Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 182 - 182. War Approaches

Having culled the riot in Impel Down Leo reported back to headquarters. Sengoku blew his top when he reported back, Leo took whatever he had to say with a calm look.

"What's wrong with you, Leo? I don't believe you are such an impulsive person."

Leo replied, "I don't enjoy killing, and those I kill, they deserve it."

His words were short however Sengoku found no response to it.

Finally he sighed and asked, "Leo, you are a great man, you are calm and collected, but lately you have been on the edge, why?"

"Take it as a senior asking."

Leo didn't speak for while. Sengoku calmly waited and finally he got a reply.

"Why are we going to war with Whitebeard?"


"He has never killed innocents, he is too proud to do that, and the same goes for his crew. The territories he claimed for himself, he doesn't rule with power, he doesn't extort people. In name he is a pirate, but in my eyes, he is a great man, worthy of respect."

Sengoku's face turned solemn, "Leo, do you know what you are talking about?"

Leo didn't reply. He stared at Sengoku waited for an answer.

Sighing to himself Sengoku walked towards the balcony of his office and said, "Whitebeard is a great man. However, one man cannot represent everyone. Pirates are sc.u.m of the sea, they kill, loot, burn and destroy. Their kind is pure evil."

"Whitebeard is truly great, he is befitting of the title Yonko. But, what about the others? There are four Emperors. Apart from Whitebeard, Shanks is also different. He is indifferent to money and fame. They are a different breed of pirates, very rare."

"However, can it hold true for Big Mom and Kaido? You experienced first hand the cruelty of a pirate. You know how easily Big Mom killed off an entire town just to irk you."

"And Kaido, he kills on a whim. Whitebeard is a great man, but he is still a pirate, and we are marines."

Leo didn't speak. He had a calm expression, however his emotions were in a turmoil.

"Is this justice?"

He asked.

Sengoku turned around, "Yes. For a better world, it is."

Leo turned around and left. Sengoku stood there and watched him leave.

Walking out of Sengoku's office Leo felt lost.

If this was a war between good and evil, then he would try his best, but was it? To him Whitebeard is a great man, as for the navy, they represented justice.

Their battle will lead to unnecessary deaths. He sighed at his powerlessness, if he was strong enough so much so that everyone took his words seriously he could prevent this battle.

But he wasn't.

As he walked he saw marines rushed about, some were carrying large cargos, some were taking inventory... he saw how tensed they were. By this time tomorrow who knows how many of them would be alive.

With a heavy heart Leo left the base. He didn't return home and stayed at his quarters in Marineford.


His den-den mushi rang.

"Are you alright?"

Shinobu's sweet voice rang from the other side.

Leo let out a breath, he leaned on the chair and got himself comfortable, "I am fine. Just, a bit helpless."

"Don't worry too much. Whitebeard is a proud old man, he would rather die out on the battlefield than on a sickly bed. Maybe this is what he wants."

Shinobu spoke with care. She understood Leo better than anyone else, and her words did have some effect on Leo.

He wasn't as depressed as before. They chatted for while before hanging up.

Leo sat out in the backyard and closed his eyes. He was tired mentally, within no time he fell asleep.

After several hours footsteps could be heard coming from his door. Leo opened his eyes and saw Garp walking in.

"Buhaha, getting a good rest before the war?"

Garp laughed loudly and spoke.

Leo stared at him. Garp cheery smile was just a facade. He raised Ace, it would be a lie if he didn't feel anything to see him get executed.

"Don't blame yourself."

Leo said.

Garp stopped laughing. He dragged out a chair and sat down. His mighty figure seemed weighted down right now.

"That brat... he never did listen."

"You can't deny someone his dreams."

"It's not a dream to become a pirate!"

Garp scowled at Leo. A second later his anger vanished. He sat there silently.

Leo sighed. He felt bad seeing a legend so defeated.

Everything will be decided tomorrow.

Both of them spoke no further and sat outside while keeping each other company.

Today was the day.

Second division commander of Whitebeard Pirates will be executed for the whole world to see.

There is no doubt that Whitebeard will come. A paramount war is about to start.

Tens of thousands of marines dressed in white stood orderly in front of the plaza. Their guns resting on their shoulder and the swords on their waist.

Canons were placed all over the crescent shaped bay with fifty sh.i.p.s surrounding the whole island.

And in front of the marshaled forced that can be seen from the sea stand 5 who hold the key to the war, The Seven Warlords!

A scaffold stood at the center. This is where Ace will be executed.

Projection snails transmitted everything that was happening to the world.

"Will Whitebeard show up? I mean this is Marineford."

"He will. He is a Yonko and he is Whitebeard, he will definitely come."

People all around the world were discussing the coming war.


"The Admirals are taking stage!"

The marines below the scaffold looked up with pride.

Three tall men walked to three designated seats right below the scaffold.

One was dressed in yellow checkered suit, Admiral Kizaru.

One wore white suit, Admiral Aokiji.

The third one wore a red suit, Admiral Akainu.

The Navy's greatest powers, the three admirals!

Every force of justice imaginable is now waiting for the Whitebeard pirates, to stop them from rescuing Ace!

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