Anna Lu

46 Happy New Month!

Happy new month readers!

This is a very special chapter and this is the story of how your author became a writer. (You can skip it if you want)

I was a very, very lonely person. I had an older brother and three sisters. Two of which are my cousins know, staying with your family all your life without having friends your age was kind of frustrating.

I did go to school incase you're wondering but at that time I was in a foreign country and well, it was way too hard for me to make friends. Not because of their weird accents but because the people in that school were big gossips.

My teachers were also trying to hit on me so I normally kept to my self when I was in class.

My parents weren't together so my sisters, my brother and I lived with my dad in this....foreign country.

My mom would visit once in a while (Although I wanted her to stay forever)

But my dad was unlike any other. Sure he nagged alot, but he was fun and he always always made time for his children.

So....March 15th 2018 I lost my father, and to be honestly I myself don't even know what killed him (Don't judge me)

He was sick and the night before he died I was just joking and playing with him and the next morning poof!

The funny thing was that the last words my father said to me was "God sent you to me, thank you" he said it when I helped him with a few things that night but that is the most clear memory I have of him now.

So.....everyone (My family) we went back to my own country after spending 4years in the foreign country (How I wish it was outside Africa)

Funny enough, on the day he died I didn't cry, I actually couldn't because I couldn't find the tears but now I'm crying like a baby every now and then...

I fell into depression and I sort of stopped eating, no body in my family noticed that anything was wrong with me because I didn't want anyone to notice but, my darling big brother (Anone, he's an author on Webnovel) Opened a Webnovel account for me because he got turned of seeing me sitting down and spacing out every minute so..... I hated reading novels that had more than 50 chapters but here I am.

The first novel I read was full marks hidden marriage. That when I realized I loved reading (and that i also wanted a husband like Lu TingXiao)

So Webnovel took over my brain. Novels upon novels. My brother became an author and I supported him.

In a way, Webnovel helped me get over my depression, it helped me escape from my pain.

We went back to the foreign country after my father's burial (Which I was too scared to attend)

I guess we thought life would be different, but it wasn't things actually got way, way out of hand and we came back to Nigeria. (My darling country)

My brother got a contract from Webnovel and so far that is what we have been using to survive, I am not even in school yet (

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