironic for me to die in an explosion? It's so funny! Ha-ha!"


Kimblee felt a stream of hot air before being shredded by the shock wave created by James.

James without even taking a last look at the corpse in front of him ran to the main battlefield.

. . . . . . . .

"Lieutenant, we destroyed their entire tank!"

"Well, the gunners concentrate on the soldiers, units 5, 1 and 4 advance to the left flank, units 9 and 11 support the T.R.T. with suppressive fire."

"Bring the wounded to MLT, start throwing grenades into the trenches! Load the mortars!"


In a barricade at the north entrance of the city, Maha and Ravi were constantly giving their orders as the battle entered a critical moment.

"I see you're doing fine without me."

Maha and the surprised soldiers nearby pointed their souls at the voice, but when they saw James they lowered their weapons.

"Boss, have you got rid of the alchemists already?" Ravi Asked.

"Boss, wait, I'll call the LMT." Maha said worriedly as he looked at James' burnt body.

"Don't worry about me, it's time to end this battle, Maha stop the mortar fire, Ravi orders your men to prepare for the final assault."


James left the barricade and ran at full speed towards the battlefield, joining his palms together.

A stream of hot air crossed the enemy line followed by a powerful explosion that swept through everything in its path.


"Enemy alchemist attacks!"

*Bam* *Bam*

James was constantly banging his palms together, creating powerful explosions that destroyed enemy units every second, the militiamen could not help but be in awe as they threw themselves at the enemy.

"Long live Gagan! Long live First Hope!"

"Long live Gagan! Long live First Hope!"

"Long live Gagan! Long live First Hope!"

The morale of the militiamen skyrocketed, the battle then became one-sided, the militiamen completely annihilated the enemy lines.

Under the command of Ravi and Maha, and the machine of destruction called Gagan, Amestris' army was completely annihilated an hour later.

. . . . .

In the desert full of corpses, a few meters from Teb, James was sitting on the sand, looking for a moment at the philosopher's stones in his hands before crushing them.

"Goodbye friends, thank you for your help, I hope you can rest in eternal peace."

The stones then turned to dust before dissipating in the wind.

He then looked ahead at a line of text written in red and whispered:


[Volume 6 : Full Metal Alchemist END]

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