Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 161 - Konosuba Side Part 46

As the stars and moon decorated the sky, the confusing and tiring night passed quickly as the dawn welcomed the start of a new day.

Under the glittering sun, people could be seen going and coming. Those who were unaware and didn't know a thing continued their life at a stable pace.

However, unlike the usual, it seems the summer has arrived upon the city and the citizens were wearing cool clothes. They were more energetic as smiles and a joyful atmosphere radiated around.

The cool breeze, clear water glistering under the sunlight, and the beautiful scenery brought a peaceful and calming feeling. These changes might surprise people, but they aren't all that startling, after all, this isn't Axel…

"Just… Just what am I doing here?"

With tried eyes, Kazuma looked at the clear water reflecting the sunlight as a large city filled his view.

Water and beautiful architecture were the main theme of this city. It gave quite a calming and easy feeling.. This is Alcanretia, the city of water, hot springs, and the headquarters of the Axis Order that worships the goddess of water, Aqua.

"Welcome everyone! This is the city of Axis order…"

Aqua was jumping and spinning around in happiness while introducing the city. Megumin was fascinated by the surroundings and Darkness followed her.

"… Ask someone else. Like her" Misaka gave a late reply to Kazuma question before she yawned and pointed at the floating Kaguya.

Rubbing her eyes, Misaka shook her head to clear the drowsiness and focus, but the dark circles under her eyes and messy hair showed how tired she saw.

In fact, she wasn't alone as Kazuma had the same panda look of sleepiness.

Between thinking about the future and remembering what happened, Kazuma and Misaka didn't get an ounce of sleep. They kept yawning with black circles under their eyes as their listless look was concerning.

They were in the state that they really need some rest, but recalling the last remaining PE-SS-26-13287 avatar, the sleep disappeared. They need to move quickly to make sure nothing goes wrong, but…

"Hm? What's wrong?" Noticing them, Kaguya tilted her head with a smile that made Kazuma speechless.

"What do you mean by 'what wrong'? You're the one who brought us here…"

Speaking in a low and listless tone, Kazuma didn't even bother looking at the Lunarian because he knew it's useless. Now, he prefers to go back to bed and try to sleep, even if he knew that it'll be hard to do.

"Hey, Kazuma, are you listening to me? I'll not repeat this. As I said, the Axis Order which I blessed is…"

"… Shut up, you have already said this ten times already"

Squinting his eyes, a dark shadow was cast on Kazuma's face. If the introduction of this city wasn't enough warning, then the excited Aqua is clearly a red flag.

Again, he wondered what he's doing here as he looked at the large lake.

Although according to the Mission's details stating that the avatar would die in a week and they can leave, Whitebeard and Kaguya preferred to finish the job completely.

They had a pretty convincing reason because who knows what would happen in a week if something like PE-SS-26-13287 is free to roam around.

Kaguya didn't waste a moment and teleported them in the morning without giving them any chance to reject. It was a matter of blinking before they found themselves in the city of water.

Despite the convincing reasons and all, Kazuma still had one question… why he is here? There's literally no reason for him to be here! No, he even has reasons to never come.

Like this place being the Axis Order Headquarter and Aqua's sparkling eyes of excitement, but the most important is that he can't do anything anymore. Yes, he can't do much about this. It was confirmed by Vanir that he lost whatever power boost Leo planted in his mind.

"I understand your thoughts" Kaguya said with a deep expression as Kazuma replied instantly "No, you don't"

"Sadly, we still have things to prepare. How about you have fun here and relax until then. Okay? Cool? Great! See you later"

With a bright and shining smile, Kaguya said those words gently before she vanished from her place.

"..." Kazuma blinked his eyes before he said "Where are the Oldman and Leone?"

"They disappeared too" Misaka answered quickly before she frowned.

{Don't stress over it, Mikoto. Remember what you're here for. Hot springs!} As Misaka's eyes shone with the determination to relax in the hot springs, Kazuma asked in disbelieve.


"Yeah, they vanished using a skill"


{It's over. Flags. The flags of disasters are flying everywhere} Kazuma looked at the position where Kaguya disappeared as he closed his eyes in pain.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Covering his face, Kazuma said weakly.

"Hot springs"


"I'm only here for the hot springs" Misaka's eyes sparkled before she gave Kazuma the look of 'I don't care as long as I'm not involved' before moving away.

Kazuma's expression collapsed again. He can understand if it's Leone, but Whitebeard can use Concealment to vanish too? This isn't right at all!

The picture was hard on Kazuma's mind while Misaka was getting more disturbed by Alcanretia's citizens, but under Aqua's urging, the party moved into the city.

With Kaguya's fast travel services, they didn't need to stay in an inn for today, but to have the so-called 'full experience', Aqua insisted on staying in one.

Kazuma wondered if she'll go around screaming, she's a goddess or something because she has no money, but then, he learned that Kaguya gave Misaka money to spend on this stuff when he was in the middle of lamenting his future.

{Why does this feel more like a vacation than a mission to fight a monster?} Looking at Megumin and Aqua dragging Misaka around, Kazuma thought quietly.

But inside of him, he felt this is okay too. To be honest, between Axis Order and the shenanigans, his mind was occupied by something else all along. It is the fact he'll have to face another PE-SS-26-13287.

It's funny how in previous days he just shrugged this word off as nothing more than a lame code name, but now his body can't help but shiver. His thoughts about this whole thing were obviously a rejection.

It seems he might have been truly traumatized by that thing.

He really didn't want to come. In fact, Kazuma didn't need Vanir to tell him that he lost that power because he no longer can sense it. That stubble and faint feeling that he can go against PE-SS-26-13287 are long gone.

Now, it has been replaced with thoughts of how ridiculous that was and it's just suicide. He'll just end up dragging everyone again. If he can't be helpful, then at least he doesn't want to become a dead weight.

"Maybe we should go to the inn first. Misaka had insomnia because of some nightmares, so she should rest first"

"Hah? What do you mean nightmares?"

"Fufu, no need to worry. With me, Megumin, you have no need to fear any nigh-… ow! Don't pull my cheeks!"

Misaka started pulling Megumin's cheeks as the latter quickly lost her confident state only to surrendered and beg for mercy.

"…" Looking at the two making a scene and people around watching, Kazuma sighed before he leaned on the bridge railing.

If he could, he would prefer to not face PE-SS-26-13287 again. He wasn't alone in this. Misaka was also experiencing something similar, but unlike his sorry state, she actually wanted to go.

This is quite fitting in a sense. Although her world is complicated, it's still a shonen one according to Kaguya.

Kazuma saw her saying 'She's Railgun' or 'Academy City Level 5 can't be defeated by this', but looking at her dark circles, isn't these just excuses? She is clearly still affected by what happened that day, but she chooses to motive herself this way.

By lying to herself.

To be honest, he's the last person to say this. She was much better than him who choose to stop and run away. Maybe if he also had powers like her then he could, but thinking in that way is just…

"Ugh…" Kazuma scratched his head to clear his thoughts "All this thinking really isn't for me"

"Considering your idiocy, thou are sure right"

Without turning back, Kazuma didn't move as his eyes glanced at his right. A devil in a suit suddenly appeared leaning on the same railing as he does.

"So, you can teleport"

"In a sense, yes, but in another sense, there's a lot of moi"

"… I'll take it as a yes" Not getting a good answer was in Kazuma's expectation as he didn't react much to Vanir's sudden appearance.

He found it's pointless to overwork himself, but he quickly squinted his eyes at the next scene. This devil was throwing food to the ducks under the bridge.

Is this what a devil should do? Feeding ducks? Kazuma didn't know what to say.

Kazuma's stares didn't bother Vanir as he threw some more bread crumbs to the ducks before he said "Rather than worrying about what I do in my free time, doesn't thou have something better to do?"

