Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 303 - 302. Impossible!

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Haki, a mysterious energy that existed within every living organism. In Leo's understanding this mysterious energy is spiritual energy.

In Zoro's world Leo understood the application of Haki. He came to learn a method to harness the vast ocean of spiritual energy he held in his body.

However Haki had a sealing limit. Beyond that, it became obsolete. But that all changed when Leo came in contact with spiritual techniques.

By learning and analysing a large number of spiritual techniques Leo deepened his understanding of spiritual energy and how it worked.

As a result the previous sealing limit on his Haki shattered. If the amount and speed at which he used Haki was 10 and 0.1 respectively, then at this moment it was 100 and 0.001.

His strength, speed, reflex, explosive force... each of his combat aspect shot through the roof.

Leo's body housed two powerful forces, 'Breath' and Spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy was always his lacking point. His powerful physique and his unparalleled sword skills lacked a powerful explosive force.

Right now everything came to place. His 'Breath' and his Spiritual reached a perfect balance.

As his 'Breath' circulated every cell in his body rejoiced. His skin, muscles, tendons, bones and internal organs shimmered.

The vast ocean of spiritual energy rumbled and spilled out of him like a broken dam. The air started to twist and crack under the horrifying spiritual energy.

Yoshi, Rikou and Meiji trembled. Their bodies were pressed on the ground flat, no matter how hard they tried... they couldn't move. A mountain seems to be weighing down on them.

"Thi-this... is impossible!"

Yoshi spoke while stuttering. His eyes were bloodshot as he watched Leo slowly walk towards them. He urged his spiritual energy to move but no matter how hard he tried it couldn't break through the pressure spamming them down on the ground.

"Nothing is impossible. With your limited intelligence you might find it hard to understand."

Leo came to a halt infront of the trio. His eyes were cold and held deep murderous intent.

Yoshi glared at Leo. His blood shot eyes almost spewed out fire.

"You! You!! Aaahhh!!!"

Yoshi roared in anger. His spiritual energy rumbled and started to churn wildly.


Leo suddenly spoke and kicked Yoshi in his gut. The latter coughed out blood and crawled on the floor in the shape of a shrimp.

Yoshi still glared at Leo and grinned. His bloody teeth made his grin a bit disgusting to watch.

"So what if you are stronger than me, if you still want to save your friends you'll do as I say."



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