Animeverse Slayer!

Chapter 89 - 89. Forging Secrets

Sakon wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at the newly forged sword he let out a smile.

"Not bad, a Nine by Four sword."

He turned around and gave it to Leo, "Check it out. Just out of the furnace."

Leo grabbed the sword and found it weighted no less than his own. He scanned it with his spirit sense and found a completely different vibe to it.

He commented, "Good sword!"

Sakon laughed lightly, "Haha, don't praise me so much. I didn't make necessary preparations since your request was so sudden."

Leo handed the sword back and asked, "Why did your rhythm change after the first three sets?"

Sakon was surprised, "You noticed, impressive."

They walked out of the forge and went to the backyard, Sakon asked, "How much did the chief tell you?"

Leo simply stated, "Not much, you know, since I am a newbie at this. But he did explain the three phases of forging."

Sakon nodded and explained, "Basically that's it, but there is a lot more to it. The first three sets use brute force and techniques to remove metallic waste and temper the sword. Since I don't know the distribution of these impurities I have to rely on my experience and instinct to force it out."

I can see it though.

Leo thought to himself.

He didn't voice it out and listened.

"A millennia of forging helped us to understand where to strike, when to strike and how much force to use. We developed techniques based on this understanding. The mold simply gives a weapon it's shape, we use these techniques to further refine and strengthen them."

"For that, brute strength is needed. With each strike the impurities are removed, the metal is folded and compressed to it's extreme limits. After the first three sets, every weapon will be extremely tough."

"Next four sets are different. It's to merge all the other elements into the core component. Luckily, the other components will automatically merge with the strongest one. But I can't just simply apply brute force as before, that would break the sword."

"From the fourth set onwards I can only strike when the force from the previous strike disappears, otherwise it will overlap with the next one, the resulting force will destroy the sword. So, I have to wait for the perfect moment."

"My timing was off for the fourth set, that's why I could only do five, any more and the sword would have broken."

Leo understood the theory quite easily. He thought for a moment and asked, "What about the last two sets? What's it's purpose?"

Sakon gathered his thoughts and explained, "The eighth sets purpose is to fundamentally change the sword as whole and give it special properties. A Nine by Eight weapon will easily resonante with it's weilder and boost their attack power."

"As for the last set... there has never been a smith to create a Nine by Nine sword. To give a sword spirit... it sounds impossible but my ancestors believed it can done."

Leo was surprised, "Really? A sword with spirit?"

Sakon nodded, "Millennia of debates led my ancestors to believe that, certain materials and high attainments in forging are needed to make a Nine by Nine weapon. Well, that's all just a theory though."

He pointed to the sword he just made, "Take this sword for example, it may be a Nine by Four but it's still not perfect."

Leo was surprised. While forging he failed to notice the impurities the sword still had. When Sakon handed the complete sword to to him his spirit sense noticed black spots here and there on its body.

There weren't many but there were still some. The sword wasn't perfect.

Sakon continued, "If this sword was without an ounce of imperfection and I had the ability to strike with impeccable precision, with certain special materials it's possible to create a Nine by Nine sword."

With his spirit sense Leo could see through any metal. He can remove even the tiniest of impurities, and he can literally see the force spreading through the sword.

Which means Leo had already fulfilled one of the criteria to create a Nine by Nine sword.

Who knew my spirit sense had such an ability.

His spirit sense was the ultimate tool for forging.

Leo got up and said, "Thanks for today."

Sakon nodded, "If you have any questions just ask. Anyway, where are you off to now?"

Leo said, "I will go around and watch those disciples forge. Though it won't be as good as yours, it's still experience."

Sakon was curious, "You really want to learn forging? Why?"

Leo shrugged, "It's interesting."

Sakon laughed, "Haha, that's right, it is interesting!"

Leo said goodbye and left. He visited several forgery and saw many junior smiths and masters forge. It was an eye opener for Leo, without the ability to see they used techniques and instinct to create weapons of such quality.

He only had one word for these people, amazing.

By the end of the day he visited the chief and asked him for a favour.

"Lord Hashira, this... for someone of your status to..."

The chief was hesitating.

Leo smiled and said, "It's alright. Just think of it as a hobby."

The chief thought for a moment and agreed, "Alright, I will do as you ask. I will arrange a forging room for you and some apprentices to help you."

Leo shook his head, "I don't any help."

The chief shook his head, "That won't do. Lord, this is your first time forging, it takes a lot of time to know your way around a forgery. The process may not be a problem for you but if any mistakes happen someone with experience needs to be there to take care of it."

He woke up with a clear mind and made a beeline towards the forgery. The chief was already waiting for him. He led him inside and showed.

"Honourable Hashira, you can use this place as you please. If you need anything just ask."

Leo thanked the chief. Looking at the workshop he rubbed his hands.

"Let's get started."

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