Anomalous Collector

Chapter 229: Xianfeng Dao has long bones and long bones, sleepy-eyed little brother Li

Zhang Chanlin was excited, and he had come to this conclusion when he looked at Hacheng, which had completely recovered.

He had had contact with the night watchman in Kuncheng before, and he deeply understood how powerful the guardian of Kuncheng was.

Now it seems that Taoyuan people shouldn't be absolutely wrong, shouldn't let the sleeping sickness spread in Kuncheng, angering this incompetent night watchman, and leading to the ultimate destruction.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chanlin couldn't help being afraid for a while.

This dreamland of Taoyuan Township, as well as the dreamland that penetrates from the abyss into reality, is too weird and distorted to prevent it.

It stands to reason that he himself could have been able to fight a battle, but he did not expect to fall into the opponent's trap, and instead became a "base station" to accelerate the arrival of the fantasy dream.

If it weren't for the night watchmen to help in secret, the consequences would be disastrous.

Those awakened who came with him at this time took the lead in waking up one after another.

In the building of the command center of the Northeast Bureau, a window was suddenly opened. Several awakened people who were trapped in the Northeast Bureau also woke up. Seeing Zhang Chanlin and others, they shouted loudly and smiled.

As an awakened person, their mental power is extremely powerful, and they are the first group of people to wake up after being relieved of the effects of sleeping sickness.

"Team Zhang, this...what the **** is going on? We won? What about those Taoyuan people?" The Awakener named Xiaojun also woke up at this time, and immediately asked after seeing Zhang Chanlin.

Not only the small army, but also the Putuo monk who was sent by the General Administration to help out, was also puzzled, holding the metal street light pole that was broken by him in his hand, and looked towards Zhang Chanlin.

Zhang Chanlin picked up the blindfold in his hand and said solemnly to the awakened people around him:

"I was finally in a coma. At that time, I vaguely saw a figure falling from the sky, claiming to be a'night watchman'! We should be rescued by the Kuncheng night watchman who helped secretly!"

Hearing Zhang Chanlin's words, everyone around couldn't help but startled for a moment, and then showed surprise and excitement.

Although they are not investigators of the Northeast Bureau, they have never heard of the name of the night watchman before.

Knowing that Kuncheng has produced a hidden folk awakener who is extremely powerful and has resolved the crisis of the entire Kuncheng many times. The code name is Night Watchman!

It is said that even the collector who is known as the No. 1 on the Awakened Criminals Wanted List was killed by the night watchman!

Even in the underground world of the whole world, Kuncheng has been regarded as a taboo place, and generally no one dares to go wild in Kuncheng.

Moreover, this night watchman seems to have recently become the honorary director of the Southwest Bureau of the Anomaly Bureau, and he can be regarded as his own.

"Team Zhang, is this night watchman better than you?" Xiao Jun looked incredulous.

He knew the strength of the Bright Sword Zhang Chanlin very well, and it was simply hard to imagine.

Unexpectedly, even Zhang Chanlin was planted this time, and the night watchman was able to turn the tide!

The other general bureau awakeners also looked incredible. Originally, the Bright Sword Zhang Chanlin was like a God of War in their minds, but now everything seems to have changed.

At this time, the Putuo monk wearing a cassock walked over with a street light pole in hand, and Gao Xuan said the Buddha's chant:

"Before the little monk fell into a coma, he also heard the words Night Watchman. At that time, the other party said..."

His voice changed abruptly, turning into another person completely, sounding low and hoarse, yet very confident and heroic:

"Just let my night watchman come and learn about Taoyuan Township's brilliant tricks!"

"After hearing these words, the little monk fell asleep. He thought he was going to see the Buddha, but he opened his eyes and saw you again."

"Hahaha, the master is elegant and interesting." Zhang Chanlin laughed.

A young awakener on the side frowned again and said:

"If this is the case, why doesn't this night watchman stay and meet us... after all, he is also within the system, or is the honorary director... really the night watchman?"

Suddenly fell asleep during the battle. After waking up, everything was calm, and it was normal to have doubts.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the side, and a voice said loudly:

"Yes, it's the Director of the Night Watch of our Southwest Bureau! Director Shou is relatively low-key and doesn't like to show the limelight. It's like a real fisherman usually releases fish. He should be back."

The three figures walked in from outside the compound of the Northeast Bureau. They were Yang Gan, Zhang Jian and Gou Daoren.

At this time, Yang Guan's face was full of joy, his eyes were full of pride, and he pointed to Taoist Gou and said:

"Captain Zhang, dear leaders of the General Administration, this is Captain Gou of our Southwest Bureau. He is extremely resistant. He has been in a sober state just now. He has witnessed the scene of the night watchman fighting against Taoyuan Township!"

Just now Yang Guan and Zhang Jiangang woke up and immediately saw Gou Dao Ren standing in front of them.

According to Gou Daoren, he hadn't slept at all just now, and had been cooperating with the night watchman and those little night battles in Taoyuan Township, so he saw the magnificent and shocking scene with his own eyes.

All the awakened people in the General Administration heard this and immediately all opened their eyes and looked at Gou Daoren.

They deeply understand how strong the power of sleep that Taoyuan Township has just created, and the fact that the other party can resist this power of sleep, is enough to show that he is definitely a powerful awakener.

A strong man worthy of respect.

What's more, this Taoist leader is now wearing a flowing robe, with a beard, and a hair bun casually, looking quite like a natural fairy style.

Gou Daoren stroked his beard, squinted his eyes, his sleeves fluttered, and he admired the Lord's wise determination.

Thanks to the Lord just now for letting him go to a Hanfu shop to change his clothes, otherwise, a torn jacket and trousers would definitely not be so convincing.

