A ray of sunlight in the early morning poured into the room through the gap in the curtains.

The alarm clock has rung.

Yukinoshita slowly woke up from her deep sleep. She couldn't help but yawned, opened her eyes hazily, and then rubbed her eyes gently with her hands, trying to wake herself up.

Last night, when she witnessed this strange and bizarre world, she tossed and turned, thinking about a lot, and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

She got up, washed and changed clothes, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and lunch.

"Gods don't need to eat, right?"

Yukinoshita pondered in her heart, but finally decided to prepare Kitagawa's breakfast as well.


A burst of smacking sounds came.

"Well, I didn't expect that Yukino is not only cute, but also has perfect cooking skills. It's great!" Kitagawa praised vaguely while eating breakfast.

"Thank you for the compliment, but please swallow the food in your mouth before you speak." Yukinoshita said calmly,

"Also, I will go to school after dinner and will not be home until the afternoon. Please stay at home quietly, but it is not realistic to restrict you here. If you want to go out, please don't cause trouble."

"Don't worry, what about my lunch?"

"Gods don't need to eat to survive, right?"

"But I am also a human being."

Yukinoshita glanced at him coldly A glance, said lightly: "You won't starve to death if you skip a meal."

"Hey~ Yukino is too much!" Beichuan lowered his head and looked at his stomach, and said sadly: "I'm sorry, stomach, you have suffered with me..."

Looking at his appearance, Yukinoshita couldn't help but sigh helplessly: "He is obviously a god, but he doesn't have the demeanor of a god at all. Forget it, I will save enough money for meals, you can go out to solve it yourself at noon."

"Oh, Yukino is so nice." Beichuan's eyes lit up immediately, and he raised his head.

"Let me ask you for the time being, you know that you need to pay for things when you go out to buy things, right?"

"Yukino, I think you think I'm a caveman. I still know such simple social common sense. Before I came to this world, I also lived in human society."

"That's good, I'm going to school, remember not to show your extraordinary power when you go out. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if you are seen by the organization." Yukinoshita still reminded worriedly.

"Yes, yes." Beichuan nodded and deliberately dragged out his tone to answer, indicating that he knew.

"Don't worry, Yukino, the characteristics of the gods make me between existence and non-existence. Even if they have seen my abnormality, it will not stay in their impression, and even ordinary technology cannot detect it.

Even if passers-by have an impression of me after seeing me, they will forget it. Unless they have a deeper intersection with me, they will have an impression."

"Is that so."


"This is life. What a hard life I lived with Tongzi before, fighting and killing all day long, working hard."

Beichuan sighed contentedly while drinking the fat house happy water. At this time, he had already casually sent away lunch, and then lay comfortably on the sofa in the living room, watching TV programs leisurely.

Yes, he has been lying lazily like this for a whole morning!

"Oh, Kitagawa, Kitagawa, you can't be so decadent. This world still needs to be explored carefully. How can you be greedy for pleasure!"

(Next, please welcome our national idol, Miss Sakurajima Mai, with warm applause!!) An excited voice came from the TV.

"Wow!" Kitagawa was attracted by the variety show on the TV screen and couldn't bear to blink.

"Well, watch it for a while..."

"It's a pity. I didn't expect Mai to retire three years ago." After an unknown amount of time, Kitagawa finally came to his senses, with a face full of regret.


I don't know how long it will take.

"Let's go out for some exercise after dinner. By the way, which school is Yukino in? I'll go check it out. I forgot to ask her, but it's not a problem for me."

Beichuan jumped up from the sofa lightly, touched the ground with his toes, and stood steadily. His index finger drew a circle in the air, and chanted: "The heart of the south, the pupil of the north, the fingertips of the west, the toes of the east, gather with the wind, and disperse with the rain."

(Note: Invincible text, the protagonist can completely abandon the chanting, but it is still written for the sake of pretending and the number of words.)

The palms closed, and suddenly a bright light appeared.

"The fifty-eighth way of binding [slap toes and chase sparrows]!"

[slap toes and chase sparrows]: sense the breath of its soul and capture its location.


This is an ordinary room that can't be more ordinaryClassroom.

Desks and chairs are stacked in a corner at the back of the classroom, which looks like it is used as a warehouse.

At this moment, the windows of the classroom are open, and a gentle breeze slowly blows into the room, gently blowing the curtains, swaying like a smart dancer.

And in this quietness, a girl sits quietly in the middle of the classroom.

The girl bathes in the afterglow of the sunset, concentrating on reading the book in her hand. Her black and shiny hair falls on her shoulders like a waterfall, and her hair flutters freely with the breeze.

Dong, Dong, Dong! A slight sound came, this is not a knock on the door, it is...

The girl seemed to feel something, she raised her head and looked at the window.

"Hey, Xueno, long time no see~" I saw a head sticking out of the window, it turned out to be Beichuan. He had a bright smile on his face, and a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Mr. Kitagawa, let's not talk about how you found this place. Can't you just come in through the main entrance? This is the 4th floor." Yukinoshita closed the book helplessly and sighed softly.