"Better to do? Ah, you mean 'that'? To be honest, even if I don't want to do it, why this seems to be turning into a vacation for some reason"

"Vacation…?" Glancing at Kazuma then at Misaka faraway, Vanir thought for a moment before nodding.

"If that the case, then here…"

Stuffing a paper into Kazuma's hands, Vanir cleaned his hands and said "Take this and spend time in your room or go to the hot springs. In any case, have fun in your numbered days in this life"

"…" Wiping the bread crumbs from his hand, Kazuma frowned before he read the paper.

"Why are you giving me this?"

It's a coupon to one of the famous inns and hot springs in Alcanretia. It comes with a good discount and offers too.

Vanir didn't answer Kazuma and proceed to leave immediately. This action made Kazuma frown and scratch his chin.

Even if Kazuma didn't trust Vanir, the coupon seems to be legit, and considering their financial situation, he's more than welcome.

"Hmmm, maybe going on a vacation isn't too bad. This city seems nice too, I bet they have interesting places-… huh?"

Putting the coupon in his pocket after a shrug, Kazuma admired Alcanretia's beautiful scenery before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Raising his head, Kazuma met with Vanir's masked face.

Usually, Kazuma would have slapped this devil's face filled with mockery, but at this moment, Vanir's expression was completely different.

The devilish smirk got replaced by a peaceful, soothing smile and the scary red gleaming eyes turned into ȧssuring and comforting gazes. It is like this devil became a caring, friendly old brother who tries to comfort someone.

Without knowing why, this new change made Kazuma horrified and wanted to escape, but the hand on his shoulder was like a heavy boulder.

"Hahaha…" The faint, empty laugher escaped Vanir's mouth before he said "Go to the hot spring and try to not leave your room if not necessary. Believe me, you don't want to see the end of this place"

As Vanir dropped the weird accent and words, Kazuma is already shaking where he stood. Vanir tapped Kazuma's shoulder and showed a much deeper smile before walking away.

"But one thing, please don't mistake the smiles of the people here by friendliness"

Halting for a second, Vanir left those words before he disappeared. The stunned Kazuma stared at that lonely back as he felt like this devil is walking towards hell, but that wouldn't make sense because devils are from hell!

{And I just said I don't want to get worked up by him…} Kazuma rubbed his temples before he heard Aqua's voice " Ka-zu-ma! Hurry up, wait… what is this demonic presence I'm feeling?"

"Oh, this? A devil was just here to deliver coupons… you might want to go catch up to him" Kazuma pointed to his back with a blank expression.

"A devil? Don't be ridiculous. Kazuma-san would have been crying like a little girl if someone like that appeared"


Unaware of Kazuma who is squeezing his fist, Aqua shrugged his words as nothing more than delusions before she urged the group to move.

Kazuma would love to show Aqua the iron fist of love he learned from Whitebeard, however, is it just him or all the people around are staring at them?

Looking at their friendly smiles and happy faces, Vanir's words repeated in Kazuma's head as a a drop of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"*Gulp*…" Kazuma swallowed before he walked with the rest… just what is wrong with this place?

As Kazuma proceeded unaware of the hell he's walking into, two individuals gathered at the other side of the lake in the meantime.

Meanwhile, when Kazuma and the co were unaware and advancing into dangerous territory, the other side of the lake was experiencing some difficulties.

Whitebeard stood on the shore, observing the calm water swaying gently with the faint breeze. Once in a while, a ripple will emerge as the fish gave the blue surface more life and movement.

Although he heard about this city from other adventures when he 'communicated' with them, Whitebeard had to admit that it indeed has a charm to it. It actually reminded him of some islands he visited in his world, even if not all had this much calmness.

But he still remembers them talking about how lunatics the people here can be and something about a 'cult' existence. Whitebeard scratched his chin as he wondered if those rumors were true.

"What going on in your mind?"

Despite being alone here, Whitebeard heard a voice from his side, but he didn't show any surprise. Instead, he continues thinking before saying "Are the people here… truly weirdos?"


{Is this some genuine curiosity?}

Kaguya wondered what has gotten into Whitebeard's head, but she didn't push it.

Does it really matter if people here were a part cult or not? She didn't care much about it. The blue lake at the front is much more important or should say what might lies underneath it.

"According to Leone, the whole city witnessed a turmoil a few weeks ago. A Lich sneaked into the holy land of the goddess of water and caused a huge commotion because of his army"

Kaguya looked at the deep lake before she continued "For the Axis Order, the undead is one of the most hateful things ever. They despise them to the bones and wish to purge them to the afterlife. Coupled with the people here a bunch of lunatics, you can imagine how that went"

The story that Leone told left Kaguya speechless. Swarms of undead, bone dragon, spells, and holy magic flying everywhere, and the 'heroic' Axis Order.

Although Leone didn't say it, Kaguya felt how hard is the publicity and scamming in those 'heroic' parts to attract new people.

The whole scene was a war between the holy and the undead factions. However, under the sheer massive amount of high-rank holy magic, the hordes of the undead only met defeat after the leader of the Axis Order, Zesta, blow up the bone dragon's head with a Turn Undead spell.

Even so, the Axis Order was still a bit suspicious because the Lich seemed to have succeeded in something according to how quickly he evacuated after such a fierce battle.

Of course, even if people here liked to brag, most of this info is kept for the upper management of the Axis Order. To get these details, Kaguya and Leone must have dug a bit deeper into this religious headquarter.

"Hmmm… Why are you so persistent and eager for this mission?"

Whitebeard nodded before his words cut off Kaguya's explanation. It was inevitable because his voice is so loud up this close as Kaguya felt her ears hurt.

But his words didn't lack truth either. Although Leone did most of the talk and intel gathering, there's no denying that Kaguya put more effort into this whole mission.

However, Whitebeard couldn't put his finger on the reason.

Unlike some who are feeling guilty about their incompetence, Kaguya had no such feelings. They didn't even exist. To sum it up, the previous accident for her is like 'ah, that happened' before moving on.

She neither has a big sense of responsibility or leadership, but even so, she is the one who went a day ahead here to scout the situation.

The sudden question made Kaguya a bit perplexed because she didn't expect it from Whitebeard. These types of questions should come from Leone, but she didn't mind as the answer came after a moment of thought "I just don't want to bear the fate of defeat"

"The fate of defeat?"

"Yes, the fate of defeat…" Kaguya's face darkened as if she remembered something very horrible before she said "You don't understand what awaits for me if this mission ended unsuccessfully, especially because I might have said some 'extra' things"

The more she thought about it, the more Kaguya's expression became worst. The mere imagines of the spam and messages she'll get were enough to make her so pissed off.

"Is it about the other brat (Leo)?" Pondering about it, Whitebeard quickly came with a correct guess.

"You still don't get it, do you? If this mission is unsuccessful, it'll become a fatal weakness for me! An act of direct revenge is no good at all, so he's waiting, waiting for the perfect moment to strike!"

"… Huh?"

"That snake was waiting for so long to get me back for the picture in Leon's world and this is a rare chance! Imagine what'll happen if we didn't finish this mission. IMAGINE!"

Kaguya became anxious as Whitebeard looked at her in silence. Frankly, he started to get irritated by this. Maybe he should give her a love tap(fist) on the head.

"He'll get every character from different franchises looking down with a bold text saying 'Pathetic', and send it to me every morning and night! Not a single day in this miserable existence will pass without him reminding me about it! I can't even block him because of the admin privileges!"

Remembering the stuff that she said in the chat room about how this mission is easy, she can only imagine the wide and irritating grin on that angel's face.

{Can't I erase this? Can't I erase his memories about it? Maybe Eirin has some medicine for that, but will they work on him? AHHHHHHHHH!!!} Kaguya held her head and almost fell to the ground.

"You… stop it. Do you think he'll really remember something as trivial as a picture?"

"HE WILL!!" Kaguya snapped back to reality and said "He's clearly been waiting to stab me where it hurts! Then finish me with more stabbing!"

"Stab you(physically)?"

