Inside the apartment.

Soft lights sprinkled in the tidy room.

Yukinoshita was carefully cleaning the blood stains on Asukai's body and changing her into a set of clean clothes. Her movements were gentle and quick, trying not to wake up Asukai who was still in a coma.

As for why Yukinoshita chose to take Asukai back to the apartment instead of handing her over to the police.

She took into account the special situation at the scene and the subsequent troubles.

First of all, the situation at the scene was extremely special. Do you have to explain to the police how two seemingly fragile students defeated the powerful single-handed murderer and successfully rescued the hostage-taking woman?

Such an explanation is obviously untenable in logic, and it is easy to arouse the suspicion and further investigation of the police.

More importantly, it is the existence of Kitagawa.

Even if Kitagawa's godly characteristics make ordinary people unable to observe his existence, Yukinoshita does not want to expose his specialness to state agencies at all.

Because she is not good at lying.

This is also a little selfish of her.

Yukinoshita carefully helped Asukai, who had changed into plain clothes, to the bed in another bedroom to make sure she lay down safely.

Asukai had fallen into a deep sleep at this moment, but her face was still pale, as if she was shrouded by the shadow of the past. Although she was in deep sleep, her expression revealed a strong desire to struggle to wake up.

A strange breath emanated from Asukai and filled the room.

"Huh! It's really strange, she is not an ordinary person? Just now, the power in her body wanted us to fall asleep, and seemed to want to pull us into her dream, but I blocked it." Kitagawa's voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of curiosity and exploration.

"But it seems that she has a deep fear of sleep." Yukinoshita sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes fell on Asukai's dark circles.

"Well, that's true." Kitagawa looked at Asukai's unconscious struggle, and then said: "It seems that we have to go to her dream to take a look."


The next moment.

"Is this the dream of this lady? Is this definitely not reality?" Yukinoshita looked around and saw the layout of the apartment that was exactly the same as in reality, and she couldn't help but feel confused.

"Yukino, this is a dream! Look, she is awake now." Kitagawa pointed at Asukai on the bed and said.

Asukai Muji leaned on the bed, her expression revealed sadness and numbness. She looked up at Yukinoshita and Kitagawa, and slowly said: "This is indeed my dream."

"Nice to meet you, I am Yukinoshita Yukino, and the person next to me is..."

"Kitagawa is the God!" Kitagawa raised his hand with a smile and greeted Asukai.

"Hello, I'm Asukai Muji." Asukai introduced herself, and then she asked with a hint of expectation: "Are you really gods? Can you really save me?"

"Mr. Kitagawa next to me is indeed a god, but save? Miss Asukai, didn't you survive from the hands of the single-player killer?"

"Single-player? That scary man is called single-player." Asukai took a deep breath.

Suddenly, an inexplicable breath emanated from Asukai, and Kitagawa subconsciously wanted to suppress this strange power, but hesitated a little and did not resist.

So, a picture was directly transmitted to Kitagawa and Yukinoshita's minds.

On the ring, Asukai looked down at the brass knuckles on his hand.

"Don't worry, this is the weapon I gave you, just fight back."

The opponent raised his fists and said, "Are you ready? This is different from your dreams. If you don't resist, you will die!"

The opponent smiled nervously and swung his fist.

"This is..." Yukinoshita was shocked by the scene and took a few steps back.

"Huh? Interesting!" Kitagawa's eyes lit up when he saw the scene of the opponent waving his fist, and then the scene disappeared like broken glass.

"What was that just now! I actually saw the opponent again. He was obviously not..." Yukinoshita didn't finish her words, but her shock was beyond words.

A trace of sadness flashed in Asuka's eyes.

"I'm sorry, can you please not mention that person's name? Whenever I think of this person, fragments of him will flash through my mind, and then these memories will be transmitted to the people around me uncontrollably.

From a long time ago, the things in my heart will be transmitted to the people around me. Words, thoughts, and imaginations, and even my dreams will be intruded by others."

"How can this be..." Yukinoshita muttered to herself, obviously deeply shocked by this fact.

