Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 36 - 36. New Mission

Today was peaceful.

Leo woke up early, did his Breathing, practiced his Forms and washed up. Having had a comfortable bath he walked into the hall where everyone gathered to have their meals.

Walking in he saw Sabito and the rest already seated and ready to eat. Kanae and Kanao was also present.

"You guys are always so punctual when it comes to food."

The trio shrugged and waited for their food. Kanae simply smiled while Kanao sat their like a doll. Leo also sat down and looked around in confusion.

"Where is Shinobu?"


Hearing his question Kanae smiled and showed an amused expression.

That's not good...

By now Leo kind of understood Kanae's personality, she was cheerful, witty, loved cute stuff and loved to tease others. Just as he was imagining what kind of trick she was gonna pull out, Shinobu came out of the kitchen with two other maids.

The three of them placed the dishes before everyone before sitting down. Leo looked down at his plate of food with wide eyes.

Oh god! She isn't still angry, right? Is this poison? What is it this time, laxative, hair fall drug, paralysing drug... will it kill me?

Leo was sweating buckets when he looked at his plate of food.

"Huh? Not eating, Leo? Shinobu made this herself. Right, you guys don't know, Shinobu is an excellent cook."

That's just what I am worried about.

Looking at everyone wolfing down on their food with bliss, Leo couldn't hold his hunger anymore.

Shoot! Who cares, I am hungry.

Throwing caution to wind he took a bite, a second later Leo stared with wide eyes before swallowing it down. He was surprised, it was really good.

"Told you."

Kanae chuckled. Leo couldn't help but nod and say.

"It's really good."

Smirking to herself Kanae elbowed Shinobu sitting next to her. No one except her noticed the faint blush Shinobu had on her face.

The gang ate to their hearts content and lazed around. Leo had nothing particular to do so he trained his control over his "Breath".

"Breath" control has three realms, namely inner Breath, outer Breath, Breath separation.

Inner Breath basically means to have full control over how Breath revolves within. Once Inner Breath is achieved every move will be imbued with tremendous strength. Right now Leo was in this realm.

Breath separation is the final realm, it allows control of Breath remotely. To warriors this realm represents a sudden spike in their overall abilities, especially weapon users.

While he was meditating someone was gazing at him from the distance.

Shinobu held her head and looked at Leo with a smile. She didn't notice it before but now that she took good look at him, he really was handsome. His serious expression when he trained was especially captivating.

If Leo knew her thoughts he would be dumbfounded. Girls sure are weird, they would only see your bad side if you offend them however the reverse is also true.

"Having fun?"


Shinobu let out a low scream and nearly stumbled. She turned around and found her sister standing beside her with a wide smile.


"Hehe, my cute little Shinobu is finally growing up."

"Big sis!"

Shinobu knew what her sister was talking about, her face reddened and she kept looking down.

"Haha, alright I won't tease you anymore. Come with me, I have to inform him about his next mission."

Shinobu calmed herself and walked behind her sister. When they got closer Leo opened his eyes and got up.


"Training is never finished."

"Right. Anyway you have a new mission."


"You will visit several retired Hashiras and help them awaken their 'Breath'."

Leo nodded. Though Gyomei and the other two have alright sensed their spirit and awakened their 'Breath', they wouldn't be able to help others awaken.

And the Corps couldn't wait till others reached a particular realm to sense on their own, so the only way to boost their overall strength was to form a resonance and awaken their 'Breath'.


He got up to prepare when Kanae stopped him.

"Don't be in a rush, I am not done."

"There is more?"

"Of course, you aren't going alone."

She pushed Shinobu infront and said with a smile.

"She will be coming with you."



Leo stood rooted to his place and looked at Shinobu who was dazed and looking red.

She is still angry.

With a sigh Leo went to his room to pack up, when he came out Shinobu was fully dressed in her Slayer uniform and wore a butterfly hairpin. Leo was dazed for a second before snapping out.

"Let's go."

Shinobu nodded and walked out with him. A faint sense of disappointment emerged in her heart when she saw him walk out without a word more.

Kanae watched them from afar and said to herself.

"My cute little sister, this is all I can do for you. Though he is m.a.t.u.r.e for his age he is still a kid, do your best."

Walking beside Shinobu Leo felt a little stiff, after that incident things got a little weird between them.

"First is Urokodaki-san, right?"



Things got awkward after that, Leo couldn't find anything else to talk so he asked.

"Where did you learn to make drugs?"

"Huh? Um... Big sis taught me since I was little. She saw I was good with medicine and bought me many books."

"Oh, Lady Kanae sure is a good sister."

"Of course. She was all I had after our parents were killed... by demons. We promised ourselves to always look out for each other."

"I am sorry."

"It's alright. That's the past, Big sis always says to enjoy life. I don't know maybe that's why she is so cheerful."

"That I agree. Anyway you developed many medications, that's something."

"Hehe, I was always good at making new stuff. With materials and resources from Ubuyashiki family I was able to make many drugs."

Shinobu initially felt shy to walk along with Leo, after all he did see her b.a.r.e. But now it was all gone. Slowly without them noticing the distance between them was getting closer.

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