In the virtual space.

"Yukino, I did a good job!" Kitagawa was very proud.

Yukinoshita stared at Kitagawa, who looked exactly like her.

Then she focused her eyes on the fullness of Kitagawa's chest, which was obviously much fuller than hers.

Very good, there was a feeling of being offended.

Especially when Kitagawa deliberately raised his chest, Yukinoshita couldn't help it.

She stepped forward, grabbed Kitagawa's cheeks with both hands, and rubbed them back and forth vigorously, so hard that Kitagawa's face was even deformed.

At this moment, Yukinoshita's face was full of shame and anger, and her voice was trembling:

"Change back quickly! Immediately! Right now!"

Kitagawa made an unclear sound: "Um... Um! I can't change back! Yukino, this is your face!"



[Starting Town]

The central square, this is the starting place for every player to arrive after entering the game.

Swish! Swish!

Two blue lights flashed by.

Kitagawa and Yukinoshita stood quietly at the birth point, looking at the surrounding environment with curiosity.

The scenery here is very different from the high-tech city, it presents a unique medieval style.

The ground of the central square is paved with ancient and age-old stone slabs, surrounded by lush trees. The buildings show a typical medieval style, with towering spires, thick walls and exquisite carvings.

Yukinoshita stared at everything around her and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this really just a game world?"

She stamped her feet lightly, feeling the hard ground under her feet, and then raised her hand to pull her cheek.

The touch was very soft.

Yukinoshita couldn't help but nodded.

"This real touch... is incredible!" Yukinoshita was immersed in this novel experience, and she became more and more curious about this game world.

"It's not Yukino, don't you have your own face? You have to pull my face." Kitagawa covered his cheek and complained softly.

"That's my face." Yukinoshita gave Kitagawa a light look, with a bit of anger in her eyes.

This guy had to pinch it like this.

"Nonsense, that's clearly my face!" Kitagawa argued.

Yukinoshita sighed, she felt very helpless, even speechless.

At this time, an NPC in a maid outfit came over gracefully. She bowed slightly, and her voice was sweet and respectful: "Two swordsmen, welcome to this world. May I ask if you need me to guide you..."

After the patient guidance of the maid NPC, they have already had a preliminary understanding of the basic operations of this game.

The commercial street is bustling with people.

The medieval buildings made of ancient and simple stones stand on both sides of the road, exuding a strong historical atmosphere.

Players shuttled through it, shopping or chatting, full of human touch and exotic customs.

"Hey, colorful pineapples?"

Kitagawa and Yukinoshita slowly stopped and stood in front of a fruit stall.

Yukinoshita was also curious. She stretched out her finger, pointed to the colorful pineapples on the stall, and asked: "Boss, how much is the pineapple?"

"5 Cole each." The stall owner NPC immediately replied with a smile.

Cole is the universal currency in this game.

When each player enters the game, the system will give 1,000 Cole as initial funds, and will also equip a novice sword for use.

"Then give me two."

"Okay!" After receiving the currency for the transaction, the fruit stall owner NPC showed a satisfied smile on his face, and quickly handed two pineapples of different colors to Yukinoshita.


"Hiss, it tastes so strange..."


In this way, Yukinoshita took Kitagawa's hand and strolled leisurely, enjoying the good times in this different world.

However, these two beautiful sisters with exactly the same faces still seemed a little eye-catching, attracting the attention of many people.

The players couldn't help but look at them sideways.

After seeing them, some players felt an impulse in their hearts and wanted to come over to team up with them.

After all, with such female players accompanying them, the game journey will definitely be more interesting.

So, they all walked towards Kitagawa and Yukinoshita, trying to invite them to join their team.

Facing these lewd players, Yukinoshita was thinking of sternly rejecting them, but Kitagawa gently stopped her.

"Yukino, watch my show."

Kitagawa acted very calmly, with a faint smile on her lips, and politely declined every invitation.

ShePolitely said that he just wanted to hang out with his sister and didn't want to join the team.

Although these players felt a little disappointed, they were too embarrassed to continue pestering and could only leave with full of regret and disappointment.

"How is it, Yukino~ What do you think of my performance just now?"

Kitagawa was still in the immersive performance, and he deliberately straightened his chest.


A ruthless blow from Yukinoshita's head, Kitagawa directly revealed his true form.

"You'll have something to see tonight."

Said Yukinoshita.

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