Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 230 - 230. Miserable Land Of Wano

Leo smiled at Tama and let her out. Of course he brought her far from the pile of corpses before letting her down.

Tama bowed and thanked Leo.

Seeing how serious she was Leo was amused. He smiled and asked, "How did you end up in a sack?"

Tama raised her hand and said, "Wait."

She suddenly ran up to the large ape and pinched her cheek. Her cheek puffed up, and she pulled out a small ball.

"Kibi Dango."

A devil fruit? Interesting. Leo looked on curiously.

He saw her feed the dango to the large baboon. The baboon ate it reluctantly under Leo's glare. A few seconds after eating it the baboon let out a cheeky grin. He allowed Tama to pat his head.

"Yay! I did it! I defeated the vicious beast!"

Leo was curious and asked, "Interesting ability. Now, can you tell me how you ended up as a captive."

Tama rubbed her head and smiled embarrassedly, "I was selling in the market when they suddenly appeared and snatched my only coin. I was angry and yelled that the Kozuki family will take care of them. And then...

Flare was lost in thought as he listened to her.

"Sir, I think Wano is in trouble."

Leo nodded. He figured as much.

He asked Luffy, "How are you going to regroup with your crew?"

Luffy tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, "Guess... we will find them?"

I shouldn't have asked.

Leo shook his head.

Tama suddenly raised her hand and said, "Um... please come to my house. I want to thank you for saving me."


Leo agreed readily. They had no idea where to go so going with her was a start.

They rode the large dog which was named Komachiyo by Tama through the forest. Not long after they reached an abandoned village among large cl.u.s.ter of trees. The village seems to have been abandoned for a while, moss had grown all over the buildings.

Tama led them to her home. She immediately rushed to the kitchen and prepared food.

She came out with three bowls half filled with rice.

"Please eat, big brothers!"

Luffy was starving. He was about to grab a bowl when Leo slapped his hands away.

"Why did you do that?"

He grumbled.

Leo ignored Luffy and stared at Tama, "You eat first. We ate just before we found you, so we aren't that hungry."

Tama hastily put up her hands and shook her head, "No. This is my gratitude for saving me!"

Leo bend down to her height and patted her head, "Eat, Tama."

His voice was gentle and soft. Tama stared at Leo's blue eyes for several seconds before she hung her head down. Beads of tears fell down.

Flare didn't speak. Luffy was surprised and was about to ask what happened when Flare gestured for him to keep silent.

After a while Tama wiped her eyes and smiled. Her eyes were a bit red however her smile was genuine.

Leo also smiled. He sat down along with their other two.

Tama picked up a bowl and started to eat slowly. When she finished the first bowl Leo pushed the second one to her.

She hesitated.

"Eat. Flare isn't hungry, right Flare?"

Flare smiled. He patted his stomach and said, "I am still full."

Leo smiled, "See. You shouldn't waste food."

Tama's eyes turned blurry. She picked up the second bowl and ate slowly.

Finishing the second bowl she seemed satisfied. Seeing she was full Leo said, "You can eat now, Luffy."

Luffy grabbed the last bowl and ate quickly. He licked the bowl and was about to ask for more when he noticed Leo's smile.

He gulped and swallowed what he was about to say.

It was at this moment someone walked in. He was wearing a robe and had a mask with a long nose on his face, he also had a pair of wings on his back.

Seeing three new people inside the house he was startled. He yelled.

"Who are you?!"

He was about to draw his sword when Tama ran out.

"Master, they saved Tama from Kaido's people."

Leo's eyes narrowed when he heard Kaido's name. That guy is here? What's happening in Wano?

"Oh, in that case, thank you."

He bowed and thanked Leo and company.

Leo waved his hand and said, "It's fine. What's this about Kaido?"

Before he could answer Luffy cut him in, "Kaido has taken over Wano with the help of Orochi."

Hm? Kaido has taken over Wano?

This stunned Leo.

"Yes. More than two decades ago this country fell in that monster's hand. This village was once flourishing, but now the waste from Kaido's weapons factory has polluted the rivers. Slowly people abandoned this place."

Luffy asked, "Who are you again?"

"I am Hitestsu!"

Leo started to think.

Flare asked, "How did Kaido come into the picture?"

Hitestsu spoke solemnly, "Kaido had help from inside. Orochi, the current shogun allied with him and pushed out the true rulers of Wano, the Kozuki clan! They killed everyone who stood up against them."

"Even Oden-sama was...

He spoke of the past, the betrayal, Oden's death, Toki-sama's prophecy...

Leo and the rest listened quietly.

"That Kaido! I'm gonna beat that bastard!"

Luffy clenched his fist.

Tama heard him and said, "But-But he is strong...

Luffy grinned and said, "Don't worry. I am strong!"

Leo shook his head. He suddenly pointed to the wall and asked, "Can I take a look at that?"

Up on the wall was a sword. It had an evil presence to it.

Hitestsu looked at Leo carefully. He had a different air to him. Of course he also noticed the sword he was carrying.

"You are grandmaster swordman."

Hitestsu nodded and took down the sword. He handed it to Leo.

Leo pulled out the sword. The blade had a sharp gleam to it. He traced the blade and nodded his head.

"A great sword."

Hitestsu raised his head proudly.

"Of course! Most of the famed swords out there was made by blacksmiths from Wano."

"Anyway, can I take a look at your sword? It's not one of the famed swords out there, right?"

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