"Yeah, stab me(mentally) in my back without any mercy!"

{Is this some sort of thing that immortals, who can't die, do normally?} Whitebeard blinked his eyes and said "This is just too pity. He'll not do it, so stop it"

"No, he'll do it without any doubt!"

"Why can you be so sure?"

"Because I'll do the same!!"

Kaguya said with too much vigor and some pride as Whitebeard looked at his clenched fist. As usual, his fist looks like the ideal solution to everything.

"This is why we need to do our best and finish this mission! For this world, the rewards, and my mental health, let's fight!" Kaguya slapped her hand together as if she's praying and Whitebeard raised his fist.

"Ahem, let's continue… In the end, the cult performed an inspection and a big purification to the lake and city, but nothing out of ordinary was found…" Kaguya took a deep breath before she said "In reality, most priests here became cleaning freaks at the thought of undead messing with their belongings"

"…." Whitebeard nodded slowly at the story, even if there were some exaggerations, especially at the 'heroic' Axis Order.

But as the thought crossed his mind, he recalled someone and said "You said a Lich. Could it be the same one in that castle?"

"…" As her expression vanished, Kaguya said "I think this answers your previous question"

Against the lake cold breeze, Kaguya and Whitebeard stood speechlessly.

Hearing the story, the Lich was never weak. He had a well-formed army and several dangerous spells that works well in a full-blown war. Nonetheless, this powerful Lich fell down under the wrath of the Axis Cult. Fell down so miserably that he starts to give up on life.

An undead giving up on life. Recalling the almost breaking into tears Lich in Dullahan Castle, a weird silence descended between the two. This city… sounds much more menacing now.

"Because it is! Few unlucky ones still speak of their days here"

Whitebeard and Kaguya looked at the side to see a man wearing a black suit walking towards them. The white and black mask was a dead giveaway as they knew his identity.

"But for the undead to come to this city openly like that. Even I feel so sorry for the poor soul and also funny for the unfortunate fate."

Far away from the two, Vanir continued walking at a steady pace while talking to himself "Tsk, tsk, maybe I should go to hell and console him personally. Hahaha…"

As Vanir walked slowly at his own pace while mumbling some nonsense, Whitebeard and Kaguya stood without any word. Isn't this too slow? Why is he taking all this time?

Whitebeard watched Vanir walking as he wondered why he's feeling like this. To be honest, most of the people he recently interacted with could pope up from thin air like Kaguya and the people she keeps teleporting.

As for Kaguya, she wondered why this walking GPS(Vanir) didn't know any teleportation? Bad service indeed.

"Good morning, good evening, you two. How art thou doing? Good, good…"

Strolling in, Vanir passed Whitebeard and Kaguya while humming a small song before he stopped in front of the lake.

"The weather is indeed fine today, unlike thou face, of course. I feel I'll become depressed just by been near thee…"

Vanir turned to look at the silent Whitebeard and gloomy Kaguya before he looked away and said "The weather is so nice"

"At least, say something new if you want to run your mouth. Isn't it better that way?" Despite saying it naturally, the threatening tone in Kaguya's voice was too clear to Vanir.

If not considering the situation and place, his eyes foresee explosion magic to the face. {My poor bodies and masks. Why do they have to bear the brunt of these people with anger issues? How troubling}

"Well, before you ask me, let's drop the formalities. I'm only here to watch thou deal with that creature. Don't mind me… seriously, don't mind me and thou with crescent mustaches, please lower your fist. We are civilized individuals"

Giving a small bow, Vanir stood at the side as if he's saying 'please, go ahead', but then he saw Whitebeard raising his fist.

"…" Whitebeard, who thought of asking why Vanir is here, stopped as his goal changed to burying that mask in a hole. They can be civilized all they want after his fist land on Vanir's head.

"Are you really here just to watch us deal with 'that'?" Kaguya felt a bit doubtful about this devil's goal.

This GPS(Vanir) that supposedly Leo found for them has been more of an annoyance than useful. {Wait, maybe this is another plan to get his revenge?}

"Please don't doubt my dėsɨrės. I got taken down rather quickly last time, so I didn't have the chance to witness the end of that creature. I would like to see it fully now"

"Hmmm, even if you say so…"

"…" Vanir didn't say anything more as he pointed at the lake and said "It's down there, near the center to the right"

Getting cut off by Vanir again made Kaguya speechless. They indeed didn't have the exact location of the PE-SS-26-13287 final avatar and they planned to scout this area shown on the map.

Kaguya might have an idea of getting the GPS(Vanir) help, but it quickly got rejected because of how annoying it would be.

"Is it just moi or thou have been looking at me like a tool for a while now?"

"You must have quite the imagination"

As Vanir and Kaguya started again, Whitebeard looked at where Vanir pointed and said "There, huh? This location is just…"

Inconvenient. No better word could describe it better. A deep part of the lake where his vision can't reach. This is one of the worst battlefields for him.

Even if he fell into underwater battles at some unfortunate accidents, Whitebeard avoided them the most considering the devil's fruit weaknesses. He sure did fix the sea weakness using the Chat Room, but these battles are still a big weak point.

"The lake…" Kaguya covered her mouth with her right sleeve.

"Hmmm…" Vanir hummed and looked deeply at the water.

"Now then, how are…" Whitebeard thought about the plan quickly, but when he turned back, he saw Kaguya and Vanir far away from the shore.

"You see, I'm honestly useless in such an environment" Kaguya did a twirl with her long yukata.

"Hm? I'm just a bystander. By the way, you do realize my body is made of earth, right? What more do you want from moi?"

Whitebeard showed nothing more than the dreadful silence at the nonsense these two are spouting before he raised his hand. However, he caught nothing but air.

He suddenly remembered that his naginata is broken as much more dreadful silence descended on the place.

'Are you sure we are fine? This is my third mask this week. Dragon bones aren't cheap'

'Don't talk to me… But this situation, huh?"

Vanir and Kaguya whispered quietly, but Whitebeard still heard them. This fact was didn't bother Kaguya as she floated next to him and said "Hmmm, fighting underwater is very unfavorable, but it isn't impossible"

Whitebeard nodded at her words after some silence which made Kaguya continue "Losing your weapon will also affect your performance but are you satisfied?"

"A chance is present right here. The last battle also happened on a disadvantageous battlefield. This is round two to test the results and experience from last battle and overcome the odds"

"..." Whitebeard glanced with the corner of his eyes at the brightly smiling Kaguya before he said "This one is weaker… And it becoming frailer with time"

According to the Chat Room, the last avatar was an exception because it held the source and after its death, the rest of the avatars are getting weaker and weaker, leaving less than a week for them to die or to be extinguished according to the mission details.

{But it isn't wrong either…} As such, Whitebeard released a breath before he slowly walked towards the lake. For some reason, his fighting spirit is flaming up.

His naginata is broken? He loses against PE-SS-26-13287? So what? This is round two! A chance for revenge! Even if it's a disadvantageous environment, he shouldn't stop. He should fight harder!

Realizing his mistake and wrong thinking, Whitebeard became more fired up as he jumped to the lake.

With a plop sound and big splash, the giant figure of Whitebeard vanished from sight.

"I can't use logic with him, huh?" Vanir wondered how many loose screws are needed to have such thinking as Whitebeard.

But then he saw Kaguya raising her hand as several colorful orbs appeared and sank in the lake after Whitebeard, giving the water a bright colorful gleam.

"Oh, light magic to illuminate the depth? Art th-…" However, before Vanir finished, Kaguya said "Bombs"

"Ah, yes, bombs… bombs?" Repeating the word just to be sure, Vanir took a step back from the lakeshore. {We don't want to get wet now, don't we?}

"Good luck. Please, you're the last hope for my mental health" Kaguya clapped her hands in praying form again.

Meanwhile, the Kazuma group was about to understand one of the deepest lessons in their lives. In this existence, only four things are infinite. The universe, human stupidity, the Zubats in the Dark Cave, and the amount of soap and detergent that the Axis Order have.

