Annihilation Maker DXD

Chapter 64 - Very Terrible News.

The pale moon shone like a sliver sun in the night sky. The stars were flashing in the sky, drawing a blanket that stretched to the unknown.

The night fell on a city called Fuyuki, a place located on the island of Kyushu, somewhere in the Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan.

Unlike the regular cities, this whole city is a place chosen by magi to perform a ritual. A secret and violent war among competing magi. For the past two centuries, seven magi were gathered and engaged in a war, each gambling his or her own life to obtain the Holy Grail, a legendary chalice capable of granting wishes.

However, this moonlit night was strangely quiet. No sound from insects or small animals was heard, even the occasional barking of faraway dogs didn't exist in this night.

Different magi across the city felt that the magical energy around was dull, even moving slower than usual. Despite that, the magi didn't care a lot because they came here for the Holy Grail War, and maybe this one of the effects when the war started.

7 mages from different forces and organizations came to this town to participate in the Holy Grail War. Each one of them with a wish for the Grail or just to participate, and even because they were dragged into this mess.

However, all of them now are players in a cold war that involves mystery beyond this era. A cruel war that took a turn for the worst because this world is walking step by step towards the end.

In the underground of Fuyuki city, which is the Ryuudou Temple's cavern. The space twisted as a portal appeared.

A woman appeared from the portal as she rushed towards the closest wall and put some sort of a device on it. Despite the calm and professional movement of the woman, the sweat on her forehead and worried expression on her face told something else.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!!" the woman was nervous as she was staring at the device, taking something from the cave wall.


The cave wall started to shake without a warning as the woman became more nervous before her face became pale and took the device back, but a black mud appeared on the wall.

The device only had 5 red capsules inside of it, but the woman didn't care as she rushed back to the portal. However, flames appeared on her body.

"AHHHHH!!!" the woman screamed as the flesh was melting from her body. She has dealt with flames before, but these were one million times more painful than the regular flames.

When the woman left, the black mud that was coming from the wall disappeared without a trace, but the magical energy in the air became duller.

In Fuyuki Church, a man in a priest outside was looking at his hand filled with command seals that allow him to command servants.

This man is the impartial mediator of this Holy Grail War, Kirei Kotomine. Despite his job being the supervisor of the war, the bleeding corpse under his feet says something else.

"Another war... I wonder what this war will bring me from enjoyment" the man smiled as he felt the magical energy in the air. But he didn't care about a small thing like that.

For him, enjoying this war pain and suffering is the best because it's the only thing that makes him less empty and hollow.

The man looked at the moon in the sky as its light shined on him in the dark. However, such a scene only brought discomfort to others.

"Tch... Disgusting guy" A man with a red spear said as his annoyance and disgust wasn't hidden in his voice.

He was holding a red spear as it matched his red eyes and blue hair. This man is Lancer, Cú Chulainn. He's one of the seven servants that has been summoned to this world to fight.

However, his original master now is lying on the ground, dying slowly, and he can't do anything about it because Kirei took control of him with the command seals.

Cú Chulainn can't count how many times he wanted to kill this man in front of him, but these damn command seals rendered him useless.

When Kirei was enjoying the moon and Cú Chulainn was thinking of how to kill him, a strange wave hit all Fuyuki city as a small earthquake appeared.

The wave was quick and very light, but Kirei and Cú Chulainn felt it and knew its source... Something happened to the Holy Grail.

"1, 2, 3,..." Kirie raised his command seals as he closed his eyes and counted something before he said "... 7 new servants?"

"How is this possible? The Holy Grail doesn't have enough magical energy to summon 14 servants!" The shock wasn't hidden in Kirei's voice as he checked the number of participants.

Cú Chulainn didn't care as he looked out of the window before he said " This turned into a 14 servants battle, huh... Interesting"

This event caused different reactions across the whole city.

In a mansion located on the southern end where the western style houses are. A girl with a twin tails hairstyle felt the wave as she stood up from the couch she was sitting on.

"This can't be..." The girl said as the shock was much larger than Kirei. She didn't even cover her mouth as she felt the burning command seal on her hand.

"This is impossible!! The Holy Grail mechanism shouldn't allow such a thing" the girl started walking left and right as she was thinking about what to do now.

The girl was wearing a red turtleneck, a black skirt, and long black socks under brown leather flats.

After a while, the girl bites her lower lip before she rushes into the bas.e.m.e.nt where she prepared the summoning ritual, even if this isn't the best time for her to summon a servant.

Events like this were happening with all masters. A young man with grey-blue eyes and curly blue hair that looked like a seaweed felt the magical energy in the air.

The boy had the same shocked expression on his face before he looked at the woman that was wearing a hooded bluish-purple robe.

The woman was slightly shocked because of the magical energy in the air before she nodded at the young man.

