Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 13 - 13. Return

Seven days later...

"You sure are something Leo, to kill that many demons just like that."

"Ha ha, it's actually nothing, really. If you had went through what I had then you would be just as strong."

"Maybe. But I won't lose to you, next time let's have a spar and see who is better."


Two boys were walking leisurely within the dense forest of Mt. Fujikasane. They were Leo and Sabito. After that incident both of them teamed up and went through the demon blockade like a storm.

Unlike Leo who has reached a cap in his strength Sabito was still growing. Each day his combat experience as well as his Breathing Technique improved by leaps and bounds.

"There it is."

Leo pointed his finger forward. They have finally returned to the orientation grounds from where they left off. Just as they stepped out faint noises reached their ears.

Both of them looked in that direction and found several people trying to get a boy under control. Sabito recognised who it was and ran towards him in confusion.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!?"

A boy among the crowd tried to explain.

"This guy just woke up and asked about somebody named Sabito. Since we couldn't find him we told him he hasn't arrived yet and then he went berserk."

Sabito understood the gist of the situation and smiled wryly. He pushed away the crowd of boys and saw Giyu who had swollen red eyes and mucus dripping from his nose struggling to get out. The boys trying to get him under control was disgusted by his appearance and had to be careful to not be covered in his tears and mucus.

"Giyu! The hell is wrong with you, huh? I ain't dead!"

Hearing that familiar sound Giyu broke out of his histeria and looked up. Seeing Sabito standing there with a vein popped on his forehead Giyu was relieved. The boys let him go since he calmed down, however...

"Sabitoooo, uwaahhh...

In Sabito's vision Giyu who's nose was dripping with a gooey liquid was running towards him.

"Hell no! Get away from me!"

Without an ounce of mercy Sabito kicked him down. Rolling over a great distance Giyu got up and rubbed his head.

"I thought you were dead. That demon was powerful, those guys said you haven't returned after so much time, so I thought...

"Um. I would have died if Leo hadn't come by just in time."

Some time later that woman with white hair walked into the grounds and announced the end of Final Selection. Because Leo had killed that particular demon they were more survivors this year.

"Everyone, please choose an ore you want for your sword."

A group of young boys and girls stood infront of a long table filled with all kinds of stones in different shape and size.

"How are we supposed to select the best one?"

Sabito asked back. The woman however remained silent.

Leo was looking at these stones and was lost in thought. His ability allowed him to sense the spirit of a living being, however when it comes to inanimate objects it was useless until now. These stones infront of him released a myriad of colours, it was so beautiful.

Among them one stone was particularly bright, it had a azure white glow to it. The colour wasn't mixed and unidentifiable but clear and divided. Both colours formed a perfect balance that brought about a sense of serenity when he looked at it.

Leo could feel his spirit call out to it and this shocked him. To this day he wasn't able to see or sense his own spirit, he could only use it as a passive ability to sense other spirits. But now his spirit was calling out for this particular stone.

Stepping out of the crowd he picked it up, a cool sensation pulsed through his palm. He had a faint feeling that this stone would bring him a great surprise in the future.

The foot of Mt. Fujikasane.

"Where you off to Leo?"

"Me? It's been a while since I last returned home."

"Alright. Let's meet again someday."

"Goodbye and thank you again for saving Sabito."

Leo waved his hand to Sabito and Giyu and walked away. Looking at the clear skies he felt oddly excited to return home.


A smile outlined his face as he started his journey back.


Akira was carrying a bundle of firewood when he saw a blurry figure in the distance. Placing it down he cleaning his hand and stood infront of the house with a smile. Soon the figure became clearer and clearer. Leo looked at the familiar place and couldn't help but smile.

"I am home."

Akira laughed out loud and patted his shoulder.

"Well done my boy, well done! Ha ha ha...

Both of them stepped inside. Akira told Leo to immediately clean up and get ready for a celebration feast. Without hesitation the old man pulled out high quality meat he just bought and prepared a sumptuous meal.

Stuffing his mouth with food Leo told him what happened after he left. Akira was proud of what Leo had achieved. He looked at Leo and couldn't help but say.

"You have become much more outgoing."

Leo stopped eating and asked back.

"Is that so?"

Akira laughed lightly and said while reminiscing about the past, "That day when I found you, your eyes were lost. Even after recuperating you still couldn't get out of that nightmare, you had closed your own heart."

"When you found a goal for yourself and left this mountain I was worried that you might end up alone."

Alone a man can only do so much. But now I am relieved, you have found friends... and in time I am sure you will find someone even closer, someone you would want to protect with your life."

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