Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 4 - 4. Destiny

Demon Slayer...

So old man Akira is a Demon Slayer.

"Thank you. That demon... it was the one that killed my family. I am glad I got to watch it die."

Akira was stunned. He didn't know this, he only got there just in time to see Leo dodge the demon's attack. He had no idea that it was the one that killed Leo's family.

Leo drank the soup slowly. His heart was finally at peace knowing that the one responsible for his family's murder was put to death.

Finishing the bowl he looked at Akira and said calmly, "Teach me. Teach me how to become a Demon Slayer."

Akira wasn't surprised. Like Leo most Demon Slayers that roam around were those who had once lost their loved ones.

"Before I answer that tell me one thing, how did you dodge that demon? You have excellent physique but you have never trained before. It's impossible to move like that without any kind of training."

Hearing Akira Leo was also confused. What he did was to merely use part of his family's heritage, he has never used it before but somehow under that condition he was able to use it subconsciously.

Leo explained everything to Akira excluding his previous life.

He had a pensive expression on his face, "I suppose your brain was so familiar with those movements that it deemed it to be the most perfect course of action at that time. Often close to death people move on instinct but in actually it's our thought process that's too fast for us to comprehend."

Leo thought for a while a understood. He was someone from modern times, he knew much about these kind of things than people of this era.

"Well, it seems you are destined to become a Demon Slayer."

Leo looked confused.

"You have an excellent Breathing Technique costume made for you. Your brain is so familiar with it that all you need to do is just practice it often and you could possibly master it in a matter of months. Also..."

He paused at this point.

"That peculiar ability of yours, to sense other living beings. It's not just you, some Demon Slayers have special abilities as well. Some have a strong sense of smell, some have herculean strength, some have astounding hearing... it's like you were born to be a Demon Slayer."

Something clicked inside Leo, something he has never felt before. He finally felt something he always longed for in his past life as well as this one... a goal, a destiny.

When his parents died he was lost, he didn't know why he lived, maybe it was for them, maybe he was afraid to die. This was true for this life as well, after his family died he was lost, he lived on so as to not waste this life he was given.

But that was it.

Now... everything has changed. He finally had a goal, a path he can walk towards. This was what he was born for, this was his destiny.

Akira keenly felt the changes in Leo, that spiritless kid was undergoing a transformation, he was changing. A smile found it's way onto his face.

"Rest and heal. Once you are recovered we will start your training."

Leo nodded calmly. Destiny has taken shape, what awaits him, he has to find out himself.


Six months passed...

Huff... Huff...

Leo was breathing heavily, his body was trembling as he held onto a sword.

Akira stood opposite to him and said calmly, "Demons have superior regeneration, a severed limb can be restored in seconds. Some even have bodies harder than steel, normally it's impossible for a human to battle against them. That's why we have Breathing Techniques."

"It allows us to take in a large volume of oxygen causing the blood within us to circulate faster, granting us stronger strength and regeneration. But no matter how strong our regeneration is it still won't reach that of a demon, a single mistake and all is over."

"My Wolf Breathing Technique is useless for you, your body would automatically reject it. However that Dragon-Tiger Breathing of yours is different, to this moment it shocks me seeing how far you have come in just six months. "

"However this is as far as I can help you, to improve on your Breathing Technique you can only depend on yourself."

Leo took a deep breath and shook his head, "It's more than enough, thank you for parring with me. My sword skills wouldn't have improved so fast if you hadn't helped."

Akira grinned, "Cut it out kid. Let's go, the sun's setting."

Leo sheathed his sword, both of them descended the mountain.

Along the way Akira handed him a sword and said, "This is a Demon Slayer sword, it's made of ores that absorb sunlight. It's not as good as a Colour Changing sword but for now it will do. Your destiny is already set in stone, I can't help you any further."

Leo accepted the sword and expressed his gratitud, "Old man... I will descend the mountain tomorrow. I am going to partake in the final selection a year from now but before that I need to have combat experience."

Akira understand what he meant, sighing he said, "Go north from here, along the way you will find what you seek."

Leo nodded. Both of them reached home and cleaned up. Dinner time was calm and serene, Akira explained some details about various types of demons and their origin. Leo noted all of it in his mind and went to bed.

Early next morning...

Leo dressed up and packed some food for the journey. The sword Akira gave him hung on his waist.

"Thank you for all you care old man."

Akira smiled and set him off.

"Be strong Leo, you are the most talented person to ever appear in the Demon Slayer Corps. I know you will change this world."

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