With everyone busy, time passed rather quickly. The sun slowly crossed the sky, sinking down the horizon as the blue clear color quickly overtaken by the burning orange-red hue.

In such fashion, Alcanretia welcomed the dusk with full force. The passage of time didn't slow this city at all, but it only made it livelier under the beautiful scenery. Too much livelier, to be honest.


"Ohhhh!! This one is much bigger"

With a loud boom, a massive fountain that could be seen through the city raised from the location of the lake. The resident of Alcanretia talked and commented about it casually like they are used to it by now.

They were even some stores and people betting on how big the next splash would be.

However, not everyone was enjoying this view. Near the shore of the biggest lake in Alcanretia, two figures could be seen sitting on the rocks. Well, one of them is floating.



Kaguya and Vanir were facing each other as both of them held a bunch of cards. Except for their position, the entire shore is drenched in water as a giant pillar was planted on the ground.

Strangely, there were few signs of food and drinks around, but all of them got washed by water.

But Kaguya and Vanir kept exchanging cards from each hand at a fast pace. They didn't even raise their heads as their hands never missed.

As their movements continue, the ground near the shore began to shake slightly before ripples surfaces the calm lake. It didn't last long before a massive shadow appeared beneath the lake.

It was hard to describe its shape, but it resembled a fish of some sort, but then…


The shadow broke out of the lake and flew in the air followed by a fountain of water. The splash was too strong it flooded the coast instantly, but when it met the place near Vanir and Kaguya, it got blocked by an invisible barrier.

Unaware of their surroundings, Vanir kept a slight small on his face as Kaguya had a blank look of boredom.

As the water fell like rain, the giant figure landed on the ground safely. Whitebeard shook the water from his face and mustache.

How many times did this happen already? Whitebeard already lost count at 70 or 80 times he got slapped by the giant tail.

"Hm? Oh, you're here again. You flew less this time"

Kaguya glanced at Whitebeard before she took a card from Vanir again.

"I see they are getting smaller and smaller. Progress, I ȧssume"

Vanir took a card from Kaguya without even looking at her. It seemed almost like these two doesn't care at this point.

Whitebeard focused on the shadow of the fish sinking to the depths before his eyes met Vanir and Kaguya, who were still exchanging cards nonstop.

However, it didn't look strange for Whitebeard because both of those two are cheating. They both knew all the cards in each other.

This whole game is so pointless because no one can win, so hopeless they have been in this state for hours! They didn't even suggest switching to another game.

"Much like the others, it's indeed getting frailer. It seems my battle is just speeding the process…" Whitebeard cracked his fingers before he considered how he should advance now.

"You mean that metal losing its color?" Kaguya glanced at the giant pillar planted near her.

This was the device planted on the bottom of the lake. But now it's completely broken. No, it was broken since Whitebeard found it and brought it here. PE-SS-26-13287 didn't care about it at the slightest.

{It seems it's true that this avatar is dying slowly} Confirming this information, Kaguya nodded and said "Do you plan on continuing?"

Whitebeard didn't say much, but looking at him advancing to the lake made his answer very clear.

"How long do you think this will take?"

"Hmmm, looking at him, it would probably end in an hour or less. The crescent mustache thou is adapting underwater fights. How violent"

Vanir glanced at Whitebeard jumping on the lake and took a card from Kaguya's hand.

Kaguya was ready to interfere in case Whitebeard drowned, but the situation has proven that her worries are unnecessary.

Whitebeard was a bit awkward at the underwater battle, but he soon got a hang of it and lasted longer against this PE-SS-26-13287 avatar. At first, PE-SS-26-13287 hurled him like a pebble several times, however, now he even started to use PE-SS-26-13287 attacks to push himself out of the water if he needed to breathe.

Considering this avatar is as retarded as the first one in Elroad, this was an easy task as Kaguya found nothing to do except playing cards with Vanir.

A lot of small stuff happened too. Like Axis Order finding of the 'brave warrior' who is challenging the lake monster non-stop and making an event out of it to attract tourists.

But Kaguya paid no attention to it because her pride was too strong to give up on this card game even if both of them were cheating all along.

Despite that, she wondered what the others were doing at this moment. The hot spring sounds nice after having to deal with the sarcastic remarks of this devil all this time.

"Did thou had enough? This is too pointless even for moi, an immortal devil"


Kaguya looked at Vanir, who was waving his cards left and right before she closed her eyes and sighed. In the next second, she vanished from her place instantly.

"… I'll take that as a yes" Vanir threw away the cards and stretched his body before he heard the lake rumbling.

Inside the lake, deep down at the bottom, were a bit brighter because of the orbs Kaguya kept sending down here.

Whitebeard kicked the water with his foot before a 'pop' sound was heard. The shock wave generated from his body acted as a thruster, pushing him forwards underwater at high speeds. But it wasn't without any consequences.

During his attempts to fight this PE-SS-26-13287 avatar, Whitebeard learned several things about his vibrations.

Firstly, it's very dangerous to use them underwater. Not only he's attacking the enemy, but he's receiving damage as well even before the enemy. Also, the speed of shockwaves is much faster here.

Secondly, it cost more power to generate them. The vibrations from Quake-Quake fruit seem to be harder to use in this environment.

For Whitebeard, generating shockwaves using his fruit is easy as breathing, but in this place, it got a bit uncomfortable.

As he was traveling underwater, a big shadow caught Whitebeard's eyes. The shadow was massive and moved agilely without any hindrance.

Without any delay, Whitebeard's fist was already covered with Haki as he charged ahead. Under the illumination of Kaguya's bombs, the shadow revealed itself.

It was too much to call it a fish. Made of metal-like substance that moved like living flesh. It was more of a weird organism that resembled an aquatic creature.

Whitebeard saw this creature too many times it stopped being important. The only thing left was excitement for the battle.

PE-SS-26-13287 swam swiftly in the water away from Whitebeard. Unlike the previous two, this one was much different. It lacked any hostility that the other two harbored and its metal body didn't have any bright ŀuster. It felt weak, rigged, and frail.

One can even see faint cracks spreading across the metallic scales on its body.

However, such a thing didn't stop Whitebeard as the shockwave pushed him faster and reached PE-SS-26-13287. Noticing its escape was futile, the avatar twisted its body and strike with its tail.


Another explosion hit the lake as Vanir hide behind the pillar to not get wet and said "How violent"

Leaving Whitebeard and Vanir, Kaguya appeared at the commercial street of Alcanretia. It was as busy as ever and filled with people, but no one seemed to give attention to Kaguya who suddenly appeared.

"They should be here…" Kaguya levitated as a colorful tree branch with jewels as leaves seems to guide her.

It didn't take her long before she reached a place behind the fountain. It was a place facing the lakefront, completely opposite to shore where Whitebeard is fighting PE-SS-26-13287.

Taking a turn, the jeweled branch shone as if finished its mission. Kaguya put it away and said "Ah, there you are. I was wondering why… Um"

In front of Kaguya, Kazuma and co were either resting on the railing or lying on the ground. All of their faces were darkened like they witnessed something horrible.

Megumin was mumbling something about swallowing soap and detergent while Kazuma stared at the water like he's having war flashbacks.

Misaka was buried under a pile of Axis Order joining applications and whispering 'no more, please' several times.

Darkness was lying on the wall with a satisfying blush on her face as the papers fell on her body like Misaka.

She held the Eris Order necklace and prayed her thanks for the goddess, Eris. The content of praying was normal, but the reason was something Kaguya doesn't want to hear about.

As for Aqua, she is nowhere to be seen here.

Kaguya didn't want to comment anything about this scene, but when she talked, all of them, except Darkness, turned to her with bloodshot eyes.

Especially Kazuma's eyes. Kaguya didn't need psychic abilities to know they were saying 'You knew this would happen'.

