Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 42 - 42. Kill Order

A vast space filled with innumerable blocks of platforms, each block was modelled into a room, some were small, some big as a large mansion.

On a particular platform a man wearing a suit and a white hat stood with his back facing several figures. He scrolled through several books trying gleam something from it.

Several people kneeled behind him with a myriad of emotions running through them, however among all of those emotions fear seemed to be the only one apparent on their faces.

"Three Moons killed in just one month."

After an unknown amount of time the suit wearing man said lightly. His expression couldn't be seen by others but his words evoked that innate horror etched down to the last cell within them.

One of them, a man wearing a thick fur jacket tried to explain.


"Did I allow you to speak?"

"N-No, I-I wouldn't dare."

"Still speaking?"



It gave out a satisfying burp after devouring him.

"The threshold of demons have been going down for a couple of years, I am cutting down useless rags."

Sweat trickled down everyones face but none dared to speak up unless told so, they didn't want to end up like the one before.

Muzan scanned the other Moons, his eyes showed no emotion, he looked at them like they were useless garbage about to thrown out.

"Go. Bring me the heads of those kids. If I don't get what I want in four days... your heads will replace them."


The platform started to move, soon doors opened and each of them were thrown out to their respective areas.


"Give that back!"

Leo pounced on Giyu and both of them started to brawl infront of a dumpling store. Giyu was holding onto a plate of steaming dumplings coated with honey, seeing Leo jump at him he quickly stuffed everything into his mouth.

"Damn you!"

Sabito and Makomo were also incensed. This fu*ker greedily chomped on all of their food!

After a small brawl Giyu with a face full of bruises sat down with a mouthful of dumplings and chewed with relish. Sabito and the rest looked at the lone dumpling in their hand and cried.

Munching on their last piece of dumpling Leo and the rest gave a kick to Giyu and sent him flying across the sky.

"This guy is getting more and more gluttonous."

"Was he always like that?"

"Seems like he found a calling for good food."

Just as the group were about to settle for the day all four of them halted their steps.

"Come out."

Sabito spoke lightly. His sword was already drawn out, without a moment of hesitation he lashed out and struck the corner of a wall. A wail rang through the alley, soon a demon appeared before everyone and scattered into ashes.

"Quite late but it looks like the Moons are moving."

Makomo muttered under her breath.

"We are gonna be busy tonight."

All four of them scattered into the dark night. Wails rang out shortly from all directions, demons were jumping on them from left and right like wild beasts.

However to the four of them these were nothing but small flies. From the moment they fought with an upper Moon till now a year had gone by, a year was more than enough for them to digest and grow from that life and death battle.

Not to mention all four of them were talents that rarely come by.

"These kids must be killed, even if one of them escapes we will be eaten alive by Muzan-sama."

Three demons were watching Leo and company who were slaughtering through a horde of demons. The eyes of these three demons were etched with Lower Moon Six, Five and Four.

"Let's get rid of them one by one."


All three of them jumped out. Their first target was Giyu who seemed meek compared to the rest.

Giyu just killed off a demon when he saw another three jump at him. He also spotted the peculiarly of their eyes.


All three demons attacked at the same time.

One of them punched with explosive power, his arms were filled with spikes that gleamed with sharpness.

Another ripped opened his c.h.e.s.t revealing numerous dense razor sharp teeth that could even reduce iron to dust.

The lady demon slithered like a snake, her body looked as if it lacked bones and tried to coil around Giyu.

Watching the incoming torrent of attacks Giyu didn't panic. His eyes were like still water reflecting everything before him.

A mass of water manifested around him, it drowned the incoming waves of attacks and disappeared like a ripple across the surface of a calm lake.

Without pausing he changed his stance.

Water Breathing Technique Third Form, Flowing Dance!

His sword was enveloped by a stream of water and he moved like surging waves. Before the demons could react they were surrounded by the stream, and three of them stared wide eyed at what happened.

We lost?...

Those were the last words on their mind before they were scattered into ashes.

Sheathing his sword Giyu let out a breath, though it may seem like he was relaxed when he killed them, in reality the slightest mistake would have killed him.

"Phew... apart from becoming a glutton he is also getting stronger."

Sabito walked out along with Leo and Makomo. They had already sensed when those demons moved against Giyu and chose to watch, part of it was to retaliate for their dumplings while other part was to give him experience. Well, mostly to retaliate.

"I am hungry."

Giyu ignored them and said his piece. Leo's mouth twitched when he heard his reply.

"You just ate."

"Killing three Moons drained me."

"Stop boasting, will ya. They were weak and didn't take much effort."

"But I killed three Moons, that's better than what you did."

Sabito smiled, he walked towards Giyu while rubbing his fist. Giyu faintly felt like he shouldn't have said that, a bad feeling rose in his heart.


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