Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 249 - 249. Battle Begins

New World.

A large fleet of fifty warsh.i.p.s was surrounding a purple mist covering nearly thirty miles in every direction.

A man wearing a white suit standing in one of the warsh.i.p.s narrowed his eyes as he looked at the purple mist.

"It's been two days. There is still no sign of this mist receding."

In response to him, another man in white suit said, "We'll wait it out. She won't be able to cover up such a large area for long. And they will need supplies."

The first man nodded.

They had been ordered to destroy the island owned by Leo. However before they reached their goal purple mist spilled out from the island and cloaked the island from every direction.

They tried firing from a distance but not a single shot gave any response. Once it went into the mist it just disappeared.

Everything was as usual.

The crew was leisurely moving around and doing their stuff. Some were training, some were drinking and some were having a game of cards.

None of them had any worry about what would happen once the mist covering the island disappears.

Shinobu was working in her laboratory. Snow was perched on a platform made for her and prooning her feathers.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in, Issho."

Shinobu who was looking through a microscope and answered.

"Excuse me."

Issho walked in.

"Ma'am, that man called."

Shinobu didn't stop what she was doing and asked, "And?"

"He said it would take a week more."

Shinobu finally stopped what she was doing and turned around. Her lips curled into a smile as she said.

"Then let's wait it out for a couple more days before greeting our visitors."

Issho nodded. He slightly bowed and left.

Shinobu got up and traced Snow's soft feathers.


Snow raised her wings and rubbed her head against Shinobu's cheeks.


"Everything's slowly coming in place, Snow."


Two days passed.

The fleet never left. Every warship had it's canons aimed at the purple mist.

Suddenly every agent felt something. They looked forward and saw the purple mist slowly shrink.

"It's finally receding."

A CP chief commented. He has been stationed in this area for several days without any result, the celestial dragons as well the Gorosei were asking for updates every passing hour.

Th pressure he felt for the past few days couldn't be said in words. Finally he saw what he wished for and heaved a sigh of relief.


He gave the order.

The other chiefs also gave the order. They slowly approached the shrinking mist.

When they were twenty miles away from the island the mist completely vanished. The island came to view.

On the shore of the island was several large canons. Marines stood in order and ready for battle.

Issho, Dali and Shinobu stood at the forefront.

The CP chiefs turned serious when they saw the trio.

"Reduce speed and fire."

One of them gave the order.

The canons were raised.



However just as he gave the order blood bloomed on his head. Chunks of flesh and bones flew through the air and spilled on the deck of the warship. Some of the agents close to him were drenched in blood.

The CP agent's headless body fell down with a thud. This woke up everyone from their trance.

Zzt! Zzt!

Several more muffled thuds rang out. CP agents in charge of several warsh.i.p.s fell down in a pool of blood.

"Be careful! That sniper is firing!"

One of the CP chief's yelled. He cursed inwardly as he saw his men die. However he was also shocked.

We are twenty miles out. With the wind and the distance, how is she able to fire so many rounds consecutively and with such accuracy?

His already solemn face turned gloomy.

As expected this won't be easy. We can't approach the island carelessly otherwise a single mistake would cost out lives.

"Two of you take care of that sniper. The rest of us will handle those three."

The other CP chiefs and vice chiefs agreed.

"Let's go!"

They took to the sky and rushed to the island.

"Ma'am, I'll be taking my leave."

"Ma'am, take care."

Issho and Dali spoke to Shinobu and rushed out. Both of them engaged several CP chiefs and vice chiefs.

Dali immediately used his devil fruit ability and turned into a half human half lion man. He raised his sword and roared.

Issho drew out his wooden sword and slashed. A purple light flashed as he blocked several CP chiefs.

As he took his stance Issho said to Dali, "Dali-dono, this isn't a game."

When he heard Issho Dali smiled awkwardly, "Ahaha, you're so serious as always, Issho-san."

Dali took a step back from his opponents and let go of his sword.

What is he doing?

The CP chief and the other agents looked on while being cautious.

Dali suddenly grinned.


He disappeared from everyone's sight and appeared infront of a CP agent.

Oh, no!

Lion's Pride!!

Dali's fist was clad in haki as it tore through the air. It pierced through the CP agent's c.h.e.s.t.


Blood dripped from the agent's body. Dali took his fist back. The agent looked at his hollow c.h.e.s.t for one last time and fell down with a thud.

Silence filled the air.

How is this possible?!

The CP chiefs and the vice chiefs had horrible expressions as they looked at the agent's dead body.

Shinobu slightly smiled when she saw Dali act so courageously.

Dali ate a Zoan Fruit, model Lion. It gave him tremendous speed and power. Along with his haki and Shinobu's strengthening drugs his body only grew stronger.

He realised he was stronger when he was simply utilising his raw strength and techniques.

Leo helped him modify a set of martial arts and Dali improved on it.

Raising his fist Dali grinned at his opponents, "You guys really don't learn. If you want to fight against ma'am atleast bring on someone on the same level as a Yonko."

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