Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 278 - 278. Reason

The next day.

Leo woke up and found Yoruichi and Ichigo gone. He asked Chad and company where they had gone to, but they didn't know either.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Leo's face.

When he first met Ichigo, he knew the kid was extraordinary. Three different and conflicting powers co-existed in his body. Each power had it's own thoughts, and yet they all peacefully lived inside him.

At best, the kid was only using one of those powers. If he managed to use them all at the same time... Leo had no doubt that the kid's strength would increase exponentially.

With nothing to do he decided to dig into the books that magically appeared outside his room.

The first book he started introduced the basics of Kido. He took his time and slowly read through the pages.

From time to time his eyes would lit up in understanding, and at other times he would frown in thought.

"How was it?"

Shinobu walked in with their lunch.

Leo closed the book he was reading and smiled, "Though our control over spiritual energy is good, the way we utilize it is very crude. If we can master these techniques our strength will increase several fold."

Placing down the food she picked up a book from the pile, "Hmm... some of these techniques are very useful for me"

Leo laughed lightly when he heard her. Shinobu's fighting style depended on her hidden weapons and her poison breath. If she could trap her enemies within a barrier then her lethality would increase several fold.

As they started to eat a servant knocked on the door and reported.

"Sir, Madam, captain Sosuke Aizen is here for see you."

Leo replied, "Have him seated. We'll be there in a moment."

A man and a woman were waiting for Leo and Shinobu. The man wore glasses and had a cultured air about him. The woman was young and had a lively breath on her.

"Captain, why are we here?"

This man was a captain of the Gotei 13, Sosuke Aizen.

Aizen smiled amiably, "I am very interested in meeting this human who the captain commander looks highly upon."

"Is he that special?"

The woman asked curiously.

Aizen spoke calmly, "I don't know. But he is the strongest human I have met so far."

The woman next to him was the lieutenant of the 5th division, Momo Hinamori.

As they were talking Leo and Shinobu walked out.

Aizen got up and showed an amiable smile as he introduced himself, "Hello. My name is Sosuke Aizen, Captain of the 5th division."

Leo replied in turn, "Leo Heart. Good to meet you Captain Aizen. Please have a seat."

As he took his seat Leo asked, "May I know the purpose of your visit?"

Aizen said, "After witnessing your feats I am a bit curious, that's all."

Leo smiled, "My feats aren't that great for a captain of the Gotei 13 to pay me a visit."

Aizen smiled and said, "As expected of the strongest human."

Leo was confused, "Strongest human?"

Before Aizen could reply Momo sitting next to him spoke, "That's what the shinigamis are calling you now."


Leo didn't comment on it and looked at Aizen.

"Your friends... they should be here for Rukia."

After a while Aizen spoke calmly. He stared at Leo, looking for something in his eyes. However he was disappointed, Leo showed no signs of change. He calmly looked at Aizen.

A light flashed in Aizen's eyes, "Thank you for your time. I'll be taking my leave."

He got up and slightly bowed before taking his leave.

Leo watched his fading back with a faint smile.

As Aizen walked out Momo asked, "Captain, those humans... they are here to rescue Kuchiki Rukia?"

Aizen paused and said sternly, "Momo, be careful with your words."

Momo immediately covered her lips and looked around cautiously.

After a moment she asked, "Captain, why did you...

Aizen replied, "There are doubtful parts about Kuchiki Rukia's execution order. I intend to look into it. As for that man... I was hoping he would help me. But he seems to be not interested in the coming execution."

Momo was startled, "Captain, you...

Aizen turned around and said solemnly, "Keep this between us."


Back at the Kuchiki residence.

Shinobu saw Leo's peculiar smile and asked curiously, "What's so interesting?"

"Hehe, Sosuke Aizen... a very cunning man."



As they were talking Uryuu walked in. He excused himself and asked Leo.

"Can you explain what a 'will' is?"

Leo looked at him and asked, "Before I answer, tell me, why do you fight?"

Uryuu was momentarily taken back. He wanted to give an answer, but couldn't find the right words. For the honour of Quincy? or for his friends?

Leo saw his hesitation and said, "Learn to walk before you start running. Once you have a clear answer to that question the rest will follow."

"A 'will' is your very reason to pick up your weapon."

"If that reason isn't strong enough, then no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to merge your 'will' with your weapon."

Chad and Orihime were listening from outside the room.

Chad raised his right arm and clenched it tightly. His eyes reflected a firm resolution.

Orihime c.a.r.e.s.sed the hair clips on her head. Memories of her time with Rukia flashed through her mind. For a moment the hair clips glowed slightly.

Leo who was inside the room was slightly surprised when he sensed the state of the two outside.

Interesting bunch of kids.

Leo raised his index finger and drew an arc in space. A sword ray flashed and hovered infront of him.

"This sword ray is made up of my spiritual energy. That alone possess quite the lethality, but...

As he spoke the sword ray hummed. At that moment Uryuu, Chad and Orihime felt a terrible threat from the floating sword radiance.

"But guided by my will, it can become stronger."

"From where we come from, there was an existence known as demons. They fed on humans as a sustenance."

"I picked up my sword to destroy them. No matter what lay before me, I would slash through them to reach my goal."

"That was my reason. That, was my conviction."

"So... Find your reason. Find your conviction. Only then can you become stronger."

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