Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 110 - 110. A New Life

And thus began Leo and Shinobu's life in this new world.

Being thrown into a new world their priority was to get money for basic needs, like food and shelter.

Luckily the medical treatment provided by Shinobu and the bounty Leo got for capturing the pirates solved that.

Leo was surprised that he caught the captain of those pirates right away. Though they were unfortunate to be suddenly thrown to a new world some things did turn in their favour.

After food and living were taken care of what followed next was information.

Several days of talk with the townspeople gave them a rough understanding of this world.

And Shinobu was able to find a bookstore. From there they got hold of maps, history and information about the political structure of this world.

Something interesting worthy of note was that the language they used here was completely different from their world. However Leo and Shinobu were able to understand other people and they could read this unknown language.

They were stunned when they noticed this. Leo was doubtful whether this was because of his medallion or because of something else.

First of all, this world didn't have any continents like theirs.

This world had no major land areas, only Islands scattered all over the world.

And this massive water body was divided into four major seas, East blue, West blue, North blue and South blue.

What divided this world into four seas was the Grand line and the Red line.

On a map each seas occupied one corner with a cross at it's center. The vertical line was called Red line and the horizontal one was called Grand line.

The Grand line has small area called calm sea on both sides. This area effectively prevents travel between each seas directly.

The only way to travel between each sea is through the Red line.

A gathering point existed were the Grand line and the Red line met. This gathering can take a person to any of the four seas and to the Grand line.

A fun fact about the grand line is that only one person ever managed to conquer it.

He was a pirate and was crowned the King Of Pirates.

Talking about pirates Leo was astonished when he saw that term.

Pirates also existed in his world as well. And he was quite amused when he saw how close both of their descriptions were, evil, vile and greedy.

Luckily there were powers out there reigning in these pirates.

The power structure of this world was divided among three, World government, Revolutionaries and Pirates.

The navy Leo saw was a proxy of the World Government. They maintained the law and order in the seas.

With most of their questions answered Leo and Shinobu's next step was to find a way to get back home.

However Leo had no idea how to go about this, so their only option was to live in this world until they find a way to do so.

Since Shinobu had shown medical skills that way far beyond the doctors on this island, she was welcomed with both arms when she applied for a job at the town hospital.

However he was not an average man. He was able to do the job of ten men so his pay was considerably higher than the rest.

Strolling down the market Leo checked several stores trying to pick out ingredients for their dinner.

"This is premium prawns, young man! Look at it's plump body, come on you would be making a killing by buying this."

Leo who was subjected to a round of promotion, he smiled, "Don't you get tired saying this over and over again?"

The man promoting to Leo shrugged, "Hey, I sell fish. If I don't call out who's gonna know I have the best fish around here."

Hearing him speak someone selling next to him chortled, "The best fish? Get the hell out, all of us here sell the best fish!"


A round of laughter erupted from the other vendors.

Leo smiled and shook his head. However he still bought some from the man.

Several months living in this world he had already gotten used to this life.

Turning a corner he came across a small house with flowers with different coloured planted in it's small front yard.

Leo opened the door and entered.

Shinobu wearing an apron stood by the kitchen. She was checking the fridge. Hearing the door she looked up and saw Leo.

"Your early."

Leo said.

Shinobu quickly went upto him. She gave him a kiss and took what was in his hands.

"I finished up my rounds early. So I decided to get back and make something but when I checked we were out of stuff to cook."

Leo smiled.

Not long after a table full of dishes appeared before Leo.

Both of them sat down and started to eat.

Shinobu suddenly said, "A lady came to visit me today."

Leo raised his head, "Was it from the navy?"

Shinobu nodded.

Leo thought for a moment and asked, "What did you guys speak?"

"She said that my medical skill were excellent and she wanted me to join the navy."

Leo didn't immediately respond. He thought for a moment and said, "What do you think?"

Shinobu said, "It doesn't matter to me. I am doctor, whether I am here or in the navy I will be doing the same stuff."

Leo chuckled, "That's so like you."

Shinobu giggled and said while grinning, "What about you? I heard Dane has been pestering you about joining the navy as well."

Leo shrugged, "I find no reason to join so I rejected him."

Shinobu teased him, "See, aren't we both the same."

They stared at each other for a second and burst out laughing.

To them it doesn't matter whether they lived here and worked or lived somewhere and worked.

It all depended on their mood. If they thought it was good working for the navy then they would join them, if not they wouldn't.

It was as simple as that.

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