Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 53 - 53. New York

Leo slept like a baby, when he woke up the sun was already up and shining. He got up stretched his body and washed up.

When he walked out he saw Sam holding a cup of coffee and enjoying the morning light. He saw Leo and waved him to come over.

Sam tilted his head and asked, "Sleep well?"

Leo, "Yeah. I haven't slept this comfortably for some time."

Sam, "That's good. I am gonna be clocking out in ten minutes, I have arranged for a local to take you to your living space and show you around."

Leo, "Thanks."

Sam waved his hands and returned to his morning coffee. Leo was wondering if he would get one when a woman came by with a cup of coffee and gave it to him.

"Thank you."

The lady nodded and smiled.

Sam pointed to her and said, "Leo, this is your partner when you are here. Her name is Dalia and she is an agent specialising in intelligence, she will also be your guide as well."

Leo paused his movements, the hot coffee was just inches away from his mouth. After listening to Sam he turned towards the lady, only now did he notice how beautiful she was.

She was quite young, in her early twenties. She had blonde curly hair and light blue eyes. She wore a business suit for ladies, the clothes heightened her womanly charm as it defined the curves on her body. She had decent assets as well.

Gathering his thoughts Leo shook her hand and introduced himself, "Nice to meet you, Miss Dalia. My name is Leo Heart."

Dalia smiled in response, "My p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, Mr Heart."

He shook her hand, it was soft and smooth, it felt good. However Leo wasn't a lecher, he took back his hand after a polite shake.

Sam got up, "Alright. I am leaving, Dalia, show him his space and take him around for a stroll. He is gonna be with us for awhile, I don't want him to be lost during a mission."

Dalia saluted and replied, "Yes, Captain."

With that Sam left leaving Leo and Dalia alone. Leo was composed and drank his coffee, however Dalia kept staring at him. After finishing his coffee Leo couldn't help but ask, "Is there something on my face?"

Dalia knew it rude to have stared at him, she apologized and said, "I am sorry. It's just that you tore through the ceiling and plunged straight into the concrete floor. I am curious as to why you can still stand."

Leo smiled and didn't reply. He got up and said, "Shall we move?"

Dalia didn't press either, "Where do you want to go first?"

Leo said, "I am hungry, so let's get something to eat first."

Dalia led him to a nearby stall and got some bread and boiled egg."

Leo asked, "I heard from Sam that Dark Light is an official organisation. How does that work?"

Dalia collected her thoughts for a second and said, "The outside world know us by our official name, Special Tasks Force. If an incident or a crime beyond the norms happens the local authority transfers the case to us. After dealing with it everyone involved are briefed and sworn to secrecy."

Leo, "Secrecy? Does it work?"

Dalia shrugged, "To an extent but there is no such thing as an absolute air tight wall. Some things are bound to reach the public."

Leo asked, "What do you do then?"

Dalia shrugged, "We let it be. Extraordinaries are a threat and pose danger to normal people. But, even without them threats still exist. Rumours float around about their existence, and if a case pops up with a connection to them we step in. That's the purpose of our agency, to supervise, control and eliminate."

Talking with Dalia, Leo understood many things. He was astonished when he learned about how they operated. Realising how efficiently they worked Leo made a mental note to report it to Oyakata-sama when he returns.

Finishing their meal Dalia took Leo around the streets of New York. Along the way many pairs of eyes were attracted towards them. Leo was a tall young man with black short hair, slightly tanned skin and piercing blue eyes. He had a charm to him that attracted the opposite gender.

Dalia wasn't different as well, she is young, beautiful and s.e.xy. Many men couldn't help but stare at her, their minds were filled with fantasies.

After having lunch she took him to his apartment, it was small with a single bedroom, couch and a small table for two. However the place was well kept, Leo had no problems with the place and thanked Dalia.

Dalia, "I will leave you be. Once you are settled in return to the base by following the path I showed you."

Leo nodded, "Alright, thank you for all your help today, Miss Dalia."

Dalia nodded and left. Sending her off Leo closed the door and sat on the couch. He stretched his body and closed his eyes. The time slowly went by.

Three hours later he opened his eyes. Washing his face with cold water he went out and walked back to the agency.

Getting there he Knocked three times on the door in a particular rhythm, a hole opened on the door and a pair of eyes peeked out.

Seeing who it was the door was opened by the man on the other side. Leo nodded to him as he and walked in. Not long after he saw Sam sitting behind his desk going through several doc.u.ments. Hearing footsteps he looked back and saw Leo, "How was the apartment?"

Leo, "Good. Thanks."

Sam waved his hand, "Stop with the pleasantries. Anyway, be ready, because of you I asked the headquarters to not send any agents if any rogue extraordinaries pop up near us."

Leo raised an eyebrow, "You trust me that much."

Sam chuckled, "The one thing I have absolute confidence in is my ability to judge people."

Leo smiled, "Then I will try my best to not break that faith."

As they were speaking Dalia walked in with a stack of papers. She looked at Leo and nodded before handing the paper to Sam.

Leo asked Dalia, "I forgot to ask, what's your class?"

Dalia, "Class B."


Leo was slightly surprised. Sam noticed his expression and chuckled, "Dalia here is a genius, she is naturally awakened and posses a strong ability. We have high expectations for her. There is a chance she might become a Class S!"

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