"… It's fine weather indeed" Kaguya turned away as she used a tactic from a devil. They should be useful.

"You… At least pretend to be sorry, goddammit! Eh… I don't even have the energy to get angry" Kazuma rose from the railing with anger, but it quickly extinguished as he returned next to Megumin, who got trauma from soap and detergent.

{Hisss, it's worse than I thought}

Not even getting angry made Kaguya somehow truly worried about them, but she quickly noticed something strange.

"Where is Leone?" Not finding the wild-looking woman anywhere, Kaguya asked.

"Leone? Who is that? Oh, a traitor" Misaka whispered from under the applications while Kaguya became speechless.

"I remember telling her to prepare a 'better' environment for a hot spring trip here. You know, at least the little terrorist (Megumin) won't get a trauma"

"What?" Kazuma rose up from the railing with a shocked expression.

"Hah?!" Misaka's head appeared from under the papers as confusion filled her face.

But what followed was more doubts as they collapsed again.

"Wait, I'm serious!" Looking at Kaguya's expression, they both started to consider it again.

This woman won't consider defending herself if she did something bad. Heck, she'll be smiling at their state now.

"Wait, you two didn't read the chat?" Despite her confusion, Misaka waved her hand as a light blue window appeared in mid-air.

The window of the Chat Room suddenly enlarged before it presented in front of everyone who could see it. It's the main Chat window, nothing strange about it, except the recent message.

[Big Sister Lion: This city made me realize that the world is big and I need to see it]

"…" The three of them looked at the window as silence filled the area.

Meanwhile, far away from Alcanretia, a carriage was moving through the road at a slow pace. Atop of it, Leone was lying down while basking in the sun and cold breeze.

"Life is a bunch of experiences we encounter in our path. Only by experiencing the bitterness we can raise and explore new horizons" Despite trying to sound wise, the blissful expression betrayed Leone.

She was just happy to have escaped that city. Those guys are madmen. Madmen!! Leone couldn't even find any reasoning or logic with them. All their thinking resulted in receiving an Axis Order joining application or trying to scam her.

"Oh, young lady, still thinking about your friends back there? Why didn't you go with them then?"

The carriage driver suddenly asked Leone. He was an old man with an easy and happy expression. He seemed very experienced in handling the carriage.

"Of course, I would like to, but if I do, they won't learn anything. Maybe after this experience, they'll expand their views and learn more about life"

"Heee? You must be very close; they are lucky to have a kind young lady like you to look after them" The old man seems to recall his past when he was an adventurer.

"Hehe, I know right? I might be too kind for this world after all" Leone laughed dryly before she looked at the sky.

{This is all for the greater good… my greater good} With such thought, the carriage continued its journey as Leone lazed on top of it.

"By the way, young lady, can I interest you in joining the Axis Order"


Leone widened her eyes before she sat up and saw the old man giving her a very bright smile. The nightmare never ends...

Back in Alcanretia, the trio gathered around the Chat screen as a dreadful atmosphere radiated. It was so creepy that it gave Megumin a new trauma.

Leone's massage was a mere few words, but they were enough to let Kaguya and Kazuma understand the situation. They also understood why Misaka called her a traitor.

Leone ran away from Alcanretia and left them to suffer. She didn't even warn them. Looking at this message date, several hours have passed since she left.

{Traitor! This is treason!} The three shared the same thought as their expressions darkened further.

"Say, what should we do…?" The zapping blueish-white arcs flickered on Misaka's forehead.

"I don't care if lions are endangered species, let's hunt her down" Kazuma took his trusty pistol as it glinted with a cold light.

"…." Kaguya took a deep breath before she smiled and said "Now, now, let's not get carried away. If Leone wanted to leave for an adventure, we should support her"

"…." Misaka and Kazuma took a step away from the smiling Kaguya. This was just too scary for them.

"If she wanted to see the world that much… All I can do is to help her in any way possible" Covering her mouth with her sleeve, Kaguya chuckled as Misaka and Kazuma swallowed.

*Rumble!* *Boom!!*

However, before Kaguya finished her words, a faint rumble was heard as the ground started shaking followed by a fountain of water raising to the dusk sky.

The trio took a step back to avoid getting splashed by the violent waves from the lake before they looked at the water returning back as faint rain.

"Hey, how long are the old man going to abuse the poor lake? I bet he gave all the fish ptsd by now" Kazuma looked at the peaceful lake getting bombed by shockwaves as he avoided getting wet.

"He's fighting PE-SS, right? Would he be fine alone?" Misaka said as the worry wasn't hidden in her voice.

Kazuma became silent at that statement before he looked at Kaguya, waiting for an answer.

{*Sigh*…} Sighing secretly, Kaguya shook her head at the two conditions and said "No worries. This PE-SS is much weaker and Whitebeard is close to finishing it. It appears that the past one was a special case after all"

"I see, it's a relief then" Misaka breathed a sigh of relief and Kazuma said "I bet he's the one that wants to battle, so there's no point in worrying about it"

{Jeez, what is this atmosphere? No one here is dead, right?} Kaguya began to get really irritated by these funeral vibes she's getting from these two.

Did the last fight affect them this much? Despite not understanding their feelings because of her background, Kaguya still felt speechless.

It's not like this is the first or last time this stuff happened! Kaguya rubbed her temples {If this continue, I might just throw them at the lake to join Whitebeard}

Unaware of Kaguya's dangerous thoughts, Kazuma and Misaka continue to watch before the earth started shaking again.

*Rumble* *Rumble!*

This time it didn't stop. It felt like something is slamming the earth as a whole and each time it did, the shaking became worst.

"Is this an earthquake?!" Megumin woke up immediately and screamed.

"Oi, are you serious? Won't the city collapse?" Kazuma struggled to stand as he supported himself with the railing.

The waves of the lake were also raising and almost flooding the street they are standing on.

However, as the city was facing a huge earthquake, the lake wasn't safe either. The water of the lake began to flow backward as if the entire flow changed.

Suddenly, the ragging surface of the lake started to swell upwards. It was just a bend at the start, but it became bigger in an instant as if a huge bubble was going to burst, then…


As if an explosion discharged underwater and blasted towards the surface, the entire lake witnessed a huge detonation, sending water everywhere.

Followed by a shockwave that shook the air, two figures appeared from beneath the rising water.

Under the burning dusk, the water drops glittered with the setting sun as Whitebeard and PE-SS-26-13287 flew in the air above the lake.

However, unlike before, PE-SS-26-13287 condition got a lot worst as a lot of cracks ran across all over its dim metallic scales.



PE-SS-26-13287 send it terribly, ear-splitting screeches, but Whitebeard didn't care. He just laughed happily as his two grips were tightly closing on PE-SS-26-13287 massive tail before he twisted his body.

In mid-air, Whitebeard began to rotate and so did PE-SS-26-13287, starting from its tail.

Slowly, both of them began to drop down, but the speed of rotation got bigger and bigger as if Whitebeard turned PE-SS-26-13287 massive body into a giant wheel.

"AHHHH!!!" Just about reaching the ground, Whitebeard released a war cry before he slammed PE-SS-26-13287 on the dry solid earth.


Kazuma and the co-watched in shock as the impact from Whitebeard's attack made them jump a little.

The smoke and dust rose at the other side of the lake, unlike their jaws that dropped from astonishment.

"K-Ka-Kazuma-san, did you just see that?! That was super cool!! Why did you tell me grandpa Whitebeard can do that?!"

Megumin stuttered from shock before sparkles filled her eyes. Excitement filled her suddenly as Kazuma didn't know what to say except "Didn't he do this with those frogs every day"

"..." Megumin excitement and anticipation extinguished like flames underwater. It was true. She indeed saw those frogs and Whitebeard flying in the sky.

But why… it sounds so dull now.


"HE WON!!"

"He actually did it!!"

"Give me my money!"

"AHHHH, no my money!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Why are you treating your goddess like this!?"

