Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 64 - 64. True Goal

Leo and Dalia walked out with Arthur. He was hung on Leo's shoulder like a rag doll, Dalia's mouth twitched when she saw this.

As they reached the ground floor they saw Sam going through some papers, hearing footsteps he looked back and almost popped his eyes out, "What the f*ck!? What happened!?"

Leo shrugged, "We sparred."

He threw Arthur like a sack of rice to a nearby couch and sat down.

Sam nearly spurted blood when he saw this, "Sparring made him into that?"

Leo didn't comment, he took a cookie from the desk and started to eat. Dalia explained what happened and only then did Sam relax.

The night passed by without any incidents, Leo and the rest went to get some shut eye and only at noon did they wake up.

After a sumptuous meal Leo was guided by Dalia to an emergency meeting, it seems the reinforcements from the combat division was here and they had some info about what happened last night.

As he walked into the meeting room he saw two middle aged men talking to Sam. They saw Leo walk in and got up to greet him, "Nice to finally talk to you Mr Leo, my name James and this is Deacon. We have been temporarily posted here to aid you in every way possible."

Leo shook their hands and said some polite words. After pleasantries were done James started to speak, "We know what happened last night, as a matter of fact we are here especially because of it. By the way, where is Arthur?"

Sam faltered for a second, "He sparred with Leo last night and hasn't woken up."


James and Deacon looked at Leo for a second, then their eyes darted towards Dalia and showed a knowing smile.

Deacon took over the conversation, "As of last night, a total of six bases were attacked simultaneously. There goal was to locate Patrick."


Sam stood up in shock, not only him even Dalia had the same reaction. Leo looked at them in surprise and asked, "Who is this Patrick?"

Sam looked solemn as he said, "That's the name of the person who created the serum."


Leo recalled who it was and asked in confusion, "Wasn't that a few century ago? He is still alive?"

James shook his head, "No, they aren't the same person. The Patrick you are talking about is the forefather of this one."

Deacon explained, "It's like this, Patrick is the name given to the most outstanding descendant of the man who invented the serum."

Leo understood.

Sam asked, "Why would Extraordinaries search for Patrick now? And they even attacked six base for that, that's overkill. Patrick is important but his importance isn't that high for those rogue Extraordinaries to search for him in such a reckless manner."

James knew what Sam was implying and said, "I know what you mean, but that information is classified."

Sam widened his eyes, "Classified? You mean a class 8 agent like me doesn't have the right to look at it?"

Deacon nodded. Sam's mood became even more serious, Leo had no idea about the classification of agents so he asked Dalia, "Hey, what's this agent rank about?"

Dalia whispered, "Agents are ranked from 1 to 9. To rank up one would require double the amount of the previous one. And your strength has nothing to do with these ranks. Even if you are a class S you have no right to view any of the classified information if you don't have the corresponding rank."

Leo rubbed his chin, Even a rank 8 agent doesn't qualify? Interesting.

Deacon looked at Sam and apologized, "I am sorry, Sam."

Sam shook his head, "Don't worry, it's the rule, you don't have to apologize. But I do have a question, why did they attack six base in one night?"

James explained, "Patrick moves around a lot and his whereabouts are top secret, even among the handful of rank 9 agents only three has the right to that information...

Leo completed the rest, "So they attacked every base with a high chance of him being there."

They all finally understood the jist of it. Sam asked, "What's next?"

Deacon said with a cold voice, "Find them and Kill!"

Murderous intent started to pour out of Deacon. Leo and Dalia were startled, James patted his shoulder and only then did he pull it back, he looked at everyone and apologized, "I am sorry."

Sam saw everyone's confusion and said, "Deacon is an instructor in charge of training new recruits, 5 out of every 10 agents in every unit were once his students."

Leo and Dalia understood, a teacher is like a parent, and to watch those men and women he considered as family to die like that... it's understandable.

Sam tapped his finger on the table and said, "Patrick is their goal, so we can be sure that their attacks will continue and since we have been attacked our unit is safe, for now."

James nodded and said something that gave Sam the shock of his lifetime, "It's for that reason we are moving Patrick to your base."

Sam who had a solemn and serious attitude now looked like a clown, his mouth was so wide open that it could probably swallow a fist, his eyes stared so wide that it almost popped out.

Dalia had a shock too, her fare and delicate fingers covered her cherry lips. Luckily her rank was limited and only knew of Patrick's background not his importance and his ability so her shock was only limited to that.

The most outstanding descendant eh, this would be interesting.

James saw everyone's shock except Leo's, he was curious as to why Leo didn't show the slightest change in expression but he had more important things at hand, "He will reach here by tonight, we will also be here to help you."

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