Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 78 - 78. Hunting

Catherine was very enthusiastic when it came to firearms. She took Leo around the mansion showed her other collections.

Leo was shocked to see so many rooms filled with all kind of weapons. She practically had a small armoury.

A few days went by. Leo had a good time in Arthur's house. Lex and Catherine were very nice people.

"Hey, you wanna go hunting in the woods out back?"

On this day Arthur suddenly found Leo and asked.

Leo was doing a set of fist movements when Arthur came by. He stopped and thought for a moment before agreeing.


Arthur smiled and left hurriedly.

Leo called it a day and changed his clothes. He saw Arthur again when he left his room. This time Dalia was with him. She wore a black pant and shirt and had a rifle on her back.

"This is yours."

Arthur gave Leo a gun.

"What type of animals are in the woods?"

"Deers, rabbits, bears... the usual."

Leo nodded.

They left the mansion and went all the way to the far end of the estate. Thick trees lined the opposite side of the estate. This side of the estate was lined with tall fences and barbed wires.

There was a gate and the three of them entered the woods.

Leo sniffed the air after they walked for a while.

"What are you doing?"

Dalia asked curiously.

"Wild animals usually mark their grounds. I was checking for their odour."

Leo answered and walked forward. Every five step he would check the ground and the surrounding trees.

Dalia and Arthur were confused. Still they silently followed him. After they while they came across a narrow water stream.

Arthur was startled. He knew this place, on rare occasions when he went hunting with his father, the latter would take him to places like this since animals tend to gather near water bodies.

"Leo, how did you know there would be a water source here?"

Leo pointed to the ground.

"The vegetation is thicker near water sources. And the smell is humid and fresher as well."

Arthur was stunned, "You can find all of that?"

Leo shrugged, "I do live on a mountain back home."

"You live on a mountain?"

Dalia asked back in surprise.

"Yeah. The air is fresher there."

Leo replied with a smile.

The three of them went along the water stream at a steady pace. Soon they spotted their first target.

It was a deer.

Dalia signalled with her hand. Leo and Arthur and stepped back.

She raised her rifle and took aim. Her breathing turned slow and easy.


The deer's ears twitched just before Dalia pulled the trigger, it immediately jumped up and tried to run away.

Dalia's shot missed a fatal injury, but it did catch one of the deer's legs.

"Tch. Almost."

Dalia said to herself and ran to where the deer was a moment ago. Leo and Arthur followed her and they saw a blood trail stretching into the forest.

"Let's go. It's running because of adrenaline, once that tones down the injury will kick in and it won't be able to move."

Leo said and followed the trail.

The three of them walked into the dense cl.u.s.ter of trees and walked for a while.

After a while the three of them stopped in their tracks and checked the ground.

A patch of soil was covered in blood and fur.


Leo said.

Arthur nodded. He was no stranger to animals in these woods.

"Should we go further or head back?"

Dalia asked.

"No point in trying to get it back. Wolfs always travel in packs."

Arthur said.

Leo agreed and said, "Let's head back to the water stream."

They were just about to turn back when a large figure emerged from the shrubs.



The bullet found it's mark and created a bloody wound on the bear's c.h.e.s.t.


The bear roared and rushed at them.

Dalia and Leo calmly raised their guns and pulled the trigger.

Puff! Puff!

Two rounds of blood sprayed through the air. One bullet created another bloody wound on the bear's c.h.e.s.t. And the other opened a hole in it's head.

"Nice shot!"

Dalia exclaimed.

Arthur made sure the bear was dead and smiled.

"We got a bear. Never did I expect to find one so easily."

Leo asked, "Are they scarce here?"

Arthur nodded, "My dad and his friends often hunts here when they get together. And every time they would try to hunt a bear, so the number of bears kind of dwindled down."

Dalia asked, "Hey, how are we going to get this guy back to the mansion?"

Arthur patted his c.h.e.s.t, "Don't worry. I can carry it back."

Dalia looked at him for a split second and said, "No abilities allowed when hunting."


Arthur's expression turned stiff. He showed an unnatural smile, "Yea-yeah."

I see. He wanted to use his spatial ability to bring it back. She crushed his spirit very quickly.

Leo said to himself and chuckled.

"Wait here."

He said to them and disappeared into the forest. After a while he came back with three large leafs and several thick vines.

He then skillfully skinned the bear and cut the flesh into several small pieces. After twenty minute the bear was completely stripped of it's flesh and wrapped in leaf like a bundle.

Picking up the bear skin he made it into a temporary sack and placed the meat bundles inside.

Casually picking up the large bear sack weighing more than a hundred kilogrammes Leo said to Arthur and Dalia.

"One of you take the bear head."

Arthur and Dalia was staring at him in silence. Twenty minutes was all it took for a large bear to become a sack of meat.

"Yeah, let's head back."

Putting aside his shock Arthur picked up the bear head which Leo didn't slice up and packed it into a small sack he had on him.

Leo walked steadily as he carried huge sack on his back. He wasn't sweating nor was he tired, he looked like he was taking a morning stroll.

When they got back to the mansion Lex and Catherine were stunned.

Dalia excitedly explained what happened. Lex and Catherine looked at Leo with newfound respect.

Lex was happy to get bear meat and arranged for the chefs to prepare roasted bear.

Leo wanted to take a bath and get ready for a hearty meal.

When he was near his room he saw a small kid about the age of 10 or so tending the garden.

Out of curiosity he watched her. A second later he showed a surprised expression and faintly smiled.

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