Anna Lu

65 Amber is His Ex?

"June is.....alive"

The twins looked at Bai Sheng with shock in their eyes. He said he forgot to tell them something important. Was this it?

"What? That's impossible!" Su Chen said "I saw her die right in front of me, how the hell is she....."

"I also...couldn't believe it at first, but she acted so nervous around me every time, trying to avoid me and wouldn't even look me in the eye.....its her"

"M..Maybe we should talk about this later, what i mean is....we shouldn't discuss something this important on an empty stomach" Li Chen said nervously,not only because he knew his brother's feelings for June but also, he called Anna and told her to come over. He planned to explain everything with his brother with him.

Now that Bai Sheng brought this up, there's a chance that she might hear.

Both his brother's looked at him with confused expressions "None of us are hungry....we just ate" Su Chen said before turning his attention back toBai Sheng.

"I know.....that June has hurt you in the past but I won't let you hurt her again"

Banishing raised his eyebrows "She was a spy Su Chen, she spent 10 years gaining our trust just to end up betraying all of us. I don't get why you're still protective of her till now"

Su Chen looked at Bai Sheng with serious eyes "That was years ago....and besides, you've got yourself a new girlfriend now right? Or don't tell me you're still in love with June?"

Bai Sheng felt offended, if course he didn't love June, he hated it when people betrayed his trust that was why he shot her out of anger the first time.

Now that he knew she was alive, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice, God knows how much he regretted talking a life out of anger but now Su Chen was taking things too far

"How about you?" Bai Sheng asked "Are you in love with June? It seems you want to protect her so very much"

Su Chen ignored his question and didn't speak a word.

"Just like I thought..." Bai Sheng chuckled. "You can always go to your aunt's island and tell her how you feel....I do admit that I loved June once, more than I've ever loved anyone but....."

"You're with me now....every one else doesn't matter"

Anna said as she took a seat and sat down next to Bai Sheng with a sweet smile on her face.

Bai Sheng was surprised "How much of it did you hear?"

''Everything..." Anna replied before glaring at the twins

"Would any of to explain what's going on here?"

Li Chen sighed.....he knew this was going to happen.



Shola opened her eyes to a brightly lit surrounding, she was on a really soft bed.

She looked around, nothing seemed familiar. She knew this wasn't a room from her house.

She got down from the bed and tried to reach the door but she was soon hit with a wave of dizziness and her legs swayed. She fell on her butt, hole hissed at the pain but she still managed to get up making her way to the door.

It was locked!

"Hello!" She yelled but got no answer.

She knew she had been kidnapped, this wasn't the first time.

"Hello!....would you at least be professional and tell me why I'm here!"

"Shut up!" Avouch came from the other side of the door, it sounded like a man.

"If boss hears your voice, he will get angry. Just shut up! When the boss is ready to tell you why you're here, he will"

The man's voice was cold.

Shola snorted "So rude..."

She made her way back to the bed and sat down quietly, at least the bed was soft.

Remembering something, Shola searched for her phone but soon realized that they had taken it.

"At least they're smarter than the previous ones...." she said to herself. She hadn't made any enemies recently so she had this unsettling feeling, that this wasn't about her.

Shola thanked the heavens that left her two year old with Lilian. The child has been weak since from birth and she could only endure while her son was in the hospital.

Thinking about him now, Shola became depressed. She missed her son....her little Daniel.....


After listening to Li Chen's explanations, Anna couldn't fight the anger boiling within her. She really wanted to beat someone up.

"So.....Bai Sheng, you knew about this as well?"

Bai Sheng looked away feeling guilty "....Not exactly, I only found out about their switch a few months ago...."

"But you knew he was alive?" Anna said glaring at him. Ever since she found out about that Paula wasn't her birth mother, she had hated lies, she hated it when the people she trusted the most lies to her.

She wasn't all angry but was feeling hurt as well.

"Anna, if you want to blame anyone, blame me.....I was being a fool and it was my foolishness that led to this whole mess. I really am sorry...." Li Chen apologized sincerely.

Anna sighed.....she wasn't planning to stay mad at them anyways. She was relieved that at least, no body died because of her again.....that guilt has been eating her up for two years now.

"Its okay.....but I will still punish all of you for lying to me....."

Her phone rang in between her words. It was Nathan.

"Big bro....."

"Sholana and Ella are missing!"

Anna was surprised "What!?"

"The school said sent someone else to pick Ella up from school, we are trying to track the car now but so far there hasn't been any leads"

Anna felt uneasy, ''Why would someone try to kidnap them?....unless...."

Nathan felt the coldness in her voice and easily understood.

"Lu Zhang!" Both of them said.

Nathan clenched his fists "I'll kill that bastard!"

Anna shook her head "Don't do anything stupid, I'm on my way" Anna hung up and quickly made her way to the door.

Bai Sheng held her hand, this was definitely the first time he had seen this cold expression on her face "What happened?"

Anna looked up at him and smirked coldly "Family reunion!....."

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