Anna Lu

9 A Letter From Father


"Hmm?" Anna answered half hearted completely focused on what she was doing

"Are you sure we should be doing this?, madam Clara will be here any minute"

"Yes!" After successfully picking the lock to Clara's safe, Anna finally looked at the nervous girl

"You don't have to worry, I'm only taking what's mine anyways" Anna said with a smile as she took the letter with her name on it.

They quickly left the room, after making sure they weren't seen by anyone Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was a close call Anna, but where did you learn to pick locks?, this is pretty surprising!"

Anna smiled, of course she knew it was!, her mother had warned her not to show off any of her abilities in front of the family, she had been the top student back in the village and she had a very skilled master who taught her almost everything she knew.

Her mother told her that her sisters might consider her competition and her life will be in danger.

Although she hid her skills quite well, it didn't stop them from bullying her.

"It was just luck" Anna said as she focused her attention on the letter.

Her wheel chair was sent a 2days ago from her father, it came with this letter which of course Clara seized and hid it.

"Anna, how are you?

It has been long since I last contacted you.

It seems life in the mansion is getting harder for you everyday so I have have decided, I will come to take you with me very soon.

You might not want to because of what happened in the past but, you do not have a choice anymore.

Your birth mother is here with me and I am sure you would want to meet her.

Your Father "

"My birth mom?" Anna said reading those words over and over again, what did he mean?

"What does Mr Lu mean by your birth mom?"

Anna shook her head, she herself didn't know, her mother was already dead so....unless....

"I guess father finally decided to tell you" Rose walked in shutting the door behind her.

Anna looked at her sister with complicated eyes, this was the first time that she had actually seen her alone without Lily.

"Why are you here?" Anna couldn't help but ask

Rose smiled lightly before sitting down while Anna created a huge distance between them.

This was the first time she was seeing her sister smile without disdain behind it.

"Paula wasn't your birth mother" Rose said, Anna's eyes widened in surprise

"What are you talking about?"

"Father took you from your birth mom when you were two years old are the daughter of his first wife"

Anna stared at Rose dumbfounded "And...and how do you know all this?"

Xiao Xiao asked, it wasn't easy to believe someone who hated Anna so much would be saying this.

"I overheard father on the phone, the last time he came home.

I don't know who he was speaking to on the phone but, that was the day I found out about his second family"

Anna's brows furrowed "And....why are you telling me this?, aren't you afraid your mother will get angry?"

Rose smiled "She doesn't have to know, and the reason I am telling you, father is coming to take you away pretty soon and it's not a good place"

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I have been there before, it was my punishment for disobeying him, he made me do things.....things that I want to forget"

Rose looked at Anna and held her shoulders gently "I only hate you because your are from the first wife of father but despite that, I don't want you to go through what I went through"

Anna looked at her sister, the girl was exceptionally sensible when she wasn't behind Clara or Lilly.

"Like it or not Anna, you are my little sister and I will at least try to protect you, something I couldn't do for myself"

Rose looked sad, like she was reminiscing something she didn't want to.

"Then what do you suggest I do?" Anna for the first time spoke to her sister in warm tone, she didn't believe that her sister was all that bad.

"Leave with the Duan family!"Rose said shocking both Anna and Xiao Xiao.

"B...but that means I will be taken to the Duan training base"

"Yes I know that, you have an older brother and father says he often visits the Duan base, I don't know what he looks like, neither do i know his name but, if by chance you meet him...."

"I understand" Anna said, she was already thinking of this idea for a while now, the only problem that hindered her was.....

"But how can I train when I don't have legs?" Anna said with a bitter smile on her face, they won't accept her in the Duan Base just like that, she either has to train or just forget about it.

Rose hesitated after hearing Anna's words, a look of guilt appeared on her face as she said slowly.

"My mother paid all of the doctors that came to see you for the past 3years, there is a chance for you to walk again she just wanted you to be out of the picture because she felt that of you became capable child actually get the company from father"

Rose said everything in one breath, she was tired of living in both her mother's and sister's shadows, doing whatever they wanted like she didn't have a life of her own to live.

This was betraying her mother but at least she was doing it to protect someone, something her mother didn't do for her when she was taken to that horrible place.

"So...I....I might be able to walk again?"

Rose nodded lightly.

A bright smile appeared on Anna's face as she subconsciously hugged Rose "Thank you.....big sis"

"No problem, and I am sorry for pushing you into the lake"

Anna laughed happily "Yes I almost forgot to thank you for that, that day in the water.....I found myself so there is no need to apologize you actually dos me a favor"

Rose nodded, it felt good to help people, she felt like a nice sister for the first time in her life.

"Tomorrow, during breakfast, you ask Bai Sheng ok?"

Anna nodded, tomorrow. Her life sort of depended on Bai Sheng's answer.

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