Suddenly, cheers exploded from behind. The citizens, who kept a close eye on the process of Whitebeard's battle, broke into cheers at the result.

Well, it was mostly those who won the bets while the losers were wailing at their lost money. Kazuma didn't know if his ears got hurt from the shockwave, but he kinda heard Aqua's screams mixed in them.

"Isn't this too much?" Misaka didn't know what to say about the whole situation. It feels like Whitebeard fighting PE-SS-26-13287 turned into a city event for some reason.

"At least, he did it-… Oi, what now?" Kazuma let go of the railing he was hugging, but the shaking returned as another huge explosion was heard from the other side.

Maybe because Whitebeard hit the land this time, the earthquake was more visible as Kazuma struggled to stand before his balance was thrown off. Not only him but the entire city was thrown off by the earthquake.

"Just what is he doing?" Kaguya muttered as the teleportation spell was activated, but when the colorful magic circle flashed, another person touched it.

"Eh?" Both Kaguya and Kazuma said as the magic circle flashed.

They vanished in a blink of an eye, leaving Misaka and Megumin staring blankly. Maybe they should wake up Darkness from under the papers before she suffocates.

At the other side of the lake, the dust and smoke blocked the vision as waves were still violent. The smell of dirt mixed with water wasn't the worst ever, but it did give some discomfort.

Kazuma and Kaguya landed on the shore before they were bothered by the heavy dust.

"You… what are you doing?"

Kaguya waved her hand, sending the dust flying away with a wave of spiritual power while Kazuma coughed up for a bit and said "It was an accident, I don't want to be here!"

With the dust out of the way, the picture became clear as a massive pothole appeared in front of them. The scene was akin to a meteor hitting the ground, but without the heat and flames.


Lying in the center was a massive monster that resembled a fish of some kind. Its teeth and fins flickered with a dangerous light, but it all dimmed as cracked continued to spread on its body.

PE-SS-26-13287 tried to move and transform, but cracks continued to deepen as if its body wasn't suitable anymore. This made it release many terrible cries causing Kazuma to cover his ears and others to frown.


However, the cries came to a halt after a fist landed on PE-SS-26-13287 head like a hammer and send it rolling a few meters away.

Whitebeard, who is facing the avatar, noticed Kaguya and Kazuma before he nodded.

"Hmmm, what is this substance anyway? It almost feels like a rotten…" Without knowing when Vanir was already squatting near PE-SS-26-13287 and his finger was rubbing the black substance from between the cracks on the avatar body.


The substance disintegrated in his fingers almost immediately, but before he checked more, he got shot by PE-SS-26-13287 tail. He did a few flips in the air before he crashed at the edge of the crater near Kazuma.

"…." Kazuma blinked with some terror at how nearly he got slammed by the flying Vanir.

"That a bit rude, isn't it? I was checking things" Vanir shook off the dust from his suit as the middle of his body regenerated.

{Did this guy got smacked several times already?!} Kazuma looked at the crater as he found two or three human-shaped holes.

PE-SS-26-13287 tried to get away, but its body got worst and worst. It changed its direction and tried to attack Whitebeard, however, it got send flying again.

However, Whitebeard didn't show any joy. His expression was cold and kinda grumpy like he isn't enjoying this at all.

{Weak… too weak}

Compared to the past avatar, this one is just pathetic. Even the casual punches can affect it. Whitebeard felt disappointed with such a result.

"I guess everything is under control…" The five treasures near her vanished as Kaguya watched the fight. There's no need for her involvement at this point.

Just like this, Whitebeard continued to trash the PE-SS-26-13287 avatar around as the latter could only release cries and try to counterattack. To be honest, it looked pathetic and sad.

The monster who almost destroyed all their group getting smacked left and right without any chance to retaliate.

Kazuma knows that the difference between the past one and this one is very huge, but the scene of the monster, who hunts his nightmares now, being so helpless is still… He didn't know how to react.

{I guess it isn't as scary as before, but…} Kazuma stood with Vanir and continued watching, even if his past thoughts were running away from here as fast as possible.

PE-SS-26-13287 even tried to run and keep a distance away from Whitebeard's attacks. Its cries that were supposed to give him a headache felt helpless and sad at the moment.

"Ugh, disgusting. What is this? Do you want me to puke?!" Vanir suddenly covered his mouth like he's about to puke from something so revolting.

"Hey, I know it's ugly, but still…" Kazuma didn't know what got into this devil, but Vanir didn't look at him and said "Can't you feel it? These emotions, they are so rotten…ugh"

"They feel like fear and hopelessness of not being able to do anything, even if they are so desperate. Ugh, these emotions are not my dish at all, I feel like throwing up" Vanir squatted on the ground and held his stomach before moving away. He didn't want to stay here for another moment.

"Huh?" Even if Kazuma didn't understand fully, but he knew Vanir can sense emotions and stuff. So, the emotions radiating from this PE-SS-26-13287 were so disgusting for him.

"Hopelessness and fear, huh?" Kazuma looked at PE-SS-26-13287 struggling to escape before he lost in thoughts.

The first avatar gave Kazuma a feeling of greed and gluttony. It couldn't wait to swallow him as a whole.

The second one… Massive anger and wrath. It didn't even wait to rip him to shreds and it actually did it! Kazuma couldn't forget how his body was almost split in half as he shivered.

{Now this avatar is afraid and hopeless? What crap is this?} Kazuma wondered.

If he still has the cheat code that Leo inputted, would he be able to sense that fear or will this creature run as soon as possible from him?

Unfortunately, his questions won't be answered before the fight has come to an end.

Cracks have filled PE-SS-26-13287, even the black substance began to leak out before disintegrated in the air. Its movements became so slow and unable to escape one hit from Whitebeard.

Whitebeard already had enough. His fist was charged with Haki and quake bubbles before he slammed PE-SS-26-13287 with all his force.

The vibrating fist flew in the air before it smacked the avatar's head sending it backward, but Whitebeard took a step forward and kept pushing.

The vibrations sunk inside making the entire metallic body shaking before Whitebeard slammed down!


The ground cracked and the already deep crater sunk further, sending rubbles and dust flying. PE-SS-26-13287 metallic body shattered to fragments as a horrible screech escaped its mouth, but it died down quickly as the black substance flew away.

Just by having contact with the air, the black substance disintegrated to nothing quickly, making what was left of PE-SS-26-13287 vanish slowly altogether with it.

"…." Whitebeard watched as PE-SS-26-13287 disappeared into nothing before he released a breath.

It's over.

To confirm his thoughts, the chat window appeared without any warning.

[Task complete! Congratulations to all members for finish all tasks!]

[All members could return to their worlds at any moment or they'll be transported fȯrċɨbŀƴ after three days]

[Please check the mission window for the rewards or they'll be issued automatically at the time of return]

Such messages were received by all members in the Konosuba world at the same time, announcing the end of the mission in this place.

"It's over, hurray, I guess" Kaguya shrugged before looking through the chat room.

"At last, I'm free!!" Kazuma almost shed tears of joy before he cheered higher than those gamblers who lost their money in the city.

"Ah, it's over"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind almost gave Kazuma a heart attack before he saw Vanir with his hands covering his nose and mouth watching PE-SS-26-13287 last moments.

"Well, it was an interesting experience, to say the least" With those words, Vanir nodded before he walked away.

"You're leaving just like that?"

"Oh? Thou is missing me already? Don't worry, the great Vanir won't miss you at all! Also, I have important things to do!" Vanir waved his hand like telling Kazuma to stay away before he said "Hmmm, I remembered I'm doing a mission for the Demon Lord guy, but I died two times in it"

"It's settled! I'll go and get my compensation for damage, and if he refused, I'll just visit his castle treasury because I, Vanir, is too considered and understanding follow."

After giving it a thought, Vanir nodded to himself before saying "Goodbye the somehow interesting thou. I hope to see you again, maybe in hell after you die horribly. Muahaha!"

