Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 119 - Konosuba Side Part 4.

After a long day, the blue sky was dyed with a black color as the night finally arrived. The silver moon rose in the sky, glowing brightly in this nighttime alongside the numerous stars that stretched like a blanket in the darkness.

The night was like the signal for quietness, bringing some silence and peacefulness to this fantasy world. However, nothing stays the same and the world is in constant change… More than needed.

*BOOM!!* *BOOOM!!*

In the darkness of the dead night, the kingdom of Elroad was blazing with flames of explosions at the royal castle.

This world is split into a couple of kingdoms against the invasion of the Demon King's army. Belzerg's Kingdom having its border overlapped with the Demon King's territory, so their border is heavily protected. In order to help them, surrounding countries send soldiers to join the border guard, with Elroad being the only exception, assisting with defense costs instead because of their country's wealth.

Elroad is the kingdom of casinos, and, while financially strong, is militarily weak due to its massive focus on its economics. And at the moment, that was heavily being proved by one person.

"Hurry up and extinguish the fire!'' The soldiers were moving quickly with water buckets, trying to stop the fire from spreading, especially if the fire was mainly at the kingdom treasury.

"Call all the water mages, tell them to stop the fire before it spread further!! What are you doing you idiots!! Move faster!!" The general looked at the flames spreading around the castle as he yelled at the soldiers to move quickly.

"Any news from his highness?!" Seeing two soldiers running towards him, the general asked in a hurry.

"Sir, the prince is safe with the prime minister!" Hearing those words, the general breathed a sigh of relief.

"The prime minister has already sent orders and mages will be here at any moment!" The soldier said as the general nodded.

"Dammit, that vile thief!" After confirming the price safely, the general cursed before another soldier ran and said " Sir, the guards at the city's north walls have been attacked and they ask for reinforcements!"

"What?! It must be the thief trying to escape! Tell them to hold on, half of you, follow me!!" The general rode on his horse before and rushed with the soldiers.

When they arrived, they saw several explosions and smoke in the air, but… there was no thief!

Meanwhile, at the east walls, several ripples emerged from the air before a young man appeared and looked at the soldiers rushing.

"Tsk, a militarily weak kingdom, yet they still have several detection and security measures" the young man clicked his tongue before he said " I didn't even get into the deepest vault"

"At least the items in this world could fetch a good price" the young man sighed before disappearing and leaving the place. He only stopped to recover his energy before activating stealth again.

Kyle was one of the horror space players that arrived to this world. This world mission was a huge and long free mission that involved most of the forces. The space will choose for the player as he has to affect the strength of one of the kingdoms chosen or Demon King's army strength.

Yet, it was difficult because there weren't a lot of players who arrived at this world, even Kyle, who rely on information and stealth, only know about two to three players. And time was also a problem, they only have one month, so the long planning is out of the picture.

However, he also received a side-mission to plant some sort of device in different positions around the world. He already planted one near the wilderness in Elroad kingdom, but in fact, he wasn't the only one.

[Side-mission: plant the devices (3/5)

Remaining location: Axel]

There was other with him in the mission, which made Kyle frown. A completely unusual mission and have a competition in it, he can feel something weird about it, however, this could also mean that mission is rare and he should grab the opportunity.

"Axel… Of course, it'll be in the main plot point" Kyle had some suspicions about how could Axel's planting point be intact because that should be one of the main targets for players, but he was going to see how it goes before taking action, after all, he can always run with his abilities.

Although Kyle is absolutely confident in his abilities of stealth and presence concealment, he didn't dare to take this world lightly because his guild master told him some secrets. His doubts increased after seeing the special mission.

His guild master said that in some particular worlds, especially at some special missions, the world can affect the players, like a wide range debuff.

It can vary from a lot of things, like energy consumption to losing the ability to recover. This debuff was invisible and not recorded in the horror space, causing a lot of players their lives, like they were hated by the world itself, so having a special mission, will usually make the veteran players frown than being happy.

{He told me that Konosuba debuff has something to do with intelligence and maybe luck? But how could that be?} Kyle shook his head like it was funny. How could a world have a debuff of intelligence and more absurd concept like luck? But then, he felt his feet were empty because he jumped from the city walls.

{Oh, right… I lost my air jumping boots in the last mission} Kyle nodded as he started falling down.

"HOW COULD I FORGET THIS???!!!" His screams were faint because of the stealth as he vanished in the darkness.

When Kyle was fell on the ground and almost broke his foot, a commotion was happing in the city of hot springs, Alcanretia.

A city in Belzerg that serves as the patron city of the Goddess of Water Aqua and the headquarters of the Axis Order that worsh.i.p.s her.

"Catch him!!!"

"Don't let the disgusting undead escape!!"

"Burn him alive!!!"

Several shouts filled the night sky as the Axis Oder's priests were running like madmen. They kept shooting the purifying spells everywhere like they were carpet-bombing the place.

Although Alcanretia is famous for the hot springs, they have another reputation, which is their overbearing and lunatic citizens, yet powerful priests. In other words, they are a bunch of unreasonable retards with strong power.

However, that was only possible because of the mighty Aqua-same and her blessing! A blessing that makes them great mages, yet it decrease intelligence and luck.

An old man, who had a blue fire in place of eyes and a very angry expression, was running in the woods as his expensive-looking robe was filled with dirt.

His expression and wrinkles coupled with the fire in his empty eyes sockets will scare a lot of people, yet he didn't look good now. His robe was filled with holes and there was a broken wand in his hands.

Despite his angry look, he didn't dare to stop as he shivered slightly each time he heard a long rage purifying spell being fired.

