Anomalous Collector

Chapter 172: I can't accept it!

  Because of a gunshot wound and taking medicine, Li Senmi had been sleeping in the dormitory behind the Silver Sands Casino last night, but escaped the blood-chip casino accident.

   stood up swayingly at this time, got up and walked out.

   When he walked into the hall, he was taken aback when he saw the brutal corpses and the broken walls of the gaming table.

   There was obviously fierce fighting here last night.

   What is going on?

   Did Gao Quan’s rebels attack directly?

   But why am I still alive?

   At the same time, he also saw some soldiers in the hall, and immediately recognized that several of the lower-ranking officers were subordinates of Gao Quanfang, and he couldn't help but feel stunned.

   Gao Quan came in?

   At this time, the other party also looked up and saw Li Senmi, but unlike Li Senmi imagined, the other party did not shoot him directly.

   "Commander Li, we were all bewitched by Gao Quan before, but now Gao Quan is dead, everything is subject to your orders!"

   then scolded again:

   "Gao Quan, this bastard, damaging! Hearing his words, almost the entire secret city, no, the entire Guabang is going to be ruined!"

   Many soldiers in the lobby of the casino also saw Li Senmi at this time and saluted him to show their allegiance.

   After the horrible scene last night, their hearts were full of hatred for Gao Quan.

   Anyway, Micheng and Guabang are their hometowns. If Guabang is destroyed, their families will be gone.

   And many people still remember their fear of being dominated by that horrible desire last night, when they were like a beast.

  Thinking about it, I hate Gao Quan even more.

   After learning from the pain, Li Senmi was highlighted as a good leader.

   This scene made Li Senmi bewildered, and quickly asked these people about the situation last night.

   When I heard the horror of the blood-chip casino coming and the whole secret city being shrouded, I couldn't help but feel hairy.

   Although he knew that Gao Quan's mutiny was for power, he didn't know that it was for the blood chips casino.

   I heard that Xia Guolai's anomaly investigation team had left after dawn and rescued a Chief Li from the Silver Sands Casino. Li Senmi had already understood everything.

   Obviously, after the mutiny last night, Gao Quan directly used the entire population of the secret city as sacrifices and summoned the blood chip casino.

   The leader of the Xia Guo investigation team named Li Fan who rescued him, joined his comrades inside and outside, destroyed the blood chip casino, saved the entire city and Guabang, and also saved him Li Senmi.

   At this moment, there was a roar of vehicles and footsteps outside, and a shout:

   "We are the third division! The rebels in front, you have been surrounded! Let Gao Quan come out and surrender! Hand over Commander Li! Otherwise, no one wants to live!"

   Hearing this, Li Senmi felt a little calm, and understood that this was the commander of the third division who was loyal to him coming to protect him.

   straightened up his clothes a bit, the gangster's aura immediately opened up, stepped out slowly, and said:

   "Ning Lin, you are here! It's me."

   "Commander Li! Are you okay?" Ning Lin, the commander of the Third Division, was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted.

   Li Senmi nodded and said:

   "It's okay, Gao Quan has already fallen down. The soldiers under him have been deceived and are innocent. Don't embarrass them."

   Hearing this, a group of rebels who had put down their guns immediately let out a sigh of relief, showing gratitude.

   Ninglin immediately invited Li Senmi to his command car, and at the same time asked the medical soldiers to help Li Senmi check his injuries.

   The vehicle started quickly and headed towards the barracks where Li Sen Mi's headquarters was located.

"Commander, Ning Lin is late. Please command the punishment. Gao Quan, a wolf and ambitious guy, faked your order yesterday and asked me to take someone to the south for defense. I didn't know the truth until the middle of the night and wanted to break into the secret city. , But found that I can't get in at all."

   Ning Lin, the commander of the Second Division, said with a look of resentment.

  Thinking about it, he felt scared in his heart. If Gao Chuan was really allowed to succeed, the entire Guabang would definitely fall into chaos.

   "Thank you for your courage and strategy, the commander resolved Gao Quan and his rebels..."

   Li Senmi looked at the road ahead and said:

   "It was the anomaly investigation team from the north who saved me and Guabang, especially an investigator named Li Fan, who was my lifesaver and Guabang's benefactor."

  Walking all the way at this time, Li Senmi looked around. There were many dead bodies on the side of the road. Many of them were gamblers at first sight, and their deaths were miserable.

   Many people lack many organs in their bodies, and they are weirdly twisted, which is enough to explain the tragedy of last night.

   Li Senmi said with emotion:

   "Gambling hurts people... the name of this gambling city must never be reproduced... After this incident, Guabang will take care of it..."

   then asked Ninglin:

   "Anyone from the Cleaning there any news?"

   Ninglin immediately whispered:

"Your news at the Silver Sands Casino was notified to me by the Cleaning Association. The Association said that Gao Quan's rebellion was not known to the Association. However, the newly appointed Patriarch of the Xiaguo Southwest Pastoral Area and the Indo-China Peninsula was right. We released our goodwill and said that the Clean Association supports you to continue to control Guapang... In addition, the Patriarch also helped to stop the blood chip casinos."

