Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 129 - Konosuba Side Part 14

After a long day of Cabbage hunting, the city recovered its calm and the night arrived.

The night passed calmly and peacefully on Axel's city, like the morning uproar and warning alarms didn't happen at all.

Kazuma, who went to sleep early, kept wondering why did the city and the guild exaggerate their reaction to some flying cabbage? Again, Kazuma failed to understand his world's logic.

This day was tiring for adventurers because of the battle against Cabbage, but they also got a good amount of money from it.

Kazuma was particularly satisfied by his gains during this battle. Using a shotgun to shoot freezing bullets at the Cabbage, Kazuma managed to gather quite a lot.

Apparently, his luck played a role and he got some good cabbages from that battle, which sold for quite a sum, letting Kazuma see some light of hope to clear his debts!

It seems he's really kinda fitting to be a merchant according to the guild lady.

However, Aqua kept staring at him with blank eyes. Kazuma could feel like she was looking at some sort of a cheater, which in fact, made him feel great! Like he's using a hack or cheating in front of the GM, but the GM can't do shit about it!

Although Kazuma doesn't count Aqua as the GM, even if she was responsible to send the reincarnators from Japan, that feeling was great nonetheless!

Honestly, Kazuma felt that his mental stress during all these days has been cleared by a lot, even the world seemed brighter.

However, that feeling only lasted for one night. The next day, in the mansion, on the breakfast table, Kazuma clapped his hands, took a very deep breath, and said " Can you repeat that… Slowly"

Kaguya sighed helplessly while looking at everyone's astonished reaction before repeating her words.

On the table, everyone gathered to have breakfast, but currently, only the Chat Members were capable of moving because Kaguya stopped time.

Megumin, Aqua, and Darkness didn't need to hear the next things, nor Kaguya planned to involve them in these complicated things.

Using time stop to have meetings, probably only a few like Kaguya could have this luxury.

After preparing the place, Kaguya started telling everyone about her discovery as she watched their expressions becoming odd, solidifying, then turning into pure shock.

Just the look of their mouths opening and closing a couple of times made Kaguya feel funny, but she didn't have the mood to laugh.

"So, this is what I noticed after these days. You might think I'm overthinking it, believe me, I also want to believe that, but I really can't ignore it like this" Kaguya took a deep breath after telling everyone everything she knew.

The biggest and heaviest responsibility that someone can have is the responsibility of others' lives, especially if they were your close ones. Although Kaguya lived for a long time, witnessed a lot of things, and these things almost lost their meaning for her, she still didn't lose all her compassion.

Living for a long time can turn even a dumb and pure person into someone who can see through people easily, which drastically lowers the number of people who you can call friends. So, Kaguya really cherish those who trusted her, especially to leave their backs for her.

She doesn't want her hiding for information, especially this important piece of intel, to be the reason for anyone in this room to get hurt.

Clearing her thoughts, Kaguya observed the people in the room.

Leone covered her face with her hand as she smiled wryly. For something like this to pop up in the morning, she really felt a great need for a beer right now.

Misaka was still opening her mouth and closing it, like she wanted to say something, but didn't know-how. Her mind is currently chaotic. She wants to say this is unscientific, but after all that she witnessed here, the clarification of science became very pale and almost completely meaningless.

"I see…" Kazuma, who was affected by the modern era's information, was the first to recover before he crossed his arms, leaned his back on the chair, and said " So, what to do now?"

"If it's like what you're saying now, then what's the point of doing anything? After all, it seems like all fate is controlled by a great god" Kazuma said with annoyance. Nobody likes to be controlled like a puppet and he's no exception to this.

"Putting like that, I see this situation took a very weird turn" Leone shook her head, but from her facial expression, Kaguya can see that she's also uncomfortable by this.

"Then, does this… Plot correction, work as a mental control against us?" Misaka closed her eyes for a moment before asking Kaguya directly. Her eyes mean no joke, and that question made Leone and Kazuma stare at Kaguya because this is really a very, very important question that'll determine a lot of things for the future.

"Although I can't say that I know a lot, but I can assure you that we're not mind-controlled. It's just, if my theory is correct, this world's will is too sly and good at manipulating the situation by using different events and actions" Kaguya shook her head while calming the Chat Members' suspicions.

"Also, this world's will know us" Kaguya's words made Kazuma frown and ask "What do you mean?"

"It knows us very well. It can guess our choices and prepare to use them to correct its plot without making us feel anything wrong. Also, if this Chat Room wanted to control us like that, it'll not invite any member who knows the world's future" Kaguya talked slowly as she stopped and let everyone comprehend the current information.

Indeed, if the world's wills wanted some puppets they could control using the plot, they would never send an invitation to someone like Leo, Kazuma, and Kaguya. Also, from what they have seen these days, the world's wills, even if they are still mostly mysterious, seem to be sincere in making this Chat Room.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it's not a mental control, the situation can still be salvaged.

"So, in the meantime, what we'll do? No, here a better question, if the world's will is correcting its plot, what is the reason for doing that? Tricking the players or preparing a stage?" Although he asked, Kazuma didn't expect an answer as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"Preparing a stage, huh? Like chess pieces being placed in the correct time and place?" Misaka said as she was trying to find a good reason, but the electric sparks on her forehead showed that she isn't calm.

"I see the latter is most likely, after all, a commander will always want to make use of his troops to the maximum" Leone said with a smirk, but apparently, she wants the most casual about this. As an assassin, she is used to taking missions and being ordered by the higher-ups.

