"Nice to meet you. My name is Asukai Kiki, and I'm Ms. Yukino's maid..."

"Ms. Kiki, I'm troubled by what you said." Yukinoshita's tone was helpless.

"Eh!" Everyone was surprised.

Hmm? Kitagawa, why are you also surprised...

"Hey, Koyuki, what does your family do?" Yuigahama's curiosity was completely aroused.

Under Yuigahama's curiosity, Yukinoshita sighed helplessly: "My father is the president of a construction company and a county councilor."

"Wow." This is the exclamation from Kitagawa, so what are you wowed about, Kitagawa?

"I didn't expect Koyuki's family to be so powerful that they even have maids." Yuigahama looked satisfied. She had learned a lot today.

"After all, it's a famous family in Chiba." Hikigaya said silently.

Is this the corruption of capital? Damn it! I want to...

As for Zaimokuza? There is no part for him to complain about here.

After a lot of joking, everyone accepted that Asukai was Yukinoshita's maid.

As for whether they will remember it next time, I don't know.

The club activities are between 3:00 and 5:30 in the afternoon.

The second floor of the classroom building and the special building are connected by corridors, and the service department is on the fourth floor of the special building.

So after finishing the course, everyone came to the service department and started talking for only half an hour.

In other words, there are still two hours before the end of the club activities.

In short, it's still early.

Although Zaimokuza's manuscript is sufficient, if you really want to read it carefully, you can't finish it in just two hours.

But everyone in the service department decided to try to read Zaimokuza's amazing masterpiece here first.

So Yukinoshita prepared to go to the office of the special building to borrow the printer to print out a few more copies of Zaimokuza's manuscript.

And Kitagawa asked Yukinoshita not to print his copy.

He yawned and said:

"Yukino, don't print my copy. I don't want to read it anymore."

"Why? Weren't you quite interested just now?"

"But he wrote it so boringly. If I were a reader, I would have given up on the book long ago after seeing such a bad beginning, and I wouldn't care whether the plot was exciting or not."

"Ah!" Zaimokuza suddenly covered his heart.

"Besides, if a light novel of this level can be published, then I think the illustrations must be very beautiful. Readers should just think of it as toilet paper for free when they buy illustrations."

"Ah!" Zaimokuza fell to his knees.

"But if there are no illustrations, then this light novel might be too hard to use as toilet paper."

"Ugh!" Zaimokuza fell on his back with his eyes rolled back.

Hey, Kitagawa, you are too cruel, three consecutive hits.

Hikigaya thought to himself as he watched Zaimokuza's exaggerated reaction.

"Ahem, I get it." Seeing that Kitagawa's venomous tongue had hit Zaimokuza too hard, Yukinoshita coughed lightly.

"Now that Kitagawa said that, I feel like we don't need to read it." Yuigahama said.

"We still have to read it. After all, this is a commission from the Service Club, and we need to combine everyone's opinions." Yukinoshita said.

After printing it out, Yukinoshita distributed the manuscript to everyone.

Five people sat around the table, Kitagawa fiddled with his smartphone, and the other four began to read Zaimokuza's masterpiece.

Zaimokuza did not move a chair to sit around the table like everyone else.

He stood straight.

Facing the sea, spring is in full bloom.

A gust of sea breeze blew in from the window that had been opened at some point.

He crossed his hands in front of his chest, with a confident look on his face, his brown coat fluttering in the wind, looking at the scenery outside the window, muttering to himself: "You mere god, don't think of defeating me."

As time passed.

Hikigaya twisted his sore neck, uttered a sigh, and turned to look at everyone.

Eh, Yuigahama... this look...

"Huh, huh..." Yuigahama nodded drowsily like a chick, trying to open her eyes, but then she squinted again.

So cute, not good, not good! My heartbeat accelerated a little!

He immediately turned his head back and tried to focus back on the boring manuscript.

However, he couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and Yuigahama's cute sleeping face flashed in his mind.

Do you want to take another look? Just one look.

Kitagawa watched this scene.

Looking at Hikigaya's dead fish eyes that looked at Yuigahama furtively, he understood.

As a god, he decided to fulfill Hikigaya's little wish.

He took out his mobile phone and took pictures. Although it was described as such, no one noticed the whole process. (It seems that Japanese mobile phones cannot be muted when taking pictures.)

ThenHe opened his mobile phone mailbox, found Hikigaya, and clicked send.

Hikigaya, who noticed that there was a message on his mobile phone, also clicked the message.

[Kitagawa]: Hikigaya, you're welcome! [Dumpling sleeping face picture]

Hikigaya's face was slightly hot. He didn't expect Kitagawa to secretly take a picture of Yuigahama's sleeping face and send it to him. He quickly replied to the message.

[Hikigaya]: Well, secretly taking pictures is illegal. Remember not to do it next time.

[Kitagawa]: Yes, yes.

Although he said so, Hikigaya immediately liked and collected it.

Then Kitagawa found Yuigahama's mailbox again and clicked send.

[Kitagawa]: Dumpling, you look so funny when you sleep! I couldn't help but take a picture of it. You won't blame me! ✧(◍˃̶ᗜ˂̶◍)✩【Dumpling sleeping face photo】

【Kitagawa】: Also, I sent this photo to Hikigaya. I saw that he was secretly watching you. Maybe he also thought you were too cute! \( ͯω ͯ)/

Another message, Kitagawa sent an assist.

Although Yuigahama was still dozing off, as expected, she would forgive Kitagawa's sneak shots after seeing the message.

Yukinoshita frowned as she read the manuscript and took notes from time to time. She obviously didn't have much affection for Zaimokuza's work, but she still gave her own evaluation conscientiously.

Because of Yukinoshita's warning at noon, Kitagawa didn't disturb Yukinoshita who was concentrating on the commission.

As for Asukai, she looked at it for a while and didn't look at it.

She was afraid that she would fall into a drowsy state due to boredom, causing the activation of her ability to make everyone fall asleep and enter her dream.

Well, of course, this is her lie, mainly because she is too bored, and even if her ability is out of control, she still has Lord Kitagawa.

It was almost dusk, and the club activities were about to end.

"Come on, gentlemen, I am not afraid of anything."

Zaimokuza faced the crowd, opened his arms and laughed.

Just like the original work, Yukinoshita, Yuigahama and Hikigaya criticized Zaimokuza harshly.

The Zaimokuza, facing the sea, sank!

"The whole article is boring, the grammar is messed up, and the logic is shit." This is the ruthless Yukinoshita.

"There are many words I don't understand, and you know them all. It's amazing!" Yuigahama, who was still a little sleepy, encouraged.

"Tell me, which work did you copy." Hikigaya saw that Zaimokuza was hit too hard one after another, so he said gently.

"Ms. Muji, what do you think?" Yukinoshita asked.

"Eh? Should I say something too?"

"No problem, just say it and gather your opinions."

Asukagi thought for a moment and said:

"The interaction between Ms. Yukino and Mr. Kitagawa is much more interesting than this weird novel manuscript."

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