"Then Xiao Muji will have no privacy at all?" Beichuan said.

"Yes..." Asukai nodded silently.

"Who is it?" Suddenly, Kitagawa looked through the door and looked towards the entrance.

"It's the person who wants to kill me today." There was no fluctuation in Asukai Muji's voice, as if he was telling a fact that had nothing to do with him.

"The person who killed you?" Yukinoshita asked in confusion.

Before he got the answer, the door was pushed open roughly with the piercing sound of an electric drill and a sharp whistle.


A middle-aged man, holding an electric drill and a bloody human face in his other hand, appeared in front of everyone.

The middle-aged man asked him to peel the face.

The uncle who peeled the face scanned the room and found the presence of Yukinoshita and Kitagawa.

"Hey, why are there still people here? Hey, it's my turn to kill Muji-chan tonight!"

"Murder? It's unreasonable!" Yukinoshita was about to transform into a death agent when she was stopped by Kitagawa.

Because the soul entered Asukai's dream, the body was already asleep at this time.

"Yukino, leave this matter to me." As he spoke, the Death Hatchet quietly covered Kitagawa's body.

He pulled out the Zanpakuto at his waist and pointed it at the face-peeling.

"Hey, uncle, look at what you have in your hand, it's a human face that has just been peeled off."

"Yes, what, do you also want to peel the face of Muji-chan? I tell you, it's awesome!" The face-peeling uncle was excited.

"Really? But I don't want to peel Muji's face, I want to try to peel your face, how about it, hehehe!" Kitagawa laughed wildly.

"What? You guy!" The face-peeling uncle waved the electric drill in his hand angrily and rushed towards Kitagawa.

But Kitagawa's movements were faster. He easily avoided the attack of the electric drill, and at the same time, the Zanpakuto drew an arc and directly cut off the face-peeling uncle's arm.

"Ah! My hand! Why haven't I woken up yet! It hurts so much!" The face-peeling uncle knelt on the ground in pain, screaming.

"Uncle, if I kill you here, you will die of heart failure in reality. So, run away as much as you can and bring me more pleasure!"

"Damn it!" Crushed by the extreme strength, the face-peeling uncle had no intention of resisting and rushed out of the door in a panic.

"Are you going to wipe him out from reality here?" Yukinoshita looked at this somewhat bloody scene and hesitated.

"Why not? Do you want to hand him over to the police in reality?" Seeing Yukinoshita's reluctance, Kitagawa asked in confusion.

Yukinoshita hesitated for a moment, then said firmly: "Yes, I believe that the law will punish evil."

In her heart, justice should be maintained by the law, not by personal will alone.

Even if the last duel was over, she didn't want to see Kitagawa kill again.

However, Kitagawa shook his head, his voice full of helplessness: "Yukino, haven't you figured it out yet? The demon in him hasn't completely bewitched him yet."

"What does this mean?" Yukinoshita asked puzzled.

"It means he hasn't killed anyone in reality!" Kitagawa's tone suddenly became stern, "Only when the boundary is crossed, the demon will get food and become a giant demon like the one in the single fight. That face-peeling uncle has already shown his evil in his dream, and he is not far from this step."

"What?!" Yukinoshita looked at Kitagawa in shock.

"So, you want to tell the police that this face-peeling uncle is about to become a murderer? What reason do you have for the police to believe you?

"Such a psychopath should die sooner." Kitagawa's voice became even colder, "Do we have to wait until he kills one or several people in reality before he is punished by law? "

Yukinoshita was silent. She didn't know how to choose. She knew that Kitagawa was right, but this decision was too heavy for her.

After all, Yukinoshita was just an ordinary high school student. At this moment, she should enjoy her youthful campus life instead of witnessing such a bloody scene.

"The most important thing is that the dream location here is the apartment where Yukino lives. If he escapes, then his target in reality may be you!" Kitagawa said coldly.

"Sorry..." Yukinoshita lowered her eyes and was still silent. Kitagawa's words hit her heart like a heavy hammer.

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