Anna Lu

69 I Won't Even Let You Die!

"Gosh this guy!...." Anna blushed while covering her face. Her heart was beating so fast right now.

A few hours later, Ella walked in with a huge bouquet of flowers. Anna hadn't seen Ella for a while now. She was taller and much more cuter than before.....Anna felt blinded.

"Aunty Anna...." Ella said as she hugged Anna. Anna was startled when she heard the girl's voice, she sounded so mature now.....oh come on Anna, its just been two years!

"Ella darling....I missed you so so much" Anna said pulling the girl out if her embrace just so that she could admire her face. Anna couldn't resist pinching Ella's cheek which made the both of them giggle.

"Where's your mom?" Anna asked quite surprised that the girl came here alone.

"Butler Stan brought and dad went to visit Daniel" Ella said.

Nathan had told her about Daniel before. He said the boy was born very weak and he was going in and out if the hospital so they decided to just admit him.

Anna felt sad just trying to imagine what the boy had been going through.

She noticed the sad look on Ella's face and patted the girl's head "Don't worry, I'm sure your brother will definitely be fine and then in the future you can play as much as you want with him"

As if imagining it, Ella smiled brightly "Yes! My brother is very strong, he will be fine...."


The Army detention center.....

"Ahahahaha" Lu Zhang laughed hysterically staring at the man in front of him.

"You are abusing your power general Zhang"

Bai Sheng looked at the man coldly before laughing as well "I am the goddamn general!.....Who would dare to say anything against me?"

Bai Sheng leaned closer to the man's bloody face and smiled "You're going to be here a long....long time "

After creating alot of distance between them Bai Sheng looked at the men stand in the room coldly "Continue with whatever you were doing.....I won't bother you anymore"

Bai Sheng looked at Lu Zhang and smirked "Have fun.....father in-law...."

Bai Sheng turned around and walked away, leaving a hysteric Lu Zhang behind. "You bastard! When I get out of here you are dead! Dead you hear! You can't kill me! You can't!"

Bai Sheng heard the man's words and chuckled to himself "I won't even let you die....."


"Li Chen....."

"Hmm?" Li Chen hummed absent minded with all of his attention on his laptop.

Chesa stared at him annoyed. Their wedding was just a few days away but these day he had just been ignoring her. He had been burying his face in that laptop for days now.

Li Chen's fingers stopped moving and he raised his head "What?"

"I feel as if you're having second thoughts I mean, you've been ignoring me for days now and making me feel jealous of your stupid laptop!" Chesa said crossing her arms over here chest.

Li Chen found her actions cute, he held back his laughter "Come here" he patted his lap.

Chesa hesitated before sitting on his lap. He showed her laptop's screen and she was shocked.


He had been searching for villas in City S, it seemed he wanted the perfect one as he spent so long searching.

"I still haven't found the right one yet, sorry if you felt I've been ignoring you....its just that very important"

Chesa smiled brightly and hugged him "Thank you for making such an effort"

Li Chen pulled the girl out of his embrace and kissed her passionately. The temperature in the room was rising while they were engaged in their kiss, they didn't notice the blond standing at the door with a teasing smile.

"Ahem!" Su Chen cleared his throat awkwardly when he noticed Li Chen's buttons were coming undone.

Chesa's face turned beet red as she buried her face in Li Chen's chest while Li Chen glared at his brother angrily.

'He just had to be here at this time!'

"What!" Li Chen practically growled gaining a teasing smile from his brother.

"I'm guessing the both of you have forgotten the fact that you're still in the Duan mansion.....Your father is calling you by the way...."

Li Chen sighed, he really forgot where he was. What if they actually...everyone would've heard them.....

Li Chen stared at the girl in his embrace and smiled "Why? Are you shy?"

Chesa raised her head and scoffed, she got off his lap with a red face and pointed at the door "Go already!"

Li Chen chuckled before leaving, he would make sure to punish her later.....


Anna spent a few more days in the hospital before she could see Bai Sheng again. She assumed he was busy so she didn't ask him anything. But for some reason he was absent minded, staring out the window every now and then, he had only spoken a few words since he came.

Anna cupped her chin with both hands and stared at the man who was staring out the window again.

"Bai Sheng, are you trying to break up with me? Because this stake isn't working at all" she said jokingly.

Bai Sheng got snapped out of his daze and he turned to look at her. Her green eyes were so comforting he almost forgot all of his worries.....

"I would never do that....even if you wanted me to"

Anna smiled in satisfaction, she hid her true feelings behind that smile. She knew something was bothering him, she was worried.

Bai Sheng's gaze lingered on the girl's face for a few seconds before ge came to a decision.

"Anna....will you coke with me to visit my family?"

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