Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 263 - 263. I'm Proud Of You

After following Zoro's vivre card for a month Leo's ship finally caught upto the Thousand Sunny.

Even from afar Leo could sense the strong spirit possessed by the ship. A smile formed on Leo's lips as he looked at Sunny.

You can finally travel with them again, Merry.

When their sh.i.p.s got close Leo boarded the Sunny with Shinobu and Tama.

Some of the Strawhats with certain IQ understood why Leo was here for. They all looked at Luffy.

Luffy was oblivious to their expression and excitedly greeted Leo and company. He was particularly happy to see Tama.

After catching up for a while Leo asked Tama and Shinobu to step away for a moment so that he could talk with Luffy alone.

"Kid, I am here to recruit you into the Adventurers Guild."


As soon as Leo finished his words Luffy rejected him.

Leo expected this outcome and asked calmly, "Why do you so adamantly want to become the Pirate King?"

Luffy titled his head as in deep thought and said, "To sail the seas."

Leo stated, "You can do the same as an adventurer as well."

"But I want to be the...

Before he could finish Leo cut his off and said, "Luffy, pirates are synonym to evil. They kill, rob and burn, either for treasure or for their p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

"In your journey how many pirates have you come across? How many of them truly wanted to sail the seas for adventure?"

"Your lot is an exception. Each one of you have a goal, a dream."

"If you continue with your dream of being the Pirate King, do you know what would happen once you reach that goal?"

"Pirates would set out to follow your footsteps. Roger became the Pirate King and started the great era of pirates. Because of him countless pirates set out to the seas. In their search for treasure they killed and looted as they pleased."

"Many innocents died because of one man's reckless dream and a title. Do you want to follow such a legacy?"

Luffy who always dealt things with his fist went silent. He had a good heart by nature. He won't stand it if he became the reason for someone else's misery.

Leo was satisfied to see the kid thinking seriously for once.

"I know it's your dream to find one piece. But why can't you do it as an Adventurer? Luffy, do you know what kind of people are qualified to be a true adventurer?"

Leo smiled, "Only those with courage to set out to find the unknown, to uncover the mysteries of the world and see the truth for themselves are qualified to be an adventurer."

"It's not a simple title. And not just anyone can become a true adventurer. But your crew in my eyes are a true adventurers group."

"There is you, Zoro and Sanji who are the main forces in case a battle breaks out. There is chopper who is an excellent doctor. There is Sanji who is a great cook."

"Robin is proficient in archeology. Jimbe who is a fisherman who could be very helpful under certain circ.u.mstances. Nami who by the way is the best navigator I've ever seen in my life."

"Then there is Brooke, a musician who could cheer up the mood during long journeys. Franky, shipwright. Usopp, a sniper."

"Your crew is complete. You guys are a first rate Adventurer group."

Hearing Leo's praise Luffy laughed loudly. The rest also heard Leo and rubbed their nose proudly.

Leo continued, "Become an adventurer, Luffy. Your grandfather had faced a lot of criticism due to your profession. For once think of him and make him proud."

Luffy fell into a struggle. From a young age he wanted to be the Pirate King. It's was his dream. How could he give up so easily.

Leo smiled when he saw the kid's plight and said, "You know, there are a lot of Adventurers but not one could be called as the King of Adventurers."

Luffy paused for a moment. His eyes started to brighten.

Leo stood up, "Sail the seas as you wish Luffy, but as an adventurer. Once you reach the end you'll become the first King of Adventurers."

A spark flared up inside Luffy's eyes.

Shinobu chuckled when she saw Luffy's reaction. She felt like Leo was cheating an innocent kid by taking his candy with a promise of a better one in the future.

Leo pointed to the sails and said, "And remove the skull. You only need the Strawhat as your group's design."

Luffy was fine with it. Usopp who was handy with these sort of work started to remove the skull on the sail and the black flag atop the mast.

Leo handed each of them a card, "This is your Adventurer card. I've raised your group's grade to class A. You can access all the services that comes with that class."

Everyone checked their card curiously. Each person had a job title in their card.

Nami had the title Navigator. Robin had the title Archeologist.

Finishing his work Leo looked at the crew and said, "I wish you all find what you're looking for."

Everyone nodded and send off Leo and company.

Once they reached their ship Leo called Garp.

"Old man, it's done. From now on there won't be Strawhat pirates, just Strawhat Adventurers."

After a moment of silence an aged voice came from the other side.

"Leo, thank you.",

"What's with you? Is there any need for that with me?"

"Haha, no there isn't. But I want to."


Garp hung up after saying that.

Leo shook his head with a smile. He turned to Shinobu and said, "Let's head back to Fishman Island."


Adventurer Guild HQ.

Garp just hung up the phone and slouched on his chair. After so many years he felt like everyone that was weighing on him was gone.

Just at that moment the door to the room opened and Ace walked in. He looked tired as he dragged his body and threw himself on the couch.

"Haha, working hard I see."

Ace jumped up from the couch and pointed at Garp in rage, "Damn you, old man! Aokiji was going to give me a class A rank, but you made it to class D!"

"Look at me now! I've been doing class D missions tirelessly for a month and yet I'm only half way through to class C! At this rate it will take me years before I reach class A!"

"Then there is class S! How the hell am I supposed to reach class S at this rate?! Damn you, stinky old man!"

Garp's face twisted from anger. He jumped from his chair and smacked Ace's head.

"You brat!! Is that how you talk to your grandpa?! Was my care and love all these years in vain?!"

Ace was nearly blowing his top when he heard Garp, his head ached from the old man's punch.

"Holy sh*t! How shameless can you be?! Care and love?! My ass! You threw Luffy and me into a damn jungle when we were young!"

A vein popped on Garp's forehead. He smacked Ace's head once more.

"That was me training you!"

Ace refused to budge and argued with the old man for a while. In the end he had to stop because his head was starting to swell from all that punch.

Garp clapped his arms in satisfaction and slouched on his chair again.

Ace grumbled from the side, "Stinky old man."

Garp heard him and didn't bother responding. After a while he said.

"Ace, I'm very of proud of you."

For a moment Ace paused.


He then clicked his tongue. Finding a comfortable position on the couch he fell asleep.

Garp curled his lips into a smile and closed his eyes. In a second he fell asleep.

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