Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 103 - Shocking.

"It ended? Just like this?" Rin saw the blood disaster ending with a flash of light as she didn't know what to say.

"Like all of us can see" Archer's sarcastic tone made Rin angry because he is stating the obvious.

"Hmmm…" Nero seemed to be dissatisfied for some sort of reason, which made Ritsuka take one step away while holding Fou.

"I thought I'll have more of a role in this than just a linking device…" Nero's dissatisfaction grew stronger as Ritsuka was sweating because her role seemed larger than the emperor.


Suddenly, the sound of the flesh being pierced was heard in the church, which made everyone look at their left.

Cu was holding his spear while stabbing Kirei's heart with mercy. The spear was shining red, which meant the curse was activated on Kirei's heart and it couldn't be recovered normally.

"Lancer… You…" Black mud was gashing from the Kirei's c.h.e.s.t, but Cu didn't care as he twisted the spear and crushed the artificial heart made by the black mud.

The connection with Angra Mainyu mana was removed when the artificial heart was crushed as Kirei lost his vitality and became a corpse. Cu looked at this before he removed his spear and rotated it in his hand.

"Lancer, are you…" Archer widened his eyes slightly while looking at Cu, who lost his source of mana when Kirei died.

"Oh? What with that look? He doesn't seem like an important problem after this?" Cu grinned while looking at the shocked expression of everyone here.

"Or do you mean this?" Cu started losing mana, if he didn't have the battle continues skill, he would start to become transparent by now.

Without a master or a supply of mana, Cu will eventually lose and leave this war, so this is why Archer was surprised by him killing his master directly.

"You gave up on the war?" Rin was more surprised than Archer as she looked at Kirei's corpse on the ground.

"Well, I didn't like this war from the moment my true master died�� Cu shrugged his shoulders as he didn't care about this. Honestly, after seeing all that this war caused, he became more uninterested in it. It was pointless to stay.

If his true master was here, then he wouldn't mind going with her until the end, but now, he really doesn't have any motivation even for the holy grail. But at least, he got her revenge.

"I see…" Archer nodded and didn't go into this subject further.

"OI! Don't give me that face, you're on my list if we ever meet again" Cu pointed at Archer with his spear because he remembered that this guy was going easy in their fight and also spread lies about him. What if his teacher knew about them?

"Yeah, yeah…" Archer turned his face away and sighed because he has a feeling this would hunt him one day.

"A warrior at heart, I see" Nero nodded while looking at Cu's actions while Ritsuka nodded, even if she doesn't really understand the suicidal moves, but they really felt like they had a meaning.

Suddenly, everyone heard the voice of a horse running before Leo appeared in front of everyone on Made In Hell.

He landed quickly before he saw the dead Kirei and Cu, who was losing his mana.

{Goodbye rejoicing fake priest, you weren't rejoicing enough} Leo had a moment of silence for the 'dead' meme before he said " So, what happened?"

"Oh, you're here. I regret not fighting with you, even if I know that I would lose. After all, you're one of few that 'know' teacher" Cu looked at Leo arriving as he sighed, even if he felt luckier.

From all the users of runes, the Primordial runes' users in servants should definitely know his teacher, however, he didn't sense any tone of fear or respect from Leo.

This means he knows his teacher and probably has the power to fight her equally or this pride of his would already be stabbed by her red spear.

He even had a weird feeling that Leo might call his teacher an old… Woman.

Shaking his head to remove the suicidal thoughts, Cu didn't dare to think about them again. Although his teacher doesn't care about her age, an insult is a signal for battle, which means a welcoming to the half-dead state for Cu.

"Hah?" Leo didn't have one single idea about what the f.u.c.k is this guy talking about. He doesn't know the old woman named Scathach, and even if he did, he won't care.

"No need to say more, even if I regret having this boring war" Cu sighed again because of his luck that led him to this cl.u.s.terf.u.c.k of a war.

Leo didn't know what this guy was smoking and didn't want to know.

Unexpectedly, Leo felt something strange before he looked at the other people here because they weren't looking at Cu and the dead Kirei, but him.

Each one of them had a different reaction, Archer had the biggest weird stares Leo saw in this world. Nero stopped all her movements like a pause button, Ritsuka was blushing slightly, and Rin turned her head away with a blush while saying ' I can't believe it!' multiple times. Only Cu didn't show a different look.

