Anna Lu

2 The Duans' Visi

Tears rolled down her cheek, the memories of her mother came rushing in

"Anna just bear with it for now, nothing lasts forever"

"Anna don't lose faith, don't lose hope"

"You will walk again I assure you!"

"I will always be here for you, I promise"

Anna clenched the sheets, ''you promised to be here, why?, why have you left?, leaving me to face all of this alone.

I can't do it, I miss you.....I really do''

Anna said in a low voice, she ended up crying her self to sleep.


The next morning, the mansion was more lively than usual, the cooks were making their best specialties, the maids were cleaning the guest rooms and dusting everything.

Anna wheeled to the garden and did the only chore she could do at the moment, watering plants.

She only enjoyed doing this, it helped her to calm her mind but most almost every part of her day is spent in the piano room.

"They say the Duans are coming for dinner tonight and are staying for a week!" Xiao Xiao said all smiles

Anna was taken aback, a week?, there was definitely something going on.....

"Actually, Madam Clara says the General's sons have been engaged to her daughters since from birth and this is their first official meeting"

"Oh" Anna answered half heartedly, she was kind of happy, if her sisters got married they could finally leave her alone and she would be left with only madam Clara to deal with.

"Young miss don't worry, you're only 19 there will still be many chances for you to find a husband too" Xiao Xiao said thinking that Anna's silence meant she was jealous.

"Hmm....I doubt if anyone would ever fall for me not to even talk of marriage...let's go" Anna wheeled away leaving Xiao Xiao with tears in her eyes, she really wanted her young miss to be happy.

Anna went into the piano room, shutting her self off from the world, she placed her fingers on the black and white key and played....she poured out her emotions through the sounds of her own tunes.


"Welcome General Duan" Madam Clara greeted with a huge smile on her face, as evening came, the family arrived not a second late.

Madam Clara admired the god like looks of the three men behind the general but her brows creased in confusion

"General, I thought you only had two sons"

The General glanced at the men at his back, a smile appeared on his lips as he walked towards the man with no emotions on his face

"This is our head of guard, he is the head and the trainer of all our bodyguards and men, he is also my trusted assistant"

The man bowed at madam Clara not a single emotion could be seen through his cold eyes.

"This are my sons, Li Chen and Su Chen, and this young man here is Bai Sheng " The General said filled with pride.

"Oh, welcome young masters and Bai Sheng"

All three of them bowed at the young madam respectfully before walking in.

"So when do we get to meet the hot ladies?"

The old madam halted in her steps in surprise, how could the General's son say such a thing?

"Su Chen!, watch your tongue!" Li Chen warned, being unidentical twins, their characters were so different from each other

While Su Chen was carefree and lively, Li Chen was reserved and elegant.

Madam Clara coughed lightly to ease the awkward atmosphere

"My daughters are in their rooms getting ready, you will meet them soon" She said with a soft smile.

The men followed behind her, after being shown their rooms, they were led to the dining room.

"These are my daughters" Madam Clara said filled with pride, her daughters were really beautiful and there was no way the General's sons or any other man would be able to look the other way.

"This is Lily and Rose"

Yep, she named both her daughters after flowers, and both of them did look extremely fragile as flowers.

And as expected, the general's sons' eyes shone when they saw the girls.

Dinner was served not long after the introductions, the atmosphere was lively and everyone was smiling

"But I heard Mr Lu has another daughter, why isn't she here?" The general asked

Madam Clara's expression soon changed, she was having such a good time and they just had to mention that useless idiot!

She forced a smile "She is not really a people person and she usually likes to just sit on her 'wheel chair' quietly" Madam Clara emphasized on the wheel chair part and as expected the general soon lost interest and changed the topic.


"Young miss, are you sure you won't go and have dinner or at least greet the general? "

Anna's fingers stopped moving, she looked at Xiao Xiao

"My step mother would have already come up with an excuse as to why I'm not there so don't worry"

Anna let out a deep sigh and stared at the piano, her mother was the person who taught her to play, she always brought her here whenever she was bored.

Her mother was the person that made her fall in love with these keys, the tunes, the melodies.

Anna realized how lonely she was, despite the fact that Xiao Xiao was always with her, she couldn't tell her feelings to her because either ways, Xiao Xiao was hired by Madam Clara, she couldn't trust her.

"I'm sleepy, Xiao Xiao, I will go to bed now''

Anna moved past Xiao Xiao and since she didn't want to bump into her step mother or sisters, she took the back door and headed straight to her room.

After being tucked in by Xiao Xiao, Anna fell asleep.

That night she dreamt of her mother and the last words she said to her the last time she saw her alive

"Your father has another family, he wants to take you away from me to them"

"But why would he do that?, don't want to leave you mom" Anna asked still shocked by the news

Her mother looked at her "No matter what, I will always be here for you, you are my, my daughter and I won't let anyone take you away from me!"

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