"So, become my god of death agent, Yukino."

"Death agent?" The three asked at the same time.

"Yes, I am the god of death!"

"Death? Wait, Kitagawa, what is your relationship with Izanami, the goddess of creation in Huangquan?" Xiaofu's expression began to become serious.

"Izanami? I don't know her, how can I be related to her? I am a wandering nameless god!" Kitagawa was very proud.

"As a nameless god, how can you be so proud, Mr. Kitagawa?" Daikoku was responsible for the role of complaining.

"Eh? That's really strange. After all, Izanami is in charge of the underworld, that is, the ruler of the world of death. How could she allow another god related to divinity to appear?"

"Although in terms of power and status, I should be considered her subordinate. After all, my duty as the god of death is to maintain the balance between this shore and the other shore (the present world and the underworld).

But from another level, I am equal to the goddess of the underworld, and she can't control me." Kitagawa gave an explanation.

"So, what do you mean by the agent of the god of death?" Yukinoshita said softly.

"Literally, become my agent. Yukino, you can also understand it as becoming a follower of the gods. I will infuse my spiritual power of the god of death into you, as the seed of power, and take root, sprout, bloom and bear fruit in your body."

"It's really unheard of that ordinary people can inherit the power of gods. Lord Kitagawa, who are you..." Daikoku said with a solemn face and doubt.

"Dahei, it doesn't matter who Xiao Beichuan is. What matters is that he is our friend, isn't he?" Xiaofu still smiled.

"Yes, my goddess."

"Xiaofu-chan is right. If you ask me who I am, I am just a masked death god passing by."

After saying that, Beichuan's momentum began to surge, and he quietly appeared in a death suit.

He drew out the Zanpakuto from his waist and pointed it at Yukinoshita.

"Yukino, it is indeed very dangerous to stay with gods like us for a long time. Your spiritual perception will be infinitely elevated. From then on, you will see the existence of these monsters even if you don't leave your body.

Although I am here, no one can predict the future. I can't always protect you, so you need to obtain the power to protect yourself.

And becoming my agent is the way to power.

If you become my agent of the god of death, you will be completely bound by me, and you will become my only dependent.

So, Yukino, you have to think clearly. Maybe returning to your ordinary daily life is also a good choice."

"You don't need to say that, Mr. Kitagawa, just tell me how to become a god of death agent." Yukinoshita said coldly, her pupils full of determination.

"Since you have made this choice, I won't say much nonsense."

Kitagawa held the Zanpakutō in front of his chest and infused the surging spiritual power in his body into the Zanpakutō. In an instant, a substantial airflow surrounded it.

With a swish, the Zanpakutō fiercely pierced Yukinoshita's chest.

Damn it! Kitagawa actually dared to stab his Zanpakutō at his wife Yukino! Unforgivable.

"What is this!" Xiaofu and Daikoku were shocked.

A white light flashed, and Yukinoshita slowly walked out of the white light.

It was Yukinoshita wearing the same Shinigami outfit as Kitagawa, the only difference between him and him was that he lacked the white haori.

At the same time, Yukinoshita's waist was also equipped with a [Shallow Fighter] exclusive to the God of Death.

Unlock, the God of Death Agent. Yukinoshita skin.

"This is... the same outfit as the godly posture of Lord Kitagawa."

"I didn't expect that Yukino-kun would be so handsome after becoming the God of Death Agent."

"Hehe, handsome little Yukino."

"I feel a force in my body..." Yukinoshita sensed the changes in herself.

"This is the spiritual power of the god of death. In this world, it is equivalent to divine power. I will teach you how to use this power after you get used to it."

Before Yukinoshita could reply, Kofuku on the side excitedly shouted: "There is a little Yukino lying on the ground! Two little Yukinos, hehe~ The sleeping Yukinoshita is so cute~"

Kofuku came to the sleeping Yukinoshita with great interest, looking at Yukinoshita lying on the wooden floor.

She squatted down and poked Yukinoshita's white cheek with her hand, then looked at Yukinoshita, who was still sleeping with a peaceful face, and then looked at Yukinoshita wearing a death suit on the side, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really interesting~"

"So, Mr. Kitagawa, what's going on?"

"Yukino is really stupid, I've said it before. Because you are a human, you are the agent of the god of death only when your soul leaves your body, and your body will still fall into sleep."

"But...Whether you are a human or a god, why can you only have one body, Kitagawa?"

"I'm different." Kitagawa raised his head and said proudly.

"Hey! Yukino's body is so soft!" During the conversation, Kofuku was touching the sleeping Yukinoshita.

"Miss Kofuku, please don't do anything weird to my body." Yukinoshita was a little helpless. Why were the gods she came into contact with so familiar? She was the most uncomfortable with this.


"Here, Yukino, this is for you." Kitagawa took out a five-sided wooden plaque from his pocket, with Kitagawa's head engraved on it, and there was a small skull next to Kitagawa.

"This is..." The moment Yukinoshita reached out to take it, the wooden plaque instantly turned into light and poured into her body.

"This is the [Death God Proxy Certificate], which is already bound to your soul. From now on, you can hold the agent certificate and leave your soul to enter the state of death. In addition, it can protect the body that falls into sleep due to entering the state of death. The most important thing is that this agent certificate also comes with the function of talking to me! "

"Is that so... Why, the most important thing is the calling function..."

"That's because..." Beichuan said seriously, "I don't have a smartphone!"

"Really!" Yukinoshita was helpless.

(Thanks to Brother Diandao for the gift. Return to the Service Club in the next chapter.)

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