Seeing the weird stares from Archer, Leo looked at his clothes, which he changed into his casual attire and put his glasses back on, so he wasn't edgy at all. Except for the burning horse and dark lance in his hand. He even cut his long hair to be totally normal and away from any angel mode.

Clearing that from the way, Leo took another look at everyone especially Nero, who started walking towards him. That gave him a chill for some reason before he heard Archer say " Your face…"

"Is this why I can't remember your visage no matter how I try?" Archer always wondered why he can't remember Leo's look clearly. However, after understanding Leo's personality, he knows why that happened.

It was like a veil of darkness was distorting his vision and the memories in his head. If someone didn't observe long and kept his awareness at the highest, he won't even sense this phenomenon.

"My face…" Leo touched his face before his expression darkened. His darkness power, the darkness that belongs to the father of lies, which hides his face… Disappeared.

When the platinum ribbons appeared, Lucifer's power became very weak and even stopped working, so the darkness' power was f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y shut down and Leo forgot about it after his talk with Root because he used to have it on.

So, what everyone was looking at now was an otherworldly beauty. Although he had a tired face for some reason it didn't affect him at all. No matter how they tried, you can't describe that face with the word handsome or cool, it's a beauty that doesn't belong to this world.

The slightly long eyelashes and perfect facial features, especially his eyes that seemed to become a spiral that looks directly into the soul. The two eyes seemed to be gazing at a far place at the end and the beginning. No matter how hard you try, you can't make them focus on you.

At first, Ritsuka felt that Leo was detached from the world, which people can't really reach, but now, she confirmed her thoughts. Even his look is detached and doesn't belong to the mortal grounds, the better way to say it was a star that you can never reach.

Rin turned her face immediately because she couldn't believe that she thought this guy was her exactly her type for a second! She refuses to believe.

However, the most dissatisfied person by this thing was Leo because of this stupid divinity and angel's physic he has.

In To Aru, angels don't have gender as the god perfect tools, so this affected Leo's body and made it move towards the ideal form, especially when he almost entered the platinum.

And the divinity can be described with the next phrase 'I, Venus, shall not let anyone who hold my concept and divinity be less than 12/10 in the human's beauty scale!!'. Of course, that was Leo's imagination, but it wasn't far from the truth.

Anyone who holds some of Venus' divinity will get a huge boost in charm, not to mention Leo, who can almost summon Venus like a goddamn Type in this world.

When Leo was thinking if he should delete everyone's memories, he heard something before he looked at his side and saw Nero.

Her hair was covering her eyes like the calm before the storm, which made Leo say " What?"

"My Praetor…" Nero said before she looked at Leo with dissatisfied eyes, but they were more sparkling than ever.

"Although I don't mind surprise, no I absolutely like surprises, but some things shouldn't stay a secret '' Nero said while taking a step forward.

"What in the…" Leo didn't know what to think about this before Nero caught his hand.

"The first one was for medical purposes, now you're just a degenerate!" Leo wanted to teach this world about unprotected hand-holding, however, Nero didn't care for the moment.

"Let me take a closer look…" Nero raised her body to Leo as she tried to look at his face.

"No, this is a curse!" Leo applied the darkness power again, which made Nero jump at him while screaming " NOO!!"

"What are you doing!!??" Leo was pushing Nero's face away, but Nero kept attacking while saying " I refuse to let your beauty be hidden!!"

"At least try to be polite and call me handsome!!" Leo pushed Nero further as a small battle started there.

Everyone looked at the two pushing each other as they didn't know what to say. However, at least Leo's look was hidden again so Ritsuka and Rin finally were able to look at him normally. Like Leo said, they really felt that this is a curse.

However, at this moment, someone appeared on top of the church roof before he said " It seems you're having fun, mongrels!"

Archer grabbed his weapons immediately before he looked at the figure on the rooftop. It was a man with golden armor that made everyone squint their eyes because he was glowing a lot.

"Ho? You're also here. Hmph! I must say it was a splendid effort you did there while fighting those rats. Although I don't see any reason to waste effort on them" Gilgamesh looked at Leo pushing Nero away as he said with a grin.

1 second… 2 seconds… 3 seconds… A minute passed and Gilgamesh was waiting as Leo didn't even look at him or care about his presence.

"...." Gilgamesh's eyebrow was twitching while looking at the small battle there before he said " Are you testing my patience, Morning Star?"

"Hm?" Leo pushed Nero away from him again before he looked at Gilgamesh and said " Who are you?"

At that moment, the place was caught in a short silence except for Archer, who was trying to hold his laughter in.

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