Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 2 - 2. Accident

Among the dense collection of trees a young boy was moving swiftly. After running for a short while he slowed down and hid near a bush. Gripping the bow in his hand he took an arrow from his quiver and locked onto a white rabbit infront of him.

Taking a deep breath he focused his mind. Everything around him started to blur, only his target remained in his sight.


The arrow was like a blur as it left the bow. Before the rabbit could react it's neck was already pierced and nailed to the ground. A smile formed on the boys lips, he walked to it and pulled out the arrow. Placing the dead animal into a basket he retreated back into the forest.

The trees became less crowded as he walked further in. Soon a wide area came to view, a small house with smoke coming out of its chimney presented before his eyes.

Opening the door he placed the bow and the quiver down. An old man came out of the kitchen and asked with a smile.

"How many this time?"

The young boy said calmly.


The old man was surprised.

"I say Leo, winter just passed and yet you can still hunt that many rabbits. It's been two years and still it's shocking."

"Anyway, clean up. Breakfast is ready."

Leo changed his clothes and washed up. It's been two years since that tragedy. He had nowhere to go, no family... so old man Akira told him to stay.

Two years... it's been two years since he was reborn in this world. Though he didn't care either way... his life was hell in both worlds. In the modern world he was born to a kind couple however, he was sickly from birth. He could only watch as other kids run around and play, he could only envy those who could spend time with their friends.

Even though life wasn't fulfilling he still had his parents but it seems heavens had a grudge against him. One day he was suddenly informed that his parents passed away in a car accident. That was the last straw that broke him.

In that vast world he was alone. Loneliness can sometimes be worse than dying, each second in that house was a torture for him, it nearly drove him crazy. Knowing he might go crazy he immersed himself in everything he could gets his hands on.

With what little wealth his parents left him he invested in every business he could get his hands on. He busied his days with work, pulling through day after day. Even after all that he still felt empty inside. He didn't have a purpose in living, he didn't have a dream, he just... existed.

One day he just slipped away in his sleep and when he woke up, he was here, in this world. And even then heavens didn't give him what he wanted, it just took away everyone he loved.

"Leo, what's taking you so long?"

Waking from his thoughts Leo wiped his face and went out. A table with hot soup and vegetables greeted his eyes. Smiling he sat down.

Though I lost everyone... this isn't so bad.

Halfway through breakfast

"Ah, don't forget to buy some bread when you go down to the village later."


Life with old man Akira was relaxing, he really cared for Leo like he would to his own grandson. Since they were living in the mountains the old man taught him how to hunt and make fur clothes and accessories.

Leo was a good hunter. And for some reason Leo can sense other living beings around him, this came as a surprise to him and when he mentioned it to old man Akira he showed a weird expression.

Finishing his breakfast Leo did some chores. It's wasn't until noon did he pack several stuff and descended the mountain. Watching his fading shadow Akira couldn't help but remember what kind of mess he was just two years ago.

He has talent in hunting and that peculiar sense of his... it's almost like... ah forget it. It's good if he could just live a normal life.

Akira watched him go down the mountain and shook his head.

Walking down the mountain Leo could faintly see the outline of a village. He kept a steady pace and within no time he reached it.

"Ah, Leo. Good to see you again. Went hunting today as well?"

"Yes and I have made some stuff to sell."

"Alright, have a nice day."

"You too."

Along the way some villagers greeted him. Two years was a lot of time for him to know these people, these were good people. Leo didn't sense any distance with them, unlike from where Akira found him.

Finishing his sales Leo packed up and got ready to leave. The villagers gave him some stuff when he was leaving. By the time he left the sky was turning already dark.

It's gonna get pitch black up the mountain soon, I better hurry.

Leo picked up his pace. The sky gradually lost it's brilliance causing the mountain to descend into darkness.

Phew, there it is.

Up ahead in the darkness Leo saw light from his home. Just as he was about to move forward he sensed something, something vile, something evil. His body broke out into a cold sweat.

He could feel that presence getting close to him. He wanted to run but couldn't, every muscle in his body froze in fear. His eyes looked into the darkness and saw a figure slowly walk out.

It had red skin, two horns on its forehead and worst of all... it had several mouths on its body like someone sewed it there. He could vaguely see some kind of fluid dripping down its body.

What... Blood? That's blood!!! Run! I must run!

"Oya oya... look what I found. I didn't have my fill and I was wondering what to do. Thanks for the meal."

Leo didn't know which part spoke, he didn't care which one did, that thing scared him. Fear crept into his heart. He just wanted to run, he wanted to escape. He summoned every ounce of strength he had and ran.

"Hmm... now that I look at you... ah it's you. So you didn't die. Good job kid."

Leo halted his steps. Fear gripped his heart but those words... that sound... he has heard it before. Suddenly his mind turned back to that hellish night.

It's him!

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