Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 6 - 6. Shocking Discovery

The forest was pitch dark, Leo could only see several meters ahead of him and this was only possible because of his training. Moving forward he was shocked to find several demons presence all around him.

Steadying his breath Leo slowly crept forward. He closed in on the first demon and took a deep breath.

Dragon - Tiger Breathing, Second Form...

White Tiger Descend!

A huge White tiger seemed have grown out of his sword. It's body rippled with violent energy as it crashed into the demon. In a split second the demon torn into pieces, Leo quickly used the first form and disappeared.

Moments after he left dozens of demons each one more disgusting than the other appeared.

Leo observed them from a distance. Only now did he get a close look at them or specifically speaking their presence. All of them had the same that vile aura but every one of them gave of the same feeling.

How is this possible? Their presence are clearly different but they all give off the same feeling.

Even though Leo only fought demons recently he still had quite a bit of knowledge about them. Akira made sure he had sufficient information before he headed off to battle.

Leo's ability was kind of special, Akira still had no idea which sense he is using to perceive others however Leo was perfectly aware how his ability worked. What he perceived was their spirit, he could use his own spirit to sense others within a certain range.

Leo had transcended his own world and was born here, moreover he merged with another person's body. In the process he merged with the previous owners spirit and obtained his memories.

This strengthened his spirit to a ridiculous level. Transcending space alone would temper and purify spirit, in addition he even merged with another spirt and strengthened it even further.

He wasn't aware of the specific details but from several deductions Leo came to this conclusion. At the end it's a very useful ability, unless it's an opponent that's way too strong no one can get the drop on him.

The demons sniffed around for some time before they dispersed. Leo knew better to try his hand on another one, though it may look like they are scattered, a second was enough for them to gather given that he makes a move.

This is gonna be tricky. No spirit gives off the same vibe, there are only two possibilities. One, these demons are clones of another demon. However this is unlikely since each demon is different and their spirits are different.

Second, something took control of their spirit, leaving it's soul presence. Since a demon is strong enough to control other demons it's presence would be dominant in these demons.

Something big is happening here, how come the Demon Slayer Corps has no clue about what's happening here?

This is what confused Leo. Usually, the disappearance of people would bring in Demon Slayers. However no one came here, why?

Sneaking through the trees Leo ventured deeper into the forest. No demon was able to find him thanks to his special ability, Spirit Concealment.

Since his spirit was stronger than an average person he is able to mimic his soul to conceal himself. Unless they see or hear him it's impossible to sense him otherwise.

As he went deeper the expression on his face got worse. He could sense atleast twenty demons in his surrounding.

What the hell is happening?

Focusing his mind he went where the demon concentration was high. As he crossed a small winded path a cave concealed by vines appeared in his view.

It's normal to find caves on these mountains since bears usually lived in these parts. However Leo wasn't the least bit eased, he could feel an eerie vibe coming from that cave.

Inching closer he sensed carefully and found no one guarding the entrance. Again concealing his presence Leo entered the cave. The darkness of the cave only made his heart beat faster.

Even after walking for some time Leo still didn't sense any other demons however that eerie vibe only got stronger. This was the first time he came across such a situation but... he seemed strangely excited.

As he went deeper the darkness gradually disappeared. He could make out several wisps of light coming from further ahead. Heightening his senses he inched forward.

Soon the darkness was banished by light from lamps flickering with flames, it revealed a wide space. He hid near a corner and stretched his neck to look ahead. However his pupils shrunk and his face paled as he saw what was inside.

Damn Demons!

A pool of blood occupied the floor. Within it was severed limbs and bodies of humans. Every single face among them had an expression of deep horror and despair.

This many people disappeared and no Demon Slayer noticed!? Wait!... no, that's not it. From what that villager said the first demon appeared at most a week ago and only four people were taken. However...

Leo's face paled as he looked inside, he couldn't imagine what kind of monster would do such a vile thing.

Atleast fifty corpses lay there, which means...

A frightening thought crept into his mind. Leo wanted to deny it but the more he thought aboy it the more he found it confirming to reality. Just as he was lost in thought he sensed movement within the blood pool.

He watched with bated breath. A head slowly rose from the blood pool, a distorted face with a large mouth filled with bloody teeth emerged. It's body was thrice as large as a normal human, Leo spotted several worms all over its body which squirmed through its flesh.

"You were born to be a Demon Slayer."

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