Anna Lu

60 Leaving For China

Anna stared at the man's sleeping face and sighed. He had fallen asleep right after he took a shower, he didn't even wait for her to finish cooking dinner.

He seemed tired, but not physically.

Anna couldn't bring herself to sleep, she was worried about him. She had never seen him this affected by something before. She wanted to ask him but she knew that she had to wait.

Bai Sheng's eyes suddenly flew open, he looked like he just had a nightmare but once he saw Anna's face in front of him, he realized it was just a dream.

"You're awake..." Anna was about to say more before she felt her entire body being lifted of the ground. He put her on his lap and resumed his hugging.

"Bai Sheng.....what's going on?" Anna didn't get a reply. The silence was frustrating, Anna hated it.

"Bai Sheng" she raised her voice "Why? don't you trust me enough to share your burdens?"

Bai Sheng shook his head "I trust you Anna....only you"

Anna stared into his eyes and kissed his forehead "What ever it is...I think you will feel better if you just tell someone"

Bai Sheng tightened his hug "I met my mother today.....she apologized"

Anna suddenly felt depressed. When she heard the story about Bai Sheng's childhood, she really hated his mother for making him go through something like that at a young age just because of his disability but, when she met his mother at the island, she seemed to be telling the truth, she seemed to want to make things right with her son.

"I'm not going to accept it!" she heard Bai Sheng say.

Anna sighed and looked at him "Why?.....I for one know that she really regrets everything she did in the past. I know that it is none of my business but....can you at least give her another chance?"

Bai Sheng didn't say a word and just brought her down from his lap. "Anna.....I'm hungry"

Anna was furious, is he really going to ignore her right now?

"I'll think about it" Bai Sheng added after noticing the expression on her face.

Anna clapped excitedly "Ok!....lets go eat"



It was a really cold morning the next day, Anna had already made her plans but sine Bai Sheng came she had to postpone them.

She checked her room and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized the man was still sleeping.

She wrote a short note and left it for him on the coffee table.

Anna took her luggage and left, she was afraid that if she saw his face or heard his voice, she might as well just give up.

But she made a bet with her father, that after 2 years, they would meet again and she would avenge Li Chen's death.

So she booked the first morning flight to China.


Bai Sheng woke up in a slightly better mood. He decided that it would be better if he just let go of the past. He knew not forgiving her would just make him exactly like them.

He got down from the bed and couldn't help but feel warm when he thought of Anna.....

"Anna?" The house seemed to be empty 'did she go out to buy something?'

Bai Sheng noticed the note on the coffee table.

"Don't look for me, I'll be back soon

Love, Anna"

"What does she mean by don't look for me?" Bai Sheng had an unsettling feeling in his chest. He tried to call her several times but she didn't answer.

Which left only one option, go against the note!

....He was going to look for her.


Somewhere in China....

Lu Mansion...the real one!

Anna had gotten the address of this place the last time she saw her father. He had intentionally left it there for her. He said he was looking for a successor....Anna laughed.

She would set his organization on fire and run it through the ground!

The guards in front of the door stood in her way, looking at her like she was some intruder.

"Who are you?" One of the burly men said as he pointed a gun at her head. Anna laughed sarcastically. She was really going to enjoy this.

She quickly reached for the gun in the man's hand and kneed his crotch.

The man put his hands in between his legs and fell to the ground groaning in pain

The other guard got alerted and reached for Anna's arm. Anna dodged it and sent a kick to his stomach.

Anna didn't hold back, hitting them with full strength.

When she was sure none of them could stand up properly anymore, she bent down and said in a low voice "I'm your Boss' daughter.....your future Boss"

She patted their shoulders like she was trying to comfort them before letting out a laugh.

"That was fun....." she giggled. Before walking in.

Anna was not surprised when she saw the interior of the house. It was literally covered in gold.

There were priceless treasures placed all around.

'He sure is rich....' she thought walking around. She didn't like the house one bit, it was too luxurious for her. It made her feel somewhat out of place.

After walking for a few minutes she finally spotted a soul...a maid.

"Hey!....yes, you" Anna nodded signaling the young girl to come over "Where's your boss?"

The girl looked at Anna cautiously "You.....who are you?"

Anna rolled her eyes, are they all serious?

"Just tell me, where he is" She said coldly, she was beginning to get annoyed with this house already.

The maid shivered under Anna's gaze and shakily pointed at the stairs.

"T...The study, the first room on the right"

Anna nodded not sparing her another glance.

The only problem was that...just how many steps were they?

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