Vanir laughed and waved as he left the place at a fast pace while the trio watched him with blank faces.

Whitebeard walked away from the crater as his expression made Kazuma flinch. He was 100% angry because it was an easy fight after what happened the last time.

"Are we returning to our worlds now" Whitebeard looked at the chat room notification as he noticed something.

He didn't get points for killing PE-SS-26-13287 last avatar. Is this considered free labor?

"Not yet"


Kaguya shook her head before Kazuma exclaimed, which got him a dreadful look from her.

"Are you kicking us out as fast as you could? Maybe we should stay these next three days?"

"Please, stay as much as you like" Kazuma said with a straight face as Kaguya looked at him silently.

"I'm going to try this city's hot springs and relax. You should also try them, Whitebeard. After it, let's discuss some things before leaving"

Whitebeard nodded at Kaguya. After this mission, he needs some time to relax as well, then he can go and visit his kids. He already missed them a lot.

"Oh, yeah, I'll go get that traitor. We can't leave her out from this, right?" Kaguya said with a bright smile hiding some dangerous thoughts.

[Big Sister Lion has returned to her world]

"…" Kaguya stared at the Chat window with some eyes that'll give kids nightmares.

"Ahem…" Kazuma cleared his thoughts before he showed the main chat window.

[Big Sister Lion: I just remembered that I didn't explore my world enough, I'll go to see it first :)]




In such atmosphere and Kaguya, who almost turned into a smiling demon, the group returned to the city and reunited with Misaka and the co. Whitebeard accepted the cheers and several scams attempts to join the Axis Order, but he didn't say anything.

Misaka already knows about Leone's message, so she didn't say much, which left Darkness and Megumin in confusion about the state of the group.

Aqua returned at last with tears streaming from her eyes about how her believers didn't believe in her goddess status.

{How ironic} Kazuma found it very funny, but he didn't know how much money Aqua lost in gambling today, or else he would be crying like her.

Unaware of the dark future ahead, the group finally got a chance to relax at the hot springs. It was a very pleasant experience and Alcanretia's blessed hot springs are truly different than normal ones.

When Kazuma learned that Aqua is the one who blessed these hot springs, he was surprised. This goddess actually did two good things in this short period?

But Kaguya said something to Aqua to make her go to the hot springs after they finish. It was about getting her goddess status again. Aqua agreed immediately, but Kazuma had a very bad feeling from this.

Sadly, he seemed to forget that a certain goddess can purify any liquid with one touch. This is a story for another day.

After knowing the group is about to leave for another adventure, Megumin and Darkness were sad, but they quickly cheered up.

After all, they can meet again or visit them when they feel like it, although such response will be much different if Megumin and Darkness knew they are leaving to other worlds.

Kazuma decided it's for the best to not say anything. Too many problems and too many explanations. Just thinking about it makes Kazuma's head hurts.

Then after the hot springs, a very important subject arises. Very, very important that all of them had to be present.

It's the rewards!

"Let the RNG gods be with us" Kazuma clapped his hands before he clicked on the Mission Window to receive the rewards.

"This is no Gacha, you idiot" Despite saying so, Kaguya also put her hands together and prayed.

"Guahahaha" Whitebeard laughed before he clicked the Mission Window without anything. The rewards didn't matter much to him, but they are welcomed.

"Aren't you too excited about it?" Misaka rolled her eyes before she clicked the Window.

Without any delay, the rewards were issued as the group looked intently.

"What is this?" Kazuma blinked his eyes before he read the rewards again.

[Reward 1:

Reroll chance, try it, no balls :)]

[Reward 2:

Adventurer Card Foreign Common-Sense Integration:

By some chance and if compatible, the Adventure Card could integrate a Foreign Common-Sense into the skill system.

Note: All the modification has already been effective on your Adventurer Card the moment you received the rewards]

"Yup, it didn't change" Kazuma's eyebrow twitched at these rewards. Where are the points?

"Huh? What I'm supposed to do with this?" Misaka looked at her adventure card in confusion.

[Reward 1:

Adventurer Card Otherworld's Integration:

Integrating the Adventure Card into the Chat Room. This allows all the skills listed on the card to be used without any problem in any world, including the leveling system]

[Reward 2:

Adventurer Card Prototype Sealing Protocol:

Seal the Adventurer Card inside the Chat Room and hid it from everything. By doing this, all the skills on the Adventurer Card are unavailable, but no one under the world can sense it]

The first reward sounded nice, but the second one made Misaka frown. What is she supposed to do with this? Hide the Adventure Card? But from what? Can't she hide it and use the abilities?

{This is annoying. I didn't even get points from it} Misaka pouted at this reward.

"Hmmmm" Whitebeard stroked his chin while reading his rewards.

The first one is like what Misaka received in the first reward and the second one is Adventurer Card Foreign Common-Sense Integration that Kazuma received.

"This is… unexpected" Kaguya looked at her rewards a bit perplexed.

[Reward 1: 200000 points]

[Reward 2: Adventurer Card Otherworld's Integration]

The rewards were a considerable number of points and the same first reward as Whitebeard and Misaka. However, Kaguya was a bit interested in this pattern she's seeing.

"Hey, at least you got something useful" Kazuma clicked his tongue as he felt the RNG gods betrayed him, no, it was this World's Will.

"What are you saying, Kazuma-san? You and Whitebeard got the most valuable rewards" Kaguya smiled her bright, yet dreadful smile, which made Kazuma flinch before he said "Huh?"

"Oh? You still didn't realize it? Foreign Common-Sense is just a fancy word for other worlds power system" Kaguya shook her head at everyone stupidity {This princess is indeed wise}

"A chance to acquire other world powers as skills and level them up using points? This is indeed a valuable reward" Whitebeard tasted how easy it is to get power and mysterious skills using this world Adventurer cards.

The skills and abilities that would take normally months and years of hard work could be learned with a click after killing a bunch of monsters.

"Ah, I see, but isn't this pointless without the first reward you guys got? I mean, it's nice to level-… Wait, didn't I already do that? I remember leveling up a bunch in Leone's world" Kazuma scratched his head before he noticed everyone eyes on him and said "What?"

"You leveled up there? Doesn't this mean your Adventurer Card is already included in the Chat Room?" Misaka felt weird at such development. Is this supposed to be some sort of secret?

Kazuma widened his eyes before he opened his Chat and said "I remember you guys didn't have the option to buy skill points from the Chat Room, even if you got those power compatibility cards. Could you check now?"

The group nodded at Kazuma's request and checked. They indeed all have the option to buy skills points from the Chat Room now.

"Oh, it's here… 1000 points for one Skill Point? Isn't this expensive?" Misaka frowned at the prices. This Chat Room is expensive as always.

"1000? But mine is 100 points" Kazuma said with puzzlement before he saw the group looking at him again.

"Is this scam?! Why there's 10 times the difference between us and him?!" Misaka felt extremely irritated, especially after she saw Kazuma's expression transform from confusion to an annoying smile.

"What can I say, the world prefers its natives, I guess" Despite saying it normally, Kazuma couldn't hide the smile and arrogance.

This was a rare chance to annoy these overpowered folks. He just couldn't miss it.

"Is this something to be proud of? *Sigh* I guess, it's better than my rewards. What I'm going to do with this?" Misaka said in a bit of distress before Kaguya floated near her and asked "What did you get?"

"Oh, it's this…" Misaka showed Kaguya her second reward, which made the latter think for a moment.

"Hey, Mikoto-chan, do you trust me?"

"Eh? I guess, yeah. Even if you're usually heartless and like to throw disaster as us while you enjoy life in peace" Misaka said innocently as Kaguya covered her mouth with the sleeve, but it couldn't hide her twitching eyebrow.

"Next time, leave the details out of it. Anyhow, if you trust me, use that second reward now and never deactivate it in your world. No matter what the case, never use the Adventurer Card" Kaguya's face was very serious with no hint of her casual acts, which made Misaka swallow.