At this moment, a man wearing a black jacket and driving a golden motorcycle stared at the direction of the cave where the woman was.

He only stared at it for a second before he drove away, however, his face had a disgusted expression.

A small girl with white hair and red eyes also stared at the cave before she closed her eyes.

Meanwhile, at the airport, a man wearing a coat was walking normally. The man also felt the magical energy in the air, but he didn't care or show any other expression.

However, he only stared at the old ring hanging from his c.h.e.s.t as he thought that his preparation need to be done faster.

Despite all the changes and turns, all the sides were preparing for the Holy Grail war. However, little they know, all these signs mean the ending is coming and this timeline or even world(Parallel world) is about to end.

Though all the strange events tonight, the forest in Mount Enzou next to Ryuudou Temple, was calm... At least for now.


Footsteps and the sound of twigs getting crushed were heard inside of the forest. This didn't startle anyone because no one was here except a girl walking alone.

I.n.c.e.s.ts or small animals seem to have disappeared as the girl was getting slightly nervous, but not afraid. Her calm was very unusual for a normal girl like her, or so it seems.

"Is it here?" the girl arrived at an empty spot in the forest as the moonlight was falling on the place.

"The voice said something will be here or I'm just crazy for following a voice inside my head" the girl sighed as she lowered her head a little before walking forward.

The girl didn't seem to have arrived at this place by coincidence, but she knows the location beforehand. However, there was a strange feeling about the girl.

She was normal, but her tone and actions carried a feeling of exhausting as she walked step by step toward the center of the field.

"Nothing?... I figure it'll be like this" the girl waited for over 10 minutes as she was staring at a command seal on her right hand. These command seals were wiped off as they were almost vanishing.

However, suddenly, a wave of magical energy hit this place. An enormous amount of magical energy was blowing everything around as it alarmed the magi in the town.

In the surprised eyes of the girl, a red magical circle appeared in the ground before the magical energy increased.

"Eh?!" The girl was more surprised as new command seals appeared on her right hand, but unlike the shield ones, these command seals were in the shape of three pairs of wings.

Struggling to stand up, the girl stared at the magic circle as the magical energy gathered at the center of the circle.


A large explosion hit the place and knocked the girl away slightly, but this didn't stop her from looking at the person that appeared from the summoning circle.

"Seriously, Root? What is the point of having an Independent Manifestation if someone will summon me anyway? Well, at least I changed my clothes in time" A young man appeared from the smoke as the girl widened her eyes.

The young man was wearing black dress pants, a white dress shirt with a dark blue tie, a dark blue vest, and a red necklace. He had two different color eyes, one dark blue and a golden one as he was wearing a monocle on the golden eye.

Although he came from a magical circle, the young man looked normal. Well, if you ignore the horns on his head. He had a pair of black horns that were pointing at the sky. Each one of the horns had a line like a computer circuit on their sides. One is dark blue, and the other is gold, like his eyes.

The girl didn't know what to say to the young man because she was afraid, the young man was releasing an aura that made her scared like a predator looking at a prey.

"Noble Phantasm? No, that's too much and the timeline won't handle it" the young man seemed to think about something before he raised his hand to the sky.

His actions were normal, but the girl had a bad feeling when he raised his hand.

"Sorry, unknown Master, but I don't have time to play these games... Goodbye" The young man closed his eyes before he said " Nega-Messi-..."

However, the young man didn't finish his world before he stopped as everything was shaking.

The girl felt her entire body was hit by something as she was dizzy and held her head, but the young man had an annoyed expression on his face before he said "Really? Is this a timeline or a snowflake?! You can't even handle this?"

The girl breathed a sigh of relief as she saw whatever the young man was doing has failed before she said " Umm, excuse me"

"Hm? Wh-..." Leo that saw his power was beyond this timeline durability, was slightly annoyed before he looked at the girl.

The girl has shoulder-length red hair tied in a side-ponytail on the left side with a yellow hair band and a cowlick, and light orange eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and a black skirt, which looked like a school uniform.

" Ple-..." the girl had a look of hope in her eyes as she wanted to ask something, but everything changed at this moment.

Everything suddenly happened, some leaves that were falling reached the ground instantly, a bird in the sky crossed the distance in a moment. The young man also appeared far away from the girl as she seemed to have finished her question and said "... Are you?... Huh? What happened?"

The girl saw herself in a position where she was looking at her command seals, but she doesn't remember doing this.

"What is going on?" the girl said before she saw the young man grabbing the necklace on his c.h.e.s.t that became a cross and pointed it at her.

"Stay away from me, you embodiment of chaos!!!" the young man was pointing at the girl with the cross as it completely confused her.

Lucifer was pointing a cross at a human as this Holy Grail War is staring. And this was the first meeting between Leo and the last person he wanted to meet from this world.

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