The night was as dark as ink, and Kitagawa's voice echoed in the silence.

"Xiao Muji, I will ask you one last time. Once you become a divine tool, you can learn and master the abilities of the divine tools, and even control your own abilities, thus becoming the master of dreams."

Then, Kitagawa's voice became serious, and he continued:

"But the price of all this is that you will always serve Yukinoshita Yukino, and your existence will become as ethereal as mist. Although you are not a dead spirit, you are almost isolated from the world."

However, the memory of the self still exists. You must know that other dead spirits who become divine tools of gods cannot know the memories of their own lives.

In addition, you will see the existence between this shore and the other shore. Those demons and gods that once existed only in legends will no longer be out of reach, but will appear in front of you in reality. "

Are you willing to accept this?"

Kitagawa spread the possibilities and choices of the future in front of Asukai.

"God, I... I am willing to become a divine weapon." Although Asukai's gentle voice was trembling, it was extremely firm. A trace of determination flashed in her eyes, which was a farewell to the pain of the past.

"As for the memory..." Asukai took a deep breath, "I would rather not think of this painful memory..."

"Okay!" Beichuan looked at Asukai deeply, and he nodded gently. "Then, Yukino, let's start!"


Yukino Yukinoshita faced Asukai, her expression solemn and solemn. She stretched out her right hand, put her index finger and middle finger together, and white light gradually gathered on the fingertips.

As Yukinoshita's fingers gently stroked, she also chanted: "

For you who are homeless and have nowhere to go.

Provide a place to stay.

My name is Yukinoshita Yukino!

I have been given a taboo name, and I will leave it here.

Change your name and surname, and become my servant.

Use your training as your name, and your sound as your instrument.

Follow my orders, and become my divine instrument.

Your name is Wood, and your instrument is Wood.

Come on, Wood Instrument!"

An ancient word [Wood] appeared on Asukai's skin in surprise, and in an instant, a stream of light flashed across it.

The next second, the stream of light appeared in Yukinoshita's hand.

When the light faded, a weapon that looked like a katana lay quietly in Yukinoshita's palm.

This is the Wood Instrument!

However, when Yukinoshita took the Wood Instrument, all the memories of Asukai from childhood to adulthood flashed through her mind. All the laughter, tears, pain and struggles she had experienced before all came flooding back like a tide, making her feel sad involuntarily.

"Why is this happening..." Yukinoshita bit her lips tightly, tears flashing in her eyes, and tears fell uncontrollably.


Asuka Iki was born on June 24, ××.

As the third daughter in the family, she has been deeply loved by her family since she was a child. However, due to special physical reasons, she has been unable to enter the school hall like her peers since elementary school, and can only spend a long time at home.

Around the age of elementary school to junior high school, she quietly awakened a special ability - her thoughts and words in her heart would be involuntarily transmitted to the people around her. Although this ability is magical, it also brings her endless troubles. She cannot control her words and often inadvertently leaks the secrets in her heart, which makes her feel lonely and helpless in social situations.

In high school, her ability once again caused a serious incident, resulting in her expulsion from school. Faced with such a blow, her parents felt helpless and finally sent her to an orphanage. During her days in the orphanage, she felt unprecedented loneliness and despair, but she still tried to maintain hope for life.

At the age of 18, she tried to end this painful life by committing suicide, but fortunately, she did not succeed. This experience made her re-examine her life, and she decided to leave the orphanage and create her own future with her own hands. So she became a painter, using a brush to express her inner feelings and thoughts.

However, fate did not seem to let her go. In the process of her efforts to pursue her dreams, her dreams were broken into by a mysterious murderer. This murderer would kill her every night in her dreams for fun, making her experience endless fear and pain in her dreams. What's worse is that the murderer discovered the secret that her dreams can be shared with others, so he called more accomplices who wanted to kill...

These scumbags did it again and again in her dreams...

Cruelly killing...

During this period, she committed suicide three times, but failed.

When she was 21 years old, she was kidnapped by someone alone.

Until she was rescued by Kitagawa and Yukinoshita."These scum! Unforgivable!" Yukinoshita's heart was filled with infinite anger.

Yes, originally in her heart, justice should be upheld by the law, not by personal will alone.

But at this moment, Yukinoshita understood a little.

She, Yukinoshita, wanted to cut off these scum with the blade in her hand!

She stroked the exquisite sword in her hand and said gently: "Your name is Mu, call your name... Muji."

As Yukinoshita called her name, the word [Mu] appeared on the sword, a flash of light passed, and Asukai Muji turned into a human form again.

Asukai looked at herself curiously, who had turned into a human form again. She clearly remembered that she had just turned into a knife in Yukinoshita's hand.

"This is the feeling of becoming a divine weapon..." Asukai whispered softly.

"Congratulations on becoming Yukinoshita's divine weapon, Muji, you are safe now." Kitagawa's voice was also a little sad.

Because of the contract, he also knew all of Asukai's memories like Yukinoshita.

He felt sorry for Koki's rough life, and was also moved that Koki finally ushered in a new journey of destiny.

Beichuan was very proud, that's right! With his existence, she would have a bright future!

In addition, since Beichuan improved the contract, Yukinoshita's sacred artifact, Muji, would not stab her own god because of the artifact's bad intentions. (Yato suffered a lot because of Yukine.)

"Thank you so much, God." Asukai said gratefully.

"Hey!" Beichuan stuck out his tongue and responded with a naughty smile.

"Ms. Muji, you will live here in the future... I'm sorry, after you became my sacred artifact, I knew all your memories..." Yukinoshita said softly, which was not like her usual cold appearance.

"It's okay, it's my memory that disturbed Miss Yukinoshita." Asukai responded gently.

"... Just call me Yukino." Yukinoshita said this, her voice was still calm, but it revealed a hint of tenderness and intimacy.

Hmm? Surprise!

Yukinoshita actually asked others to call her Yukino.

This is unscientific.

"Okay, Miss Yukino." Asukai's eyes were smiling, and she was full of hope for the future.

"Kitagawa..." Yukinoshita was a little embarrassed and seemed to be unable to speak. But after a moment, she finally mustered up the courage, "I want to... kill them! These people, all deserve to die!"

Her eyes were full of determination and anger.

"I will kill them." Kitagawa said calmly.

However, Yukinoshita shook her head, "No, Miss Muji is my artifact, let Miss Muji and I make a break with them!" Although her voice was soft, her tone was full of unquestionable determination.

"Yukino, it's the best that you have this awareness. But the most urgent thing is your training with Kokichi. Since the progress of Zanpakuto is slow, you need to get familiar with the ability of this artifact as soon as possible and form a certain combat power in the early stage. Of course, Blade Zen and Kendo cannot be left behind."

Yukinoshita nodded.

"However, I will kill those murderers." Kitagawa added, "After all, if they are not killed early, who knows where they will continue to do evil."

Because he knew all of Asukai's memories and found the murderer's breath from his memories, Kitagawa decided to kill them.

"Okay." Yukinoshita responded.


"The fifty-eighth way of binding [Slap the toes and chase the sparrow]!"

[Slap the toes and chase the sparrow]: Sense the breath of its soul and capture its location.

"Found them." Kitagawa opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He moved and disappeared on the spot.

The sky at night was not peaceful.

Some people died of sudden heart failure while sleeping for unknown reasons...

From then on, there was one more strange story in the city.

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