Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 116 - 116. To Navy Headquarters

Steve and the other soldiers were stunned.

They were having a fierce battle against Jack and his crew when their Captain arrived. A minute later, he singlehandedly took down Jack's men.

As for Jack he was laying on the ground like a dead fish. His expression showed how shocked he was.

Shinobu bent down and said, "I am not weak girl, you know."

Leo walked to her. He stared at Jack and asked, "What did you do?"

Shinobu replied, "Poison."

Leo rubbed his chin, "But his vitals look alright."

"That's because I used a non lethal poison. This one numbed every muscle in his body."

Leo was taken back, "If I remember correctly, you didn't have this kind of poison before."

Shinobu giggled, "I was bored so I tried making something new and this came up."

Leo smiled and shook his head. He turned to Steve and said, "Round them up."

His crew woke up from their trance and immediately got to work. They were excited.

They caught a high bounty pirate!

Their ship set sail to the base with success.

Redline Naval Base.

Dylan was stunned when he heard about Leo's successful mission. He didn't expect him to be this efficient and strong.

I guess I owe Dane a favour for giving me such a great subordinate.

He laughed heartily and leaned on his chair comfortably.


Three months passed.

Leo ran around everywhere trying to catch as many pirates as he can. However those scoundrels either ran or hid the moment they knew he was near them.

Luckily the navy had intelligence personals stationed in almost every island.

In three months Leo captured nine 10 million bounty and one 20 million bounty.

Today he was handing in his last bounty. He acquired the needed bounty to be promoted to an official Captain.

With that title he can arrange a ride to Navy Headquarters.

If such a backwater place had such wonderful sceneries that captivated them, what would the Grandline be like?

Dylan had a forlorn expression on his face, "Must you go? I can even give you my seat if you want."

Leo smiled wryly, "Sir, please."

Dylan sighed, "Fine."

He stamped his seal on a piece of paper and made Leo's Captain position official.

He handed it to Leo and said, "I always knew this sea won't be able to hold you."

Leo rolled his eyes, "Then why were you trying to make me change my mind every day for the past few months?"

Dylan shrugged, "Who wouldn't want such an efficient subordinate."

Leo smiled with disdain and asked, "When can I head over?"

Dylan checked a doc.u.ment and said, "In two days. That's the latest I can do."

Leo nodded, "Thanks."

Dylan waved his hand, "It's fine. Take the next two days off and relax. You have already done extremely well."


Time ticked away very quickly.

Leo and Shinobu didn't have much baggage. A ship was waiting for them on the dock.

Dylan, Steve and several officers came to see them off.

Patting Leo's shoulder he said, "Good luck."

Leo nodded. He said good-bye to the rest and boarded the ship. The sails were set and soon the ship started to move.

Very soon the base become a shadow in the distance.

"Leo, you gotta see this!"

Shinobu dragged Leo out to the deck and excitedly pointed her finger to the distance.

Leo followed her and saw a huge wall of red pointing to the sky. It was so high that one couldn't see it's end.

He was stunned and stood there rooted. Even for a man from a technologically developed planet this was a sight to behold.

"Look at that! That's the redline, how huge is it? I can't even see it's peak!"

Shinobu was excited. She was like a little girl as she chirped nonstop. Leo simply smiled and stood with her.

Soon their ship got near the massive red wall. The men on deck ran around and secured the sails.

Suddenly two metal wheels popped out of the ship's body on both sides. Both of them rotated and dragged the ship through the strong currents.

As they got closer Leo saw an astonishing sight.

Their was a gap in-between the huge red wall, however water wasn't falling down, it was climbing up!

The ship picked up pace and rocked for a moment when it got close to the climbing water.

So that's is why it's called reverse mountain.

Leo thought to himself.

The ship joined the climbing water and started to accelerate. However the paddle on both side slowly rotated in the opposite side. It was slow but the momentum was quite powerful.

Soon the ship became stable. The men stood ready for any unusual movements.

The ship climbed higher and higher till Leo saw a peak. The water abruptly dropped down.

If not for the ship keeping a steady pace they would have definitely flown high into the air considering how fast the water was climbing.

The paddles on either side changed their direction and slowed down their descend.

It's quite dangerous. If those huge paddles didn't keep the ship steady we would already be drowning.

The ship traveled for a while before entering a strong current. The sails were hoisted high and the ship started to pick up speed.

A day later both of them saw several battlesh.i.p.s join them.

And in the distance was a huge fort. Leo drew in a breath when he saw how large it was. Though he has seen large buildings in his past life, they were all through the internet.

This was his first time seeing such a huge building spanning several miles.

The Captain came above the deck and smiled.

"A sight to see, ain't it?"

Leo nodded solemnly.

They finally reached their destination.

The Navy Headquarters!

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