Moreover, during the battle, the golden light ripples that the lord had poured into his body after he exploded a golden armored god-man, it was so warm that he didn’t know what it was. Twenty years younger.

"Yes, the old Dao has a little bit of resistance to hypnosis. He has not slept, and saw the magnificent scene of the mysterious night watchman fighting the enemy. It is really fortunate for Sansheng, Sansheng!"

Dao Ren Gou said slowly, and at the same time he raised his head to look at the distant horizon, as if he was reminiscing about the battle just now, he looked like a worldly expert.

Zhang Chanlin already felt that the old man in front of him was not low-spirited, and he seemed to have some kind of weird mental resistance. At this time, he had verified his own deduction and had basically believed the other party's words, and said quickly:

"Dao Master, you are the new Awakener who joined the Southwest Bureau? Why haven't you seen it in Kuncheng before? Tell us how the night watchman fought against Taoyuan Township?"

In the office building of the Northeast Bureau, the awakened people who fell into a deep sleep have also awakened. They ran over to thank Zhang Chanlin and others. Hearing that they had been rescued by the night watchman, they quickly began to quiet down to listen to Taoist Gou telling stories.

Gou Daoren stroked his beard, glanced around the eagerly thirsty people present, only feeling the unprecedented glory, and took a deep breath and said:

"But I said that the old Dao was using the five thunder method to put a few gangsters right at the time. There was a doze. The whole city was asleep, and the old Dao was alone in a tree. I heard a thunderbolt-like roar from a high place:'A night watchman in Kuncheng, I hate cruelly to the Li people the most in my life, and the traitor, Wu Na, will die quickly!..."

Gou Dao Ren walked the streets and alleys all his life. The first half of his life was mainly deceived and deceived, and he even did the job of a storyteller.

At this time, even the lecture and the editing, the scene became a form of storytelling, and the bridge related to the town was hidden, and the night watchman was said to be like a **** descending. Basically, one person fights hundreds of Taoyuan township thieves.

The people around are all related to their interests. At this moment, they were fascinated by their ears, scratching their heads, and even Zhang Chanlin admired in his heart.

The night watch seemed stronger than when he met last time.

Fortunately, the other party has accepted the post of Honorary Director of the Southwest Bureau, so it is also his own.

While listening to Gou Daoren’s narration, Zhang Chanlin calculated in his mind. At present, the intensity and intensity of the anomaly are increasing rapidly. Taking this Harbin anomaly event alone, if it weren’t for the appearance of the night watchman, it’s basically Above is a situation of complete destruction.

The expansion and promotion of the abnormal situation is on the one hand, and the recruitment of the strong is on the other hand.

For the night watchman, the status of an honorary director of the Southwest Bureau seems to be too small...

When I return to the General Administration this time, I must make suggestions to the above. It is really impossible to give the night watchman the title of Honorary Director of the General Administration. How can I also show the sincerity of the General Administration...

Just thinking about it, I saw a few figures walking out of the office building of the Northeast Bureau Command Center in front of me.

Zhang Chanlin quickly stepped forward, holding the hand of the first person and saying:

"Tian Ju, you are awake! Are you okay?"

The person who woke up was Tian Honggang, director of the Northeast Bureau.

Tian Honggang still has a lot of scars on his body at this time, and the whole person looks very weak, but he squeezes Zhang Chanlin's hand hard, tears criss-crossing:

"Captain Zhang, thank the General Administration for its support, thank you! I am sorry to the people of Harbin, sorry to this black land! I almost became a sinner of the country!"

As the director of the Northeast Bureau of the Anomaly Bureau, what he did was to deal with the abnormality, but Taoyuan Township took almost the entire Northeast Bureau, almost making Hacheng a hell. Tian Honggang only felt extremely ashamed.

Especially when Zhang Chunwang raised the altar and regarded them as sacrifices, looking at the sleeping people in the city, Tian Honggang wanted to apologize with death.

Fortunately, when he woke up again, everything was over. When he first woke up, he thought he was still dreaming, and pinched his thighs so that he completely believed the facts in front of him.

Zhang Chanlin said quickly:

"Tian Ju, don't say that. The impact of the anomaly on the entire world has been greatly accelerated, beyond our expectations... In addition, this time is not our credit, it is all the credit of the honorary director night watchman of the Southwest Bureau."

If the family doesn't talk about two things, they are all people in our abnormal situation anyway.

"Is that Mr. Night Watchman?" Tian Honggang had also heard some rumors of the Night Watchman before, but at this time he finally felt relieved, and then tried to restore his composure, and said:

"Okay, when things are up in Harbin, I'm going to Kuncheng to visit and thank you! Come on, Lao Ma, Lao Liao, organize the remaining investigators, we have to clean up the remaining anomalies as soon as possible, maintain order, and guard the awakening Ha City! Contact other municipal departments immediately!"

Zhang Chanlin nodded, and also instructed the investigators he brought to join in the After these awakened people, nearly 10 million ordinary people in Harbin are gradually sleeping. Wake up.

For them, everything is like having a weird dream.

And the city of Harbin in the whole night was just pressed the pause button, and it was about to start running again.

At this time, Gou Daoren briefly talked about the scene he saw, which is considered to be the fact that the night watchman saved the city of Harbin. At the moment, together with Yang Gan and Zhang Jian, he walked quickly to a street shop.

According to him, Chief Li is sleeping inside.

Yang Gan and Zhang Jian sprinted into the store at this time, and they saw Li Fan sleeping on the sofa.

It seemed that he was awakened by the sound of the two people's footsteps, and he saw Li Fan slowly opening his eyes with a sleepy look. After seeing the two people, he immediately stared and asked:

"Brother pole, Ajian, why are you here!? What about those Taoyuan people!? How is Hacheng!?"

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