Anime Survival

Chapter 78 - 6: Capture

The members of the Troupe, despite their mastery of Nen and their great physical competence, were instantly swept away by the shock wave.

The power of the shock wave pushed them back about 20 meters and continued to sweep them away, but as soon as the shock wave dissipated, they felt a slight warm wind again.


A second shock wave swept everything in its path, a large cloud of dust and sand rose towards the sky, visible several kilometers away.

Kurapika and the guards of the Nostrade family who were fleeing looked at the dust cloud a few kilometers away with surprise.

"One would say that the Troop has met an enemy that is difficult to defeat, this is the best opportunity to flee." Thought Kurapika as he pressed the gas pedal, driving the car at full speed, followed by the other cars.

. . . . .

The cloud of dust gradually dissipated, Feitan covered with dust coughed and rose from the ground with his body covered with sand and his clothes partially torn.

Machi, Nobunaga, Shalnark and Shizuku also rose from the ground but in spite of their deplorable appearances none of them was hurt except Nobunaga who coughed blood.

"Who was that guy?"

Nobunaga asked, wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth as he got up, he used his En but found no one around.

"Damn, the wires I placed on the Owl were all cut."

Machi covered with sand pulled the threads between his fingers revealing a thread broken in two.

"The car has been completely demolished no chance of catching up with them. "

"First the guy with the chain that kidnapped Uvo got away and now this weird guy comes out of nowhere and steals our loot right in front of us, the chief won't be happy."

Shalnark scratched his hair with a strange expression as the Nen of Nobunaga overflowed out of his body and he then shouted with all his strength in anger.

"You two bastards, if I ever catch you, you're dead!!"

Meanwhile, James was driving his cab at full speed with a fainting passenger in the back seat.

He was covered in sweat, his respiratory and cardiac rhythm could not hide the fatigue he was feeling.

"I used 24,000 Aura units in less than ten seconds, plus two thousand just to escape with my prisoner, I'm exhausted."

"But at least I have what I want, he will surely contact me soon and I will be able to take the revenge that is dear to my heart, and for the moment I have in my hands all treasures of the Mafia auction."

Several kilometers further on, behind Nobunaga's back was a monster resembling a bat woman but no member of the Troupe noticed the presence of the monster.

"I feel like I'm really going to have fun."

James, who was driving the car at full speed, smiled as he crossed the desert at full speed towards Yorknew City.

. . . . .

Bayloke Hotel

Owl, one of the Shadow Beasts woke up little by little, the last thing he remembered was being captured by the Troop Phantom, then a young man appeared, a slightly pleasant warm draught caressed his face and then he lost consciousness.

"You're finally awake?"

Owl was completely awakened by the sound of this voice, he opened his eyes and saw a rather luxurious living room and a young man sitting in front of him.

He then noticed that he was sitting on a chair with his arms covered with a strange symbol, he wanted to get up but immediately noticed that his legs were broken, thanks to his training however he repressed the pain and looked at the young man in front of him.

"Do you know who I am?"

But James didn't answer, he just said calmly.

"Sorry about your legs but you didn't fit in the bag I bought, it would have been difficult for me to bring a human body in my room without hiding it so I had to shorten you a bit."

Then James' eyes became cold :

"Take out one by one all the items from the auction and I'll let you live, or I'll torture and kill you."

Owl heard this and laughed.

"Haha, do you really think I'm afraid of torture? If you want to kill me, kill me!"

"The Mafia will never leave you alone, they'll kill all your family and friends."

James with the utmost seriousness put his hands against Hidbou's arms and said

"I'm going to tell you a secret, before I was an ordinary guy, who would never think of having to torture someone for my interests, now I have obligations to myself and I can't back down, I've already killed quite a few times, but torturing someone is one of the barriers that my old self didn't want to cross, so I'm going to ask you one last time, get the objects out."

Owl seeing James' eyes suddenly became frightened, he knew at that moment that the man in front of him was not afraid of the Mafia and would carry out these threats, but his pride clouded his judgment.

"Kill me if you dare, if you're not afraid of the mafia as you say...."

But before he finished his sentence a blue flash of lightning came out of James' palms and the strange symbols on his skin turned red. Owl at that moment felt an inhuman pain, a pain so strong that his sight became blurred, he felt as if all his nerves were torn.

The pain was so bad that he couldn't even scream.

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