Anna Lu

44 Lost In The Forest 2

"So....he wasn't really her boyfriend?"

Anna nodded, Scarlet had deceived everyone about her and Li Chen's relationship. Everyone thought they had dated before meanwhile, it was just a stunt to get closer to Li Chen.

"And the guy didn't say anything?" Angel asked.

Anna shook her head "He didn't actually care at that time, that was why everyone was misled" Anna explained, she remembered looking at Scarlet with a weird look because of her coming clean. The first time she came here, Scarlet was so confident when she said Li Chen was her ex. Even Eve believed her.

"Aiii, some girls are just so complicated" Amber said before sighing.

"How long have we been walking?"

"I think almost three hours" Anna replied, she was also getting more than tired. She had just began to use her legs and now she was straining them.

It didn't take long after three hours for them to see the beach, they all sighed in relief and ran towards it.

They were the first people to reach!

** looked at the trio in horror " the heck did you get out so fast?, no injuries....n..nothing"

They looked at the stuttering instructor confused. 'Were they supposed to get injured?'

They soon realized what he meant after 3 more hours. The women finally started coming out of the forest.

Not just a few but all of them came out with at least one or two injuries,some came with tattered clothes while there were some who made it obvious that they abandoned their teammates just to make it first.

"Now do you girls understand?"

"...." They were still shocked by what they were seeing.

"This has never happened before but I think..." ** looked at them with twinkling eyes

"You took the perfect path!"

Amber laughed "The perfect path? what is that?"

** looked offended, he expected to be excited or jumping that they just became legends.

"When Eve first came here, she made a path that only her knows about to this beach and no one else has ever found it before. So when my people were setting the traps and and keeping ferocious animals along the way, they didn't put it there"

Anna and Amber nodded, their faces brimming with excitement. Angel still looked confused "Ferocious animals?" She asked herself. They turned out to be really lucky.

"Well congratulations girls. You guys are officially the winners of this test and the highest ranking in all of the trainees.

You all get....these uniforms" Anna smile grew wide when she heard the word 'uniforms'

"...." she became speechless when she saw them, while the other girl were excitedly about to try theirs on, Anna looked at it clearly angry....."Why is it orange? and where is the barrette?"

** laughed before pointing to the pocket of Anna's uniform. There was a big fat TRAINEE written on it.

Anna gritted her teeth and forced out a thank you. She put her hopes up for nothing!


Anna lay on her bed not able to sleep at all. Scarlet had told her countless times about how hard the first test was going to be. Anna really looked forward to a challenge today so she was kind of disappointed.

She looked at the photo at her bedside and smiled. She noticed a white paper beside it.

It was Bai Sheng's letter, she totally forgot about it because of her excitement yesterday.

"Anna, how have you been?

Both So Chen and I miss you alot.

I need you to be strong and also take good care of yourself.

I sent my sister there as well because she bugged me alot, I wanted to asking you to please protect her on my behalf.

Her name is Angel, she's 14 and probably the youngest there so you'll know her when you see her.

And Anna, once those two years are over. I won't ever let you leave my side again.

Bai Sheng"

Anna felt her heartbeat speeding up when she read the last last sentence.

''What does he mean by 'never let me leave his side'? he perhaps...." Anna gasped and her face began to turn red.

She wanted to get up and jump on her bed but she stopped herself from doing so

"Ok....Angel is Bai Sheng's sister future sister in-law..." Anna whispered and began to giggle.

"Anna Bai....Anna Sheng.....Anna Zhang..." Anna giggled again burying her flushed face in her pillow

"I really I'm love sick" her muffled voice said.


After a week, there was a new instructor and out of the 580 women who came to join Eve's barrettes, there were only 150 left.

Most of them gave up because of how hard **'s "tests" as he likes to call them was.

Anna had already told Angel about how she knew her brother and Angel was happy that she knew him.

The trio became quite close after 2weeks, although it was not always easy. They tried their best to work together and make sure they all become barrettes together.

Everyone was normal and still smiling at each other at least till, their next instructor came.

She was the queen of acting, literary. The woman could change her emotions at anytime, it would always seem so believable that most of the girls fell for it.

She also taught them what she liked to call 'the act of seductions'.

Teaching them ways to entice men without even saying a word. But that was the hardest part of the training because not even Anna and her friends/ future sister in-law, could do it.

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