Anna Lu

26 Fancy Restauran

"Li Chen, are you okay?" Anna asked making Li Chen consider jumping off a cliff.

The woman he loved just watched him get beat up, this is by far the embarrassing moment of his life.

"Ahem! It's nothing, I'm totally fine" he said with a smile, now that he finally acknowledged his feelings, being so close to her doesn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

"What about you?, your exercises.....are they going ok?"

Anna nodded "Yes they are"

"Hey little Anna, do you want to get lunch with me?" Su Chen asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

Anna pushed his hand away and dusted her shoulder like there was dirt on it.

"Li Chen, would you like to have lunch with me today?"

And after that question was a series of coughs from Li Chen....that's right, he choked!

"Are....Are you ok?" Anna asked worried, he struggled to nod but his hands were still over his mouth.

Su Chen patted his brother's back with a huge grin.

'He making things so obvious....see how everyone us staring at him'

"Ok, let's go for lunch" Li Chen suddenly said, he looked like he returned to his normal self every one knew.

He smiled elegantly at Anna making her doubt that this was the guy that just choked a few seconds ago.....

"Sure" Anna smiled before following him and sided by side...Li Chen took her out of the Duan base to a fancy restaurant close by.

"Uh.....I thought we were just having lunch?"

Li Chen stared at the girl's confused expression, he couldn't help but be drawn to her. Every bit of her actions were cute to him.

"Yes, but since its just the two of us...I..I...I figured!....." Li Chen said loudly, maybe he will confess his feelings another day....just not now...not today!

"I figured you would be tired of being cooped up in Base for so long so I....decided to bring you here"

Anna smiled brightly, she didn't expect Li Chen to be this considerate. He is definitely 100% better than his brother!

"Thank you for taking care of me" Anna said, not able to find the proper words to tell him.

Little did she know that her choice of words, made a certain person's heart beat wildly.


"Dr Conway, can you come over?"

"What is the problem Bai Sheng? Are your symptoms acting up again?" After putting his head down on his pillow,

Bai Sheng was silent for a few seconds before he spoke up "Not exactly...." he said scratching his head, not exactly.....yep that is definitely one way to put it.

"Ok then, I will be there by five tomorrow " Dr Conway said.

"But why tomorrow?" Bai Sheng asked, he needed help today if not...he might just end up going crazy.

"Because...I am currently in Australia. You sent me here remember?" Dr Conway scoffed over the phone, why was he asking stupid questions?

When Bai Sheng heard his words reality finally struck him, what was he thinking calling Dr Conway over from Australia?

"You know what?....never mind, just leave it and focus on taking care of my sister"

"Alright Bai Sheng, as you wish" Dr Conway said before hanging up.

Bai Sheng sighed "My sister comes first, before anything else!" He reminded himself, he closed his eyes and tried to rest. But memories of the past wouldn't let him.

He became frustrated and opened the cupboard at his bedside, he took out a cigarette and a lighter and went to the balcony.


The lunch wasn't as awkward as Li Chen thought it would be, except for the weird stares they were getting from the people in the restaurant.

It wasn't because they were not dressed fancy enough, it was just because of Anna's looks.

They all stared at Li Chen in a weird way like they were telling him "Why do have such weird tastes?"

He felt angry because he knew their thoughts, to him Anna was much more beautiful as anyone else in his life!

Anna did not seem to know or maybe she just didn't care as she ate her food with glee and shining eyes.

It wasn't the best food she had tasted but each of the dishes had its own unique and unforgettable taste.

When they went back to base, Li Chen kept stealing glances at Anna to see if she felt sad about what happened but then he realized, he can't find out this girl's thoughts. She was really good at hiding her true feelings or maybe she wasn't even hiding at all.

"Thank you for lunch, Li Chen. I promise to repay you one day with my own cooking" Anna smiled, Li Chen's heart skipped a beat for like the nth time.

'Maybe I was thinking too much' he thought then, he realized what she just said "You can cook?"

"Mmhmm, not to brag but....I won a lot of cooking competitions when I was in the village with my mo....." Anna stopped midway and her eyes showed sadness, every single time she though of that woman. It always hurts.

Li Chen didn't really know anything about her past but judging by her expression it seemed she just opened up a scar. He knew that because he was like that as well anytime he thought of his mother...the guilt always ate him up.

"Well then.....I will look forward to your cooking then" Li Chen said patting her head. Anna shook those thoughts away and looked up at Li Chen, he was being so nice to her it felt like she had another brother.

"Ok then" she smiled again making Li Chen feel eased, this was the expression he wanted to see from her.

"Li Chen!"

Li Chen got startled when he heard his name, why did Bai Sheng sound like he wanted to kill him?

"Where have you two been?" Bai Sheng asked coldly, the anger clearly evident in his voice.

"We went out for lunch" Anna said meekly, she was not sure if it was allowed but she was ready to take the blame for Li Chen.

"Why would you leave without telling me?" Bai Sheng's anger flared up, he already knew Li Chen liked Anna so does this mean they went on a date?

Anna had never seen him this angry before, she was so surprised and even forgot to blink.

Her eyes started tearing up and she blinked to ease the uncomfortable feeling.

A single tear ran down her cheek which startled both Bai Sheng and Li Chen.

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