He almost died, despite being a lich, he almost died four times against this group of lunatics!!

"Dammit!! They said this is a low mission world, why do they have these madmen!!" The Lich cursed as he moved quickly in the woods, he didn't dare to look back.

He, the Lich that raise the dead and control armies of corpses, even if he didn't want to admit it, was completely frightened by these lunatics in Axis Order.

His entire army, who he had hidden for a sneak attack, turned into dust by the hands of these priests!! He even had a bone dragon, but those priests just fired all their magics together and send it to the afterlife. Luckily, he managed to plant the device before escaping, even if it was a humiliating escape.

He's in a deep regret. He thought that he was lucky to be teleported into one of Belzerg's kingdom's main cities and also a device planting point, but the reality proves him to be completely wrong!

"Did you find him?!"

"That disgusting undead, dare to enter the holy land of Aqua-sama with his rotten body!!"

"Did you know what he did??"


"He actually wanted to join us and pollute our holy land with his vile existence!!"



"Boil him alive!!!"

"I want to hear his screams!!!!"

The priests became even madder after listening to the news as their attacks and shouts were scarier.

The Lich want to cry now, in fact, they'd be tears now if he had normal eyes. Why… Why?! Why didn't he buy more information about this retarded world?

He wasn't an anime fan in his life, so he knew very little about these types of worlds. And because he was a loner player, he had to buy information about the world. However, this time the world was rumored to be easy, so he didn't want to waste a lot of money on useless information. Yet, he wishes if he did.

{I'll try to run to gather my army again and go to Axel. It's a newbie town it shouldn't be like here. I'll never, never come back to this lunatics city!!!} Trembling, the Lich ran with all he could from the madmen behind him.

He had a feeling if he was caught, they'll sacrifice him after drinking his 'blood', which made him question who the evil figure between them! They aren't normal believers, they are a cult, A CULT!!!

The noble Lich ran faster as he swore to never come back to this city, even if he grows stronger. Maybe this will be his life long shadow, even as an undead.

Another event was happing in a place near the capital.

Several adventurers were running away while sweat was on their foreheads. If someone from the guild saw them, they'll recognize them as a high-leveled adventurer team, however, they're running for their lives now.


The voice of an arrow cutting through the air was heard as the leader, raised his shield and blocked the arrow.


The arrow detonated on the spot as the leader was thrown away because of the impact.

"Is everyone okay?!" the leader screamed to see his team member safe, but then, they saw their mage.

The mage had an arrow pierced his head, his body quickly lost strength before falling down with a thud sound.

"DAMMIT!!! YOU COWARD!! COME AND FIGHT ME IF YOU DARE!!!" The swordsman in the group yelled before the captain pulled him down to avoid an arrow.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IDIOT!!!" the leader screamed as the swordsman wanted to say something, then he saw his leader's red eyes.

"Calm yourself, I know your feelings, but please, don't lose your life like this" the leader said with a calm voice before raising his head to check the surrounding.

"I-I… I'm sorry" the swordsman apologized as it made the leader nod before saying " We won't have a chance to survive if we continued like this"

"In my mark, I'll take care of defense an-..." However, the leader didn't finish his words before a glowing arrow landed in the middle of his party.


The flames devoured everything as the forest was on a blaze because of an intense explosion.

In a huge tree, a woman with a longbow stared at the fire in the forest before lowering her weapon.

She was beautiful with black long hair tied into a ponytail and wore tight combat clothes.

"Hmph! I'm the wind of death, wherever I go, I leave disasters" However, the cool image of the woman was shattered instantly when she talked.

"Be grateful, as your death will be a ladder for me. Now, the wind of destiny, where will you take me" Saying some words weird words, the woman inspected her mission before she frowned.

Her landing point was good as she found a device point here and planted it easily, even if there were some monsters around it.

She was planning to check on Axel after she finish this group, which was her ten group of adventure. If she continued staying here, she'll attract the kingdom's power, which isn't favorable. But her mission to affect the power of the kingdom didn't rise at all, even if she just killed a high-level adventure team.

"They were very weak to face my winds, yet, why didn't… Hm?" The woman was surprised as she saw something in the middle of the fire.

All the adventures turned into small dolls before they vanished in the flames.

Meanwhile, the adventures with their reincarnated leader, who has a cheat item that makes dolls to create avatars, arrived safely at the city. Although the leader didn't want to say it, he whispered " Thank you, Aqua-sama"

He was on his way to report this and warn everyone about the murderer archer, maybe gather some teams and investigate their previous place. However, they won't accept any night mission from the guild again.

"....." the woman hair moved with the wind as she felt very empty before she said " Hmph, how could the wind show it might if it didn't experience setbacks?"

"This day I failed, but tomorrow, I'll win!!" She said with a serious voice, but then, she saw that the flames awakened several monsters.

This place is the forest near the capital, which is one of the high-leveled monster zones. Griffons, Mountain Bears, Wyvern, and several dangerous monsters were roaming around as they locked the woman, who was saying her chunni speech.

The woman didn't have time to complete her cool speech(in her head) as she ran away immediately. Her winds can blow again in another day, yet, she didn't have any ability related to the wind.

The quietness of the night was broken by these events across the world as several parties turned their attention towards Axel that was supposed to be a peaceful town.

However, after a night passed, Axel town woke up again to show how peaceful is it for a newbie town.


Drinking coffee from the cup calmly, Kazuma looked at the window with his empty eyes to see a giant explosion turning the sky red. Yep, this is just another day in the 'peaceful' Axel.

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