   Li Sen nodded slightly.

now it's right.

   It is still very difficult to stop the blood chip casino by relying on an anomaly investigation team alone.

   If the cleaning association also secretly contributes, then it makes sense.

  Although the Anomaly Bureau and the Cleaning Association are rivals, for both of them, a stable Guabang is the Guabang that serves the interests of both parties.

   At this point, their interests are also the same.

   If his commander wants to continue, he must find a balance between the two sides.

   This is a technical job of walking a tightrope. For so many years, Li Senmi has relied on this balancing skill to secure his position.

   Only Gao Quan's kind of greedy wild dog would think that with tens of thousands of guns, he can do whatever he wants.

   is very childish.

   His failure is almost inevitable.

   Then Li Senmi said to the communicator on the side:

   "Prepare to send a letter to the Southwest Bureau of the Exception Bureau, do it immediately, I said, you write."

The correspondent next to    did not dare to neglect, and quickly recorded:

"Dear the Southwest Bureau of the Anomaly Bureau, your assistance has made a catastrophe in Guabang invisible and saved thousands of people in Guabang and the secret city. I am really grateful! I am very grateful! The captain of the second investigation team, Mr. Li Fan. Mr. Li Fan regarded death as his home in Longtan Tiger Den. Facing the enemy with courage and strategy, he saved my life, saved the secret city, and saved Guabang..."


   The investigation team of the Anomaly Bureau went all the way north, and soon had crossed the border, and came to the Belvedere local branch of the border for repairs.

   The Southwest Bureau had not established a local branch before, but with the expansion of this time, branch offices began to be gradually established in various places.

   After all, the frequency of abnormal events has now increased a lot. The Southwest Bureau is headquartered in Kuncheng, so if abnormal events occur everywhere in the southwest, people must be transferred from Kuncheng.

   One is often too late, and the other is that investigators are running around on the road every day.

   It is better to directly set up some small bureaus in some places to prevent the occurrence of abnormal events.

   The relatively low-level abnormal events below level D are also the most common abnormal events, and they are directly handled by the local bureau.

   What a big job, then send the backbone of the Kuncheng headquarters and the awakened.

   Of course, the establishment of these local bureaus is still an exploratory process. The Belvedere branch is just a branch set up. There are only ten people from the director to the investigator. They are all transferred from the Southwest Bureau.

   Most of them are also familiar with Yang Guan.

   The investigation team entered the compound of the Belvedere branch and was directly arranged to rest in the empty office building.

   However, due to the decision of the command center of the previous bureau, the morale of the entire investigating team, whether it was the first or second team, was sluggish.

   It doesn't matter what they do or punish them.

   is to fight the injustice for Director Li Fan.


   was born to death, and in the end, it’s not commendable, and even directly punished!

   is simply unreasonable!

   Li Fan divided an office to rest, took a box of lunch, and locked the door inside to prevent others from entering.

   Inside the room, Li Fan was rolling on the sofa with joy. Outside the room, a group of investigators were worried, for fear that Director Li could not think about it.

   Fang Hao and other young investigators scolded the leaders of the bureau over and over again, before rushing directly to the director's office, dragging the director out and kowtowing to Li Fan.

  Looking at Chief Li's appearance, although it doesn't matter on the surface, and even sternly stopped them, he must be very sad, right?

   was treated unfairly after all.

   What a nice person, what kind of bird are the bureau team? Just pick soft persimmons? Good people have to be wronged?

   A group of investigators were depressed, as if they were wronged.

   At the same time, Li Fan was eating a box lunch in his room with joy, thinking about what punishment he would be punished.

   After such a big movement, at least he must be removed from his leadership position, right?

   If it is only to talk, it would be too light and basically impossible.

   But no matter what the punishment is, his political career in the abnormal situation is basically over.

   has made such a big mistake and will never promote him again in the future.

   is thinking about it, UU reading www. heard a sudden rush of footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door, Yang Guan’s voice sounded:

   "Brother Xiao Li, Brother Xiao Li! There's another news from the bureau, it's about you! The news is down!"

   Behind Yang Gan, there were chaotic footsteps. Obviously, the other investigators also followed, and they were all very concerned about Li Fan's situation.

I'm coming!

   Li Fan smiled with joy and tried to make a deep voice and asked:

   "What's the punishment? Pole brother, you can just say it straight, I can bear it."

   Hearing Yang Guan's joy was overwhelming, he said:

"What punishment? Nothing! The director also took care of some personnel affairs this time. The news in the bureau said that although you made a treacherous move this time, you saved the secret city. There is also Li Senmi, the commander of Guabang. Li Senmi personally wrote a thank-you letter to the bureau, and invited our bureau to establish an abnormal investigation guidance office in Guabang, and hire our bureau's investigators as consultants. In view of your contribution this time, the bureau is ready to give you great credit! Maybe there is a promotion in rank!"

   Li Fan only felt that his head was hit by a heavy hammer, and there was a sudden buzzing, his smile stiffened on his face, and he blurted out:

   "I can't accept it! Where did Li Senya come from!?"


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