"Come in quickly, don't let others notice you."

"I know."

Kitagawa responded, and then with a chic flip, he swiftly flipped into the classroom through the window. After landing, he pulled a chair and sat down.

"Yukino, I'm a god, it's easy to find someone." Kitagawa responded to Yukinoshita's doubts, "and entering through the window is a necessary skill for gods."

"Thieves will do this. What's the matter with you coming to school to find me?"

"Can't you come to school to find Yukino if you have nothing to do?" Kitagawa blinked in confusion and asked back.

"No, after all, this is a school. If there is nothing important, your sudden appearance will make me very troubled." Yukinoshita shook her head firmly to refuse.

"Oh~ then let me put it another way! As a great god, I came to the school without hesitation, with the purpose of eradicating those evil monsters that harm people and upholding justice. Of course, meeting Yukino by chance is also one of my tasks."

"... Then, is there a monster in this room?" A little panic flashed in Yukinoshita's eyes, and she began to look around nervously, as if there was really some terrible monster hidden around.

Obviously, the strange light and bizarreness she saw last night was still vivid, constantly appearing in her mind.

"Well..." Kitagawa frowned, pretending to stare at Yukinoshita in a deep manner, dragging out the tone to create enough suspense. Under Yukinoshita's nervous gaze, he slowly said: "Of course - there is none!"

"Not even one?"

"Yes, it's under the chair you're sitting on. It's small and looks quite cute. This little monster is still muttering: Yukino... Yukino..." At the end, Kitagawa even imitated the monster's unique tone.


Yukinoshita's fur stood up like a frightened kitten, and she jumped up from her seat with a squeak and quickly came to Kitagawa's side.

"Hehe~ I was kidding you! Little Yukino is really afraid of monsters!" Kitagawa smiled mischievously, showing a look of successful prank.

"Don't be so scary, you stupid god." Yukinoshita was stunned at first, and then glared at Kitagawa fiercely.

"Don't worry, Yukino, there are no demons gathering near you. After all, demons like to attach themselves to humans with negative emotions. Besides, I am the god who slays demons and exorcises them."

"That's good." Yukinoshita slowly breathed a sigh of relief. She squatted down and stared closely at the chair she had just sat on, as if she wanted to confirm whether there was really a demon there. After a while, she carefully sat back on the chair.

"By the way, Yukino, why are you sitting in this abandoned classroom? Aren't you going to class?"

"It's club activity time now, and this is where my club activities are."

"Club activities? Are you the only one in this club? Yukino, you're holding a book in your hand, is this the literature club?"

"Mr. Kitagawa, why do you have so many questions? This is the service department."

"Service department? Service, for a beautiful girl, is not a good word. Is this a department dedicated to serving this god?

Oh wow, Yukino believer, you have a heart. I see everything you do for me."

Kitagawa's eyes gradually lit up.

"Mr. Kitagawa, you are hopeless, narcissistic and stupid." Yukinoshita stood up and looked down at Kitagawa with a look of disgust,

Then he announced loudly:

"Rich people give their surplus to those in need with compassion, and people call them volunteers.Extending a helping hand to those in trouble, this is the activity of this club, this is the service club. "

"Yeah, yeah. As expected of the believer I favored, even the teachings of the service club he founded are so cultured." Kitagawa nodded repeatedly.

Just as Yukinoshita was about to say something, the door of the club activity classroom was suddenly opened.

"Hey, Yukinoshita."

A relatively older-looking woman with long black hair and a white coat walked in vigorously.

And another boy followed her and walked in step by step.

He had a head of aloof hair and a slightly hunched back. When he came in, his dead fish eyes began to scan.

When he scanned Kitagawa, he paused. He was sure that Kitagawa was definitely not a student of this school.

Because, Kitagawa was not wearing a student uniform.

Hey, where did this cold joke come from.

And Kitagawa At this time, Kawa was also looking at the dead fish-eyed man with great interest.

He is really extremely sharp.

If Kitagawa does not take the initiative, ordinary people will not notice Kitagawa's existence.

Even if they observe Kitagawa, they will involuntarily ignore him in their hearts.

And Hikigaya Hachiman saw Kitagawa when he entered the door.

Seeing that Kitagawa was also looking at him, Hikigaya nodded slightly to Kitagawa awkwardly and looked away.

"Teacher Hiratsuka, I should have told you that you should knock on the door before coming in."

"Even if I knocked on the door, you never answered." Hiratsuka Shizuka walked to the center of the classroom with her hands in her pockets, and then raised her hand to respond.

"Because you came in without waiting for me to answer."

After listening to the teacher's reasons, Yukinoshita cast a dissatisfied look.

"Also, who is following you? "

Yukinoshita looked at Hikigaya Hachiman coldly.