{Even if you're going to die} Kaguya didn't say this part out loud because she felt Misaka might misunderstand something and she'll have to explain some ridiculous stuff.

But she didn't have any other choice. In addition to the Academy City Chairman, Aleister Crowley, spying like a stalker on the whole city 24/7 nonstop, there's a bigger threat called Magic Gods.

Misaka might not know this, but those guys are so damn bored with the world. They who reached the farthest reaches but found nothing new left wish to spread their wings and find new unknown possibilities, even if it's not possible at all.

Now, imagine if Misaka brought the Adventurer Card, an unknown knowledge and possibilities from another world, and the Magic Gods found her somehow.

Kaguya can only think of a new war that will happen between Magic Gods for one of the cheapest products in Konosuba.

{That would truly be a bruh moment for sure} Kaguya could only imagine Leo reading this result and going 'bruh' with a blank face.

"Okay, I understand" Misaka thought about it for a while before she became determined.

Although she doesn't understand the reason, the lazy Kaguya won't be serious about something trivial, so she trusts her.

Kaguya nodded and smiled for such trust, even if she felt the reason behind it might not be as appealing as she thinks.

"And Mikoto-chan, everything would be alright, okay? Don't forget, you're Railgun, after all"

"Eh? Um! That's just natural. I won't get defeated easily"

Misaka was shocked by Kaguya's words before she smiled brightly. Even if she still has lingering… fears from the past accident, it'll not stop her. She'll manage somehow, or she'll not be a Lvl 5!

"I guess this settles it. It's time to finish this and return, I miss my sons" Whitebeard stretched his body and said with a wide grin.

"Oh, it's time already. Hmmm, I already finish all the games I brought here, so I have been craving for a new one" Kaguya thought about it and nodded.

"This quickly?! Um, I also miss Kuroko, even if she's… a bit weird. Hmph, I wanted to say goodbye to Leone too, but she left alone" Misaka's face darkened as she said the true reason why she got mad at Leone.

It was such a pure reason that made Kaguya and Kazuma, who just wanted Leone to suffer with them, feel a slight of guilt.

"So, you guys are really leaving now?" Kazuma scratched his cheek as he felt a bit awkward at this moment.

How long has he been together with these overpowered guys? A month? Although he had to deal with their problems every day, it felt weird for them to leave now.

"There's nothing more to do here and we have our worlds to go back to" Whitebeard gave his reason normally without beating around the bush.

"I should go back soon to adjust… I even forgot my school schedule" Misaka held her head in sorrow. She can't even remember if she had homework or not.

"I have things to do and aren't you happy to finally see us leave?" Kaguya gave Kazuma a stare before she chuckled.

"Ah, I see… Um… Em… Thank you!" Kazuma stuttered for a bit before he bowed and thanked all trio in front of him, which surprised them a bit.

"Although we spend a month and more here together, there wasn't a single day since you, the insufferable overpowered bunch didn't give me trouble. I kept asking myself, can't you calm down for a minute and stay in peace?!" Kazuma didn't care about the shift in everyone's expression before he continued "However, for some reason, I couldn't imagine it any other way… It was really fun, thank you all for helping me, really"

"And Old man, no, Whitebeard… I need some time to think after all that happened. I just can't stop thinking about it even now, but … I promise I'll find my answer" Kazuma looked at Whitebeard seriously.

"Guhahahaha! Very well, I'll wait for your decision. I hope next time we meet you'll face me the choice that you truly dėsɨrė" Whitebeard grinned and laughed before he gave Kazuma a tap on the back, which almost made him fell.

"Don't you know how properly say thank you?" Misaka rolled her eyes, but she still accepted Kazuma's thanks.

"I guess, this is all. So, for the success of this hell-like mission, hurray!"



In such an atmosphere, the group celebrated their success in the mission. It was a very happy and rare moment for them all. Kazuma's party joined this celebration as it got very noisy at the inn.

After finishing, the group returned to Axel via Kaguya's teleportation magic before they said their finals goodbye. It was an awkward moment for Kazuma, but also a bit sad. However, it wasn't a big deal as they can always reach each other using the Chat Room.

On such night, the members clicked on return bottom before a white light flashed and Whitebeard, Kaguya, and Misaka left this world as Kazuma watched.

Once again, he's the only one left in this world, well, at least from the Chat Room. It felt a bit lonely, to be honest, but Kazuma just shrugged before he heard Megumin and Darkness complain about how they didn't get the chance to say goodbye.

He could only smile and go to sleep. This mission was indeed a wild one… Kazuma thought as he prayed with all his strength to never get into a mission like this ever again. His poor heart won't handle it.

The night passed quickly and peacefully as the sunlight broke the darkness and announced the start of a new day.

Kazuma woke up very refreshed after a good night of sleep, ready for a new dawn, a new start in his life.

{Ah, how peaceful. No earthquakes, no flying frogs out of my window, no lightning bolts, and no Railguns breaking the windows. Is the world truly this peaceful?}

With a bright smile, Kazuma walked in happiness on such a nice morning, completely ignoring the screams of Aqua behind him.

"K-Kazuma-san, please, think about it, you can't do this to me!! I'm a goddess, a goddess!" Tears were streaming from Aqua's face as she screamed from behind the bars.

Aqua was inside a metal cage dragged by a carriage as Megumin and Darkness kept an eye on her.

"Peace is sure nice…" Kazuma laughed happily, which made Aqua more desperate and Megumin slightly creeped out.

They were going on a quest to purify a poisonous lake and Aqua is the best person for this job. They only choose this because of the massive debts they have on their heads. Because of that, by purifying, they mean tossing Aqua in the lake and see magic do wonders.

{Ah, nothing can ruin this wonderful moment for me} Kazuma was so blissful at the moment before he heard an annoying voice.

"A-Aqua-sama! What are you doing to her?!"

Kazuma's party looked to the side to see a young man dressed in knight armor and holy a big sword running towards them.

Kazuma didn't know why, but he felt pissed just by looking at this guy's face. His face darkened as a dangerous aura began to leak, maybe he learned something from Kaguya, in the end.

"How dare you put Aqua-sama in a cage and drag her across the city, don't you have shame?!" The young knight waved his hand in front of Kazuma.

Kazuma almost gave him a headshot before he contained his anger and said "Hah? And what's your problem? She caused as problems so we are using her to fix them (pay debts)"

"Y- you were wicked, after all! Let go of Aqua-sama at the moment or prepare to face my wrath!" The young knight seemed to understand Kazuma's words wrongly before he took his sword and pointed it forward.

{Wait… is this guy trying to ruin my peaceful day?} Kazuma's face darkened completely before a chuckle escaped his lips.

"I see, I see…" Kazuma reached behind him with a smile that made the young knight uneasy.

In this mission, Kazuma faced a lot of problems. It was by no means easy and it left him with much more problems and questions.

Reaching to his back, Kazuma pulled the godly sword as faint 'wrrryyy' were heard.

He clearly knows that what happened in the mission is just the surface. Something much bigger than him was happening in the background.

What did this World's Will do or what were the consequences of such acts? These are completely beyond him


Kazuma pulled the sword slowly from its sheath as the dangerous atmosphere made the young knight take a step back.

"It seems you still didn't realize it, but who you are facing now…" As he pulled the sword completely, Kazuma and sword yelled at the same time "It's me, DIO!!"

Even if he still has questions and is confused about the future…

Kazuma smiled wickedly as the young knight confirmed that he's facing a bad guy.

So, in this cursed wonderful world, for someone like this to come and ruin his peaceful and relaxing day is just… Unacceptable!

With such a thought, Kazuma started a duel with this shonen tropes guy who wanted to ruin his 'peaceful' day while Megumin cheered from behind.

This marked the start of new shenanigans in this wonderfully blessed, yet still cursed world.


----------------------------------------- Konosuba Arc END-----------------------------------------------

12k+ words chapter ;-; ... Pain.

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