Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 38 - 38. Someone Different

Journeying for a day both of them reached their destination. Unlike the smaller and larger villages they visited this place was completely different.

The streets were filled with people wearing colorful clothes. Shops lined both sides with a wide range of commodities, most importantly lights not made out of gas lamps were fixed at equal distance apart.

No matter the era the world will always move forward.

Leo reminisced about his days back on earth, though he could only move with the help of others, streets filled with people weren't a rare sight and electric lamps and lights were common.


"Wow Indeed."

Both of them strolled around for a bit and sat down to eat something.

"It's gonna be a problem to move within this crowd."

"Um, unless we find an isolated place it's best not to gather attention."

They quickly discussed their strategy and finished their meal. Strolling around for some time they came across a small inn with a wisteria crest on it's doors. The innkeeper respectfully guided them and showed them their rooms.

Soon the day passed and darkness was ushered in. The busy streets slowly went silent, Leo and Shinobu grabbed their swords and left the inn. Both of them nodded at each other and split up.

Unlike the marvelous sight during the day the streets at night were eerily calm. Leo walked among the darkness, his soul sense was spread out, nothing escaped his sight within a hundred meter around him.

Suddenly he felt the air tremble due east of him. Without the slightest hesitation Leo's jumped up, using the building as a foothold he bolted in that direction.

Like a gust of wind, unnoticed and undetected he ran to the location. After running for about two hundred metres he saw Shinobu being thrown into the air. She quickly steadied herself and landed safely on the ground.

Leo was about to step in when Shinobu yelled at him.

"Don't interfere! I want to test myself."

Knowing her steadfast character Leo acknowledged her words and stepped back, however his hand didn't leave his sword.

He threw out punches into the air, strangely enough Shinobu dodged from a distance. Shockingly the ground was reduced to dust after she moved, the man kept throwing punches destroying whatever that was in line of his punch.

Shinobu darted around, her speed wasn't all that great and her movements were clearly lacking finesse. Leo understood why this was the case, Shinobu mainly focused on drugs and medicine. Her combat prowess wasn't that commendable unless she can hurt her opponents.

Shinobu executed her breath forms but the man was able to take it head on with his punches. Leo pondered for a bit and understood what kind of ability this moon had. He could compress air and launch it.

With each moment Shinobu acquired new wounds, the wounds were shallow and negligible but she was starting to tire. Sweat trickled down her face as her breathing got rough.

The man however seemed to be filled with strength. His punches got even more wild, suddenly without any indication he sprang towards Shinobu. Air compressed around his fist as he launched a deadly punch towards her heart.

Taken by his sudden movement Shinobu couldn't react in time and could only take the attack head on. Her slender sword trembled and cracks started to spread throughout its body.

Not good!

Shinobu felt danger loom over her. The man's face was twisted into a hideous smile, he was anticipating the sweet sound of bones and flesh being crushed. Just as expected, her sword broke. The man's fist filled with power was just a breath away from her c.h.e.s.t.


A flash of light swept past both of them. The man's expression changed, he quickly took back his arms and retreated. However it was still late, his arms were sliced to pieces.

The man could see a sword get larger in his sight, he tried to dodge but couldn't move fast enough. The sword sliced through his head, it rolled on the ground and slowly scattered to ashes.

Leo stood before Shinobu who was breathing hard. He sheathed his sword and watched the demon burn to ashes.


"You don't have to sound so vexed when you say that."

Leo shook his head and said as he helped her to get back on her feet.

"I didn't win."

"You got some nerve to say that. The first time I fought a Lower Moon I almost died, you managed to match him and yet you aren't satisfied."

"But I didn't win."

"Come on, let it go. Once you get more battle experience you can kill a Lower Moon easily."

"What's wrong?"

Shinobu saw his expression and asked in confusion.

"There are two demons in that building."

Shinobu turned serious and asked, "Then why aren't we taking care of them?"

Leo said solemnly, "They are different. One has a spirit with slight blemish, that means she isn't a mass murderer. The other one has nothing at all, so...

"That one hasn't humans killed before."

Both of them looked at each other for a second before Leo said, "Let's go. No matter what we have to understand what's happening."


Both of them soon stood before a wall, there was no building around only a large wall.

Leo walked forward, the wall rippled as his body merged with it. Shinobu quickly followed him. Both of them walked out of the wall, a mansion greeted their eyes.

Infront of it stood two people, a boy and a woman. Seeing intruders the woman showed no trace of worry and said.

"Welcome, respected hunters."

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