"He is Hikigaya Hachiman from Class 2F. I brought him here in the hope that he can join this club.

As you can see, he is just like his dead fish eyes, and his whole person is rotten.

This rotten character has caused him to be very lonely until now, and it is really pitiful to be alone.

I would like to ask you to correct his twisted and awkward lonely character. This is my commission. "

Hey, where did this dictator come from?

Hikigaya shouted in his heart. He was about to resist, but was blocked by the terrifying eyes of Hiratsuka Shizuka.

"Resistance is useless! Yukinoshita, that's it."

"If that's all, then you can just give him a beating." Yukinoshita suggested.

What a terrible woman... (Hikigaya)

"Yes, if the child is disobedient and doesn't learn well, just beat him up. "Kitagawa followed closely and agreed.

Comrade, you and I have never met before, why are you so cruel to me. (Hikigaya)

"I thought so too, but the management has been strict recently and it is not allowed to do so."

So your psychological violence is not a big deal, teacher? (Hikigaya)

Every time they said something, Hikigaya complained in her heart.

Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded in agreement, but then looked surprised.

It was then that she realized that there was another Kitagawa in the service club.

A boy who looked young, about the same age as Yukinoshita and the others.

He looked as cute as Totsuka Ayaka from Class 2F of Hikigaya, who she led, but he didn't look very weak.

"No, who are you? When did you appear here?"

"Hey, me." Kitagawa pointed at himself in confusion.

"If not you, who else?"

Yukinoshita opened her mouth, wanting to answer for Kitagawa, but couldn't say anything.

"Cough, cough. "Kitagawa cleared his throat, "Nice to meet you. I'm Kitagawa, a god. I've been living in another world, but the pressure of survival was too great, so I had to retreat strategically and now I'm settling here."

Ah, god? It seems that this kid is still in the middle school period.

I used to be like this, too. I wrote a diary of the gods and reports to the government.

Of course, this is a dark history buried in the past.

However, according to him, it should be that the pressure of studying abroad is too great, so he ran to China.

Hikigaya kept complaining in his heart.

"Hiss, so scary! You are in the late stage of middle school, right? So, you are studying abroad, and the competition pressure is too great, so you came back to China for inspection, right?" Teacher Hiratsuka pondered for a moment, then took a breath.

Hmm? I didn't expect Teacher Hiratsuka to guess it.

It seems that I and Hikigaya have the same middle school history.

This is youth.

"Hmm, hmm! "Kitagawa nodded repeatedly.

"You probably studied in the flower-growing family before, I heard the study pressure there is really high." Hiratsuka Shizuka thought, "But this Sobu High School is also a key school in Chiba City, welcome to study with us.Come here to study and apply for admission."

"I'll consider it. Also, I was here all the time, but you didn't notice it. The student behind you greeted me when he just came in."

"Ahaha, it seems that I was careless and didn't notice it." Hiratsuka Shizuka raised her head and laughed awkwardly.

Then she turned to look at Yukinoshita: "How is it? Yukinoshita."

"Okay, since this is the teacher's commission, I can't refuse it, I accept it."

"Really? Then I'll leave it to you. And Kitagawa, since he came to you first, please help him cure his second-year disease, otherwise he won't be able to make friends after entering school." Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled slightly, and then turned around and left handsomely.

With the departure of Hiratsuka Shizuka, there were only three people left in the service club.

"Move a chair and sit down for a while." Yukinoshita sat on the chair and opened the paperback.

"Ah, okay. "Hikigaya's heart was in turmoil, and he hurriedly picked a chair and sat down.

"That..." Hikigaya was silent for a while.

"What's the matter?" Yukinoshita frowned.

"I was wondering... what kind of club is this? I was brought here by the teacher for an inexplicable reason, but I don't know what to do here."

"This is the Service Club..." Yukinoshita explained the activities and meaning of the Service Club again.

"You just need to stay until the club activities are over. Of course, you can leave early if you have something to do." Yukinoshita added.


"In addition, thank me well. Since I have accepted the commission, I will do my duty and correct your dead fish eyes." Yukinoshita folded her hands and looked down at Hikigaya with pity.

"This stinky woman." Hikigaya clenched his fists tightly, and just as he was about to stand up from the chair to refute, he was suddenly interrupted by Kitagawa's words.

"Yukino, you are so poisonous. "

What...what? Yukino? Could this kid be Yukinoshita's boyfriend?

No, no, no, as a lofty person, I can't just make assumptions and comments about others based on my inherent ideas.

Hikigaya warned himself secretly.

"This is just a way for me to correct his problem. If he can communicate with me normally, then it shouldn't be a problem for him to communicate with most people in the future." Yukinoshita's tone was still cold.

"Oh, I see, as a god, it is necessary to help his believers solve their problems, so let me lend a hand to Yukino."

Correct...correct? What a high-sounding reason! This hateful woman...

Alas, it seems that my youth is destined to be so terrible...

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