Early morning on the weekend.

In Yukinoshita's room.

A beam of warm sunlight, through the gap of the curtains, sprinkled into the room.

A faint fragrance filled the room.

Kitagawa the cat sat elegantly on the soft quilt beside the bed. Just now, it took a lot of effort to break free from Yukinoshita's arms.

As for why Kitagawa turned into a cat and appeared in Yukinoshita's quilt.

This has to mention the last time, in order to comfort Yukinoshita's depressed mood, Kitagawa took the initiative to turn into a cat and stayed in Yukinoshita's room for a night.

That night, Yukinoshita hugged the soft cat pillow tightly and fell asleep peacefully.

She felt unprecedented peace of mind and warmth.

After waking up, she was still immersed in the comfort and stability brought by the cat.

However, the reason why Kitagawa chose to turn into a cat was actually because Yukinoshita was not obliged to provide shelter and food.

So Kitagawa promised that turning into a cat every night was his reward for living in Yukinoshita's home and providing food.

Of course, these are no longer important to Yukinoshita. Even if Kitagawa doesn't pay her, she is still willing to keep this stupid god.

Because of her crazy petting of cats, Kitagawa has some resistance to becoming a cat every night. In order to calm Kitagawa down, she also agreed that Kitagawa doesn't have to become a cat every day.

So, the biggest problem now is how to coax Kitagawa to bed... No, let him become a cat and sleep with her...

This is what Yukinoshita is thinking at the moment.

She has no reason...

Soon, the opportunity came.


"Yukino, I want to buy this!"

"Mr. Kitagawa, I have no obligation..."

"Yukino, Yukino... Yukino~" Kitagawa was persistent and began to chatter in Yukinoshita's ear.

"Okay! Stop talking, Mr. Kitagawa, I won't buy it for you unless..." Yukinoshita finally couldn't help interrupting him.

"Unless what?" Kitagawa widened his eyes.

Yukinoshita pretended to think, and then slowly said: "Sleep with me tonight."

"Huh? I didn't expect that Yukino's head was filled with yellow garbage all day long."

Yukinoshita immediately gave a light knife.

"It hurts!"

"Idiot! I said I would turn into a cat."

"You didn't make it clear..." Beichuan felt wronged. He rubbed his head and muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"Are you willing..." Yukinoshita was still a little nervous. She didn't know whether Beichuan would agree.

However, if you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding return.

This is the only way Yukinoshita has come up with so far.

"But..." Beichuan hesitated, as if thinking about something.

"But what?" Yukinoshita asked immediately.

"But you will hug me tightly when you sleep, and I can't stretch my body, so I can't sleep well." Beichuan expressed his concerns.

"Not this time..." Yukinoshita said softly, with tenderness in her eyes.

"Really?" Beichuan's eyes lit up immediately.

"I promise..." Yukinoshita nodded.

She decided to boil Beichuan in warm water. This time, she would bear the pain and let Beichuan go. She would not hug the Beichuan brand cat pillow.

Then next time, next time, next time, step by step...

"Okay then."

Nice! Yukinoshita had no expression, but she was secretly happy in her heart and silently made a "yeah" gesture.

Stupid Beichuan, the more requests like this, the better.

That way, I have a reason...


Time goes back to the present.

The cat's tail gently brushed across Yukinoshita's cheek, bringing a slight itch.

The touch of the plush made Yukinoshita frown slightly, and she felt a strange touch in the haze.

She slowly opened her sleepy eyes, and what came into view was the snow-white plush tail.

The tail kept shaking in front of her.

Yukinoshita looked at the cat Beichuan in front of her, with tenderness and pampering in her eyes.

The cat was also looking at her with its azure eyes.

She reached out and grabbed the messy furry tail.

"Good morning, Mr. Kitagawa."

"Humph!" The cat turned its head away deliberately, "Yukino, you promised not to hold me when you sleep."

Then the cat meowed a few times in dissatisfaction.

Yukinoshita couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this. She sat up and held the cat on her thighs.

She gently stroked the cat's fur and said softly, "I'm sorry, God... I'll pay attention next time."

"No next time!" The cat grumbled in dissatisfaction. It didn't resist. It lay quietly on Yukinoshita's white thighs, allowing Yukinoshita to stroke it.Touch.

As Yukinoshita kept petting the cat, her technique became more and more skillful.

Her slender white fingers shuttled through its soft fur, as if playing a beautiful piece of music.

Kitagawa the cat narrowed his eyes slightly and purred softly as if enjoying it.

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