Anime Survival

Chapter 69 - 8: Found

"I found him."

The blue energy disappeared from Lois's leg as she looked in a direction away before she ran towards it.

Uglitsky sighed as he looked at the expression on the faces of the passers-by who had all drawn their weapons.

"You've just caused us a lot of trouble."

Uglitsky jumped more than 10m and landed on the roof of a building before chasing Lois.

In several buildings of the city some more or less hidden individuals feeling the blue waves crossing the ground looked in the direction of Lois and Uglitsky.

Uglitsky and Lois stopped immediately, feeling several malevolent presence pointing at them.

Uglitsky bent down as if to apologize in one direction and then said with humility and calm.

"Gentlemen, please forgive our previous action, but know that it was only an accident, I apologize on behalf of the entire 925th brigade."

On hearing the word 925th brigade almost all the presence dispersed except for one who remained for a brief moment, giving off an aura so frightening to Uglitsky that his heart stopped, but the presence finally disappeared after a five seconds, leaving only a few words.

"Don't do it again."

Uglitsky wiped the sweat from his forehead and then looked down at Lois who was in the same condition as him.

"Please next time you want to do such an inconsiderate act, let me know in advance so that I can at least prepare a proper coffin for the two of us."

Unanswered Lois ran forward at full speed, Uglitsky shook his head and followed her again.

. . . . . .

In an old junkyard, spaceship wrecks were being stored in a disorderly fashion, James and Trsiha's envoy were running towards an old red spaceship in front of which two other people were present, a chubby man in his early twenties who was cleaning the hull of the ship and a pink-haired young woman with fringed hair, wearing a military outfit that chewed a chinwgum while using her smart Gear.

"Captain Kanimir, you got here fast, I thought you'd gone out looking for hookers again." Said the fat young man lazily wetting the mop he used to clean the ship.

"Welcome back Captain, who's that cute guy following you?"

The young girl smiles as she steps off the ship as she watches James and the man call Kanimir.

"Stop babbling, it's the package, our mission is almost over, we've got to get off this planet fast before we get in trouble."

But as Kanimir finished his sentence, James suddenly pushed him and jumped to the left.


A ball of reddish light struck the ground creating a small burning pit 80cm long. More than two kilometers away, Uglitsky stood on a building, took a deep breath and whispered.

"Failed, but this time it's the right one."

Then he pointed his right arm at James, a ball of burning red light swirled in his palms and shot towards him at full speed.

The red ball crossed the void at a fast speed and came in front of James in half a second, James concentrated his Nen in his palms and then created a swirling Nen ball that he threw against the ball of red energy.


James' Nen ball was completely torn but it still managed to deflect the red ball that hit the carcass of a ship farther away.

"You two hurry up and start the ship, we'll get out of here, me and the package will hold them off." Kanimir shouted and his two subordinates nodded their heads before running into the ship.

Lois ran at full speed like a blue lightning bolt through the dump and attacked James, who suddenly turned around and put his palms together.

Lois felt a gentle warm wind caressing her face then a shock wave pushed her back.

Kanimir pulled a knife about 15 cm from his belt and threw it at Lois who had just been pushed away by James's attack.

The knife slit the air towards Lois's neck but when she was an inch away from her skin the knife was stopped by a blue aura that rippled in front of her pushing the knife away.

But as soon as it was pushed back, the knife disappeared and reappeared in Kanimir's hands.

In the meantime, two balls about one meter in diameter, a red one with flames and a blue one filled with high-pressure water, rushed towards James.

'Canon Balls'

Three swirling balls of Nen were drawn from James palms and struck the Uglitsky's attacks before exploding, but this is not enough to destroy the red and blue balls, which were once again only deflected.

Lois took advantage of this moment of inattention and raised her legs, a huge amount of blue energy then concentrated in her shin, this energy began to resonate with the air creating like ripples through her, then a step came in front of James and kicked him.

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