Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 172 - 172. Water Seven

Whitebeard's crew dropped Leo and Shinobu on an inconspicuous island. They contacted Mace and had him pick them up.

"Captain, you can't disappear like that!"

Mace grumbled.

Leo ignored him and said, "Set course to Water Seven."

Knowing he would never get a response Mace sighed helplessly and did what he was told.

After several hours the ship docked on Water Seven.

Leo took a good look at the island said to be the paradise for shipwrights. Even the pirate king's ship was made here.

As he was getting down he sensed something and looked into the disable. There he saw the shadow of a ship approaching the harbour.

Hm, well, I guess it makes sense for him to come here.

Leo smiled to himself and waited for the ship to dock.

"What are you doing here?"

"Garp-san, your grandson is something."

This person was of course Garp. Hearing Leo Garp glared at him.

"Are you mocking me, kid?"

Leo raised his arms in defeat and said, "Hey, I said nothing wrong."

Garp sighed and said helplessly, "I don't know what I would do with that kid."

Leo smiled and gestured, "Shall we?"

"Let's go! I am gonna beat the crap out of him!"

Garp cracked his knuckles and took large strides.

Shinobu chuckled from the side and said, "Garp-san is so cute."

Leo laughed.

Along with a team of marines Garp, Leo and Shinobu went straight for a lodging under the Galley-La Company, a prominent company of shipwrights.

Leo already saw Luffy and his crew inside. He was really looking interested in this motley crew.

However he facepalmed at what happened next.

Garp rushed forward, he destroyed a section of the building and rushed in before punching Luffy's head.

"He sure has an interesting way to showcase his care."

Shinobu said and Leo agreed.

"Grandpa, what are you doing here!?"

Luffy held his head in pain and yelled.

Garp cracked his knuckles and said with a glare, "You cause trouble everywhere you go and you ask why I am here!?"

"Luffy's grandpa is a Vice Admiral!?"

"The marine hero is his grandfather!?"

Different reactions came from Luffy's crew. Garp punched Luffy's head a few more times before he was satisfied.

Leo didn't know what kind of expression he should show to everything that just happened.


At this moment he sensed someone and turned his head. A man with three swords was rushing towards the marines.

Ah, it's that swordsman. Not bad, he has grasped sword intent.

Leo was surprised when he saw Zoro. He didn't plan to make a move and see where this was going.

Before Zoro got far someone rushed out from the marines and blocked him.


By now Luffy also rushed out but someone suddenly attacked him.

Very skillfully Zoro and Luffy parried the attacks and defeated their opponents.


It seems Luffy and Zoro knew these marines. They went on talking when Nami and the rest walked out.

Nami immediately spotted Leo. Her face changed when she realised who it was.

However Sanji showed a completely different reaction.


He rushed to Shinobu and gave her a gentleman's bow.

"Mademoiselle, it's my luck to meet you again in my life."

Leo said to Garp.

"You shouldn't destroy public property so carelessly."

"Haha, I thought it looked cooler that way."

Leo rolled his eyes and turned his head to Robin, "Looks like you found your light."

Robin was surprised for a second when Leo suddenly spoke to her. She didn't reply and merely smiled.

Leo already knew Robin from Alabasta. When he first saw her her spirit was dull and dark, her emotions were clouded by despair and sorrow.

However now, her spirit had a tinge of light. The grey cloud of despair and sadness had cleared.

"You guys sure made a ruckus in Enies Lobby."

The strawhats went silent when they heard him. However Luffy grumbled.

"Those guys took Robin."

Leo laughed, "Relax. I am not here on official capacity."

The strawhats heaved a sigh when they heard him.

Zoro suddenly asked, "You fought with Hawkeye?"

Leo answered, "Yes, and I lost."

Garp smiled when he heard Leo, "Don't be so modest, kid. If your techniques were better the winner would be uncertain."

Zoro's eyes turned sharp, "Fight with me."

Nami and Chopper immediately punched his face when they heard him.

"Ma, don't it so seriously."

"Yeah, yeah. He has a serious condition."

Nami was pulling his hair while Chopper was covering his mouth.

Zoro seems to be saying something but those two tightly closed his mouth, all Leo heard was some mumbles.

"Ok, I will fight with you."

Nami and Chopper helplessly let go of Zoro. They sighed to themselves for getting involved with this crew.

They found an open space.

Zoro directly used his strongest style. However one of his sword was broken and looked rusted.

Leo simply drew his sword and took an easy stance.

Luffy and the rest were very curious as to how this would turn out.

Zoro moved. He raced to Leo and struck. His sword intent was spread across his sword as he swung down.

Leo casually deflected his attacks.

Zoro increased the strength he put in his strikes and attacked ferociously.

Leo stood rooted on his spot and deflected every attack that came onto him.

How is this possible!?

Zoro was shocked. After his fight with Hawkeye he knew how weak he was. Thus he trained harder every day. His enemies got stronger and so did he.

He thought he was atleast strong enough to make someone of Hawkeye's caliber to take him seriously but he was sorely mistaken.

Am I that weak? Can I never reach them?

His spirit was shaken. His sword intent started to distort. Doubt crept into his heart.

No! I made a promise!

His eyes focused again. The doubt in his heart disappeared, what replaced it was an unyielding will to strive forward.

The sword intent on the verge of breaking condensed again. This time it was stronger and sharper than before.

Leo's stared at him in shock.

This guy...

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