Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 289 - 289. Escaped Prisoners

As soon as Shinobu spoke spiritual energy rolled out from her palms. It turned into purple mist and integrated into the golden walls surrounding them.

The burly man frowned. The shadows surrounding him started to rumble. It flooded towards Shinobu.

Leo who had his palms clasped took a step forward. The barrier protecting the civilians glimmered for a second. When the glow dimmed, everyone inside the barrier except for the three of them had disappeared.


The burly man's expression changed. He hastily withdrew the shadow tide and wrapped himself in it.

Leo curled his lips into a smile, "Too late for that."

As he spoke he crossed his index finger and middle finger.

"Kekkai, Sealed Corridor."

The spiritual barrier surrounding them mixed with Leo and Shinobu's spiritual energy rippled. The golden glow on it's body pulsed and released the purple spiritual energy in the form of a mist.

The burly man knew he was outnumbered. He immediately made a decision and retreated.

However, when he tried to merge with the shadows he found out to his horror that he couldn't.

"What did you...

Leo smiled faintly, "I know your kind. You view those beneath you as ants that could be crushed at any moment. From the beginning, my purpose wasn't to kill you."

"Inside such a crowded town, it's not a good idea to engage a person like you. If you go crazy, even with my interference, people may die."

The burly man understood. His eyes turned red. He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words.

"So you gave me the impression that you were unable to cope with me and save these people while setting up a spiritual barrier the whole time. You also concealed your companion's presence."

"Me breaking through your sword stance was also trap, right?"

Shinobu stood next to Leo and smiled, "Good guess. But there is no reward."


The burly man roared. His spiritual energy rumbled. The shadows surrounding him twisted and wrapped him in layers.

From outside, the barrier looked like a golden cube filled with purple mist.

After a few seconds the purple mist receeded.

Leo and Shinobu walked forward and saw the burly man laying on the ground with a dull face. His eyes had lost it's colour and his skin was cracked open with blood leaking out.

"He was a captain."

Shinobu said.

Leo nodded, "With a commotion as big as this one, I assume a captain might be dispatched to deal with the aftermath."

Shinobu asked, "What about the civilians? They saw what happened."

Leo thought for a moment and said, "I'll leave a spiritual mark on them. That way the Soul Society will be able to find them and deal with it."

Both of them took the dead captain with them and disappeared.

When they returned Uryuu and company were stunned to see a man wearing a tattered captains robb being thrown to the ground like a dead log.

"Teacher... this is...

Leo waved his hand, "A captain, I assume. Back to training."

With a lot of questions in mind Uryuu and company continued to train. But it was a lot harder to focus with a dead body within their sight.

Like Leo expected a captain was dispatched. It was Shunsui who was tasked to deal with the issue.

"Didn't think I would see you so soon."

Shunsui smiled as he spoke.

Leo shook his head and led the man to the backyard.

"So, what's so special about this guy?"

Shunsui instructed a few shinigamis who came with him to gather the dead body.

He turned to Leo and said, "Like there are criminals in the human world, there are those within the Soul Society as well."

"This man was a captain several hundred years ago. At some point his mind became twisted. He killed a lot of humans during a mission, when his own subordinates tried to stop him, he killed them as well."

"In the end he was captured and sentenced to a lifetime in prison."

Leo asked, "Then why is he here?"

Shunsui sighed, "Before Aizen's betrayal he somehow broke into the underground prison and released a few extremely dangerous and crazy individuals."

"Only after that incident did we notice this issue. By that time all traces were gone."

Leo said, "So, you are saying there are some extremely dangerous individuals aiding Aizen?"

Shunsui nodded, "Unfortunately, yes."

At this moment Shinobu walked in with tea and snacks.

Shunsui thanked her and said, "It's a good thing you guys noticed this guy. Among those who escaped, this guy had a serious problem here."

He pointed to his head.

Leo smiled, "I guessed so. Aizen isn't dumb. He wouldn't let someone just jump right at me."

Before leaving Shunsui gave a detailed information about the missing prisoners. He especially warned Leo and Shinobu to watch out for any surprise attacks.

Leo sat comfortably on the couch and said, "It's not easy to get the drop on both of us."

Shinobu nodded, "Then there is only one way they could surprise us."

Both of them looked at each other and said at the same time, "Chojo."

Leo pondered for a second and said, "There is a type of Kido, it's level is very high. But if I can modify it a bit... I might be able to create an artifact that could protect them. It's use is quite limited, but it can buy us time to rush over."

Shinobu nodded, "You do that. I'll call them and ask them to stay over for a few weeks. This way we can keep an eye on them."

Leo agreed. He looked to the backyard and said, "Aizen is very cunning. We must assume he is always a step ahead of us. Last time we got the upper hand because he was taken by surprise."

"He may focus on these kids as well. It's better to speed up their training, atleast they could protect themselves till reinforcements arrive."

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