Seeing the conversation become more and more intense, Kaguya tapped on the table before she said " Let's calm down for a moment and not antagonize one of our bosses casually without any proper evidence. It still didn't cause any unfavorable situation for us to be this wary"

Kaguya's words calmed down the heated discussion as the Chat Members sighed. To be honest, this situation is really nerve-wracking.

"I see, then let me ask again, what we'll do in the meantime?" Kazuma opened his eyes and asked Kaguya. Misaka and Leone also stopped and waited for Kaguya to answer.

"*Sigh*" Kaguya sighed helplessly because it seemed that the temporary position of the leader went to her.

The Chat Room doesn't have a clear leader and probably will never have. This is an unwritten rule agreed upon by all the current members. Everyone here has their own goals, morals, principles, dreams, way of thinking, and pride. Putting a leader on different people from all over the worlds will produce more negative effects than positives. Not to mention who might join in the future, after all, the multiverse is very vast.

So, everyone completely agreed to help and listen to each other without any clear leader as long as it doesn't affect their principles, even Leo, who is the admin, completely agreed on this.

The only time a temporary leader is being nominated is when the situation needs someone to organize it. So, everyone will listen to that person to guide them while putting their trust in him/her.

In other words, the leader is someone who works overtime in this Chat Room during the said mission, which is why Kaguya was sighing, but who made her seem the most reliable during these times?

"Just as I said, let's not antagonize our boss and think about our future moves. And for this, we have two ways, keep playing along while checking the situation or we'll actively wreck the plot, leaving no chance for it to recover" Kaguya waited for everyone to digest the current information before she continued " However, the two plans have a very critical condition"

"Which one?" Misaka asked before Kaguya answered directly " Will I tell you about this world's future or not?"

Kaguya's words made everyone silent as they looked at Kazuma, whose subject is mostly about him.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Kazuma took a deep breath before he said " Although I really want to know my plot, especially from you two assholes, but… Let's hear the benefits of the two ways"

Everyone continued to look at Kazuma as Kaguya smiled and said " There's not a big effect, at least for us, but if we use the fist way, we can always switch to the second one at any time"

"And if we wreck the plot, the first way will be completely inaccessible, which is probably wrecking all the world's will's secret goals or preparations. So, will we put our trust in the world's will?" Kazuma said as he closed his eyes and started thinking.

After a moment, he sighed and said helplessly " Well, f.u.c.k me, this is still my world, so let me give it a chance. I really feel that this will hunt me in the future"

Despite his completely annoyed and helpless face, everyone was able to see Kazuma in a new light as Leone tapped his back.

"Oi! What was that for?!" Kazuma questioned this out of nowhere act, but Leone just smiled before sitting down.

"So, it's settled. We'll continue in our lives, but I need you to report to me what happened with you at the end of the day. Although I don't dare to say I'm completely correct, I can see a little of why the world's will is doing this" Kaguya grinned while standing up.

"Oya? What happened to be honest?" Kazuma looked with a blank face at Kaguya.

"Hm? You're making me work overtime, so deal with it" Kaguya said as Kazuma and Leone looked at the side, like they didn't want to admit it as Misaka blinked at this situation.

"Oh, right, how do you plan on telling the old man?" Leone suddenly asked because Whitebeard left and still didn't come back.

"Use the Chat Room and ask for his opinion" Misaka said as Leone tapped her forehead and said " Ah, right! I completely forgot about it"

"It's really an easy way of communication, not gonna lie" Kazuma answered before he clasped his hands and looked at Kaguya seriously. This change made everyone look at him.

"Kaguya, before everything begins, I still have one thing I want to confirm" Kazuma asked as Kaguya signaled to continue before he said " My plot… Isn't that bad, right? Nothing bad will happen, right?"

"Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. You'll even benefit from it" Kaguya looked at the confused Kazuma before she said " You'll become rich"

Kazuma solidified in his place as his eyes became more serious than ever, even Leone and Misaka felt the heavy aura around him before he asked in a deep voice " How… much?"

"You'll be able to give Aqua an allowance" When Kaguya finished her words, Kazuma moved immediately.


He slammed the table, but nothing happened to it because of the time stop as he stood up.

"I see, my world's will seems to be very good" With a deep voice, Kazuma left the table before moving towards the door.

Opening his arms wide, like holding the whole world, Kazuma said " Come at me, plot!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

With a very loud laughter, Kazuma left the room as the rest looked at the door and heard his voice become smaller and smaller until it vanished. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/annihilation-maker-dxd_17238836605998305/konosuba-side-part-14_51121430577858189">/book/annihilation-maker-dxd_17238836605998305/konosuba-side-part-14_51121430577858189</a> for visiting.

Leone was still smiling and Misaka had a blank expression. The new light they saw was smashed by Kazuma in an instant.

"But you'll probably suffer from some mental traumas" Suddenly, Kaguya spoke as everyone stared at her.

"What? It isn't my fault he didn't wait" Kaguya blinked like she was stating the obvious, which made everyone speechless.

With this, Kaguya removed the time stop before resuming their lives and mission after they explained briefly why Kazuma suddenly vanished for Aqua and the rest.

When everyone left, Kaguya looked out of the window to see Axel's city before she muttered " If my guess is correct, then in a week at maximum, we'll be able to see a result or we'll have to use the second plan"

Looking at the clouds moving slowly, Kaguya finally started to feel that this mission began moving in front of her eyes, even if it was a very weird, and surprising progress.

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