Anomalous Collector

Chapter 310: Realized grotesque

"Block the school! Enter the teaching building immediately! Repeat, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!"

In front of the main teaching building, Renwei directly tore off his face mask and said loudly to the surroundings, his forehead was already full of sweat.

He couldn't believe what was happening around him.

Obviously it was an exorcism exercise, and all the early exploration work was done, but this kind of large-scale abnormal infection suddenly occurred!

The key is still in the live broadcast process, and many Siamese dignitaries are watching the live broadcast of the Royal Exorcism Bureau at this time, and there are even some high-ranking officials watching live outside the campus.

Lunwei turned his head and took a deep look in the direction of the Manchester University Auditorium, where the Special Operations Brigade under the command of Director Shama was located.

What exactly is going on? Why has Manchester City University never appeared abnormally, but it happened during this exorcism exercise?

Even if it was a coincidence, Renwei couldn't believe it.

Lunwei looked very anxious on the face of the fishy wind, but he sneered in his heart.

Regardless of the reason for the abnormality, this gave him a chance instead.

It’s nothing to die some students. The key is to let those powerful and powerful understand the importance of the Royal Exorcism...

No, I understand the importance of his Director Renwei...

"Didn't the support department have entered the teaching building? Notify them and immediately protect the students from evacuation. Even if the students have been infected, they must be carried out!"

As soon as Lunwei finished speaking, he saw a figure wearing a simple protective suit fell from the sky and fell heavily in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, three figures wearing simple protective clothing fell from the high building and fell to death on the spot.

Renwei raised his foot and turned over the corpse in front of him, and immediately recognized the identity of the opponent through the transparent mask.

This is the Director of the Equipment Division of the Support Department.

Needless to say, the other corpses were all police officers from the Equipment Division of the Support Department.

As a relatively high-ranking department in the support department, the exercise area allocated by the Equipment Department is also the main teaching building.

It's a big opportunity to show up.

Now it seems that I am going to show my face...

Obviously, the abnormal infection in the teaching building is very serious. Both ordinary teachers and students and police officers wearing simple protective clothing are susceptible to infection.

Renwei looked solemn at this time, recovered his calm, and said:

"The captain and the deputy captain lead the fortified team to break in!"

Then made an intrusive action.

Immediately, a group of police officers from the Investigation Department of the Royal Exorcism Bureau looked solemn and slowly entered the teaching building with their anti-riot guns and explosion-proof shields in their hands.

The captains of the investigation department are all awakened, and the deputy captains are all close to 100 mental powers, and they are extremely resistant, making them the most suitable vanguard.

After that, Lunwei gave a cold snort and twisted his neck. His eyes suddenly became pale, his canine teeth and fingernails grew crazily, and his whole body also bowed like a beast.

A pale and vague phantom appeared around his body, like a wolf.

He jumped and jumped directly from the ground several meters high, his hands hooked the outer wall of the main teaching building like an iron hook, and then his limbs were continuously waved, as if crawling on the ground, climbing up the outer wall of the teaching building!

He wanted to see what happened.

This scene completely violated the body structure of normal people, and immediately caused many onlookers outside the school to exclaim.

There are also many elderly people who are accompanied by many bodyguard secretaries, watching this scene slightly nodding, seeming to appreciate the power displayed by Renwei.

At this time, there were many anchors and reporters holding mobile phones outside the campus. Seeing the sudden incident in Manchester University, they desperately squeezed to the school gate and the wall, wanting to take this scene.

It's just that they were stopped outside the school by the policemen in charge of martial law and couldn't get in at all.

On the campus, a large number of exorcism police officers have already entered the teaching building and started to rush towards the top of the building!

The weird singing is still ringing, and students still walk out of the classroom desperately from time to time, following the guidance of the singing to the top of the building.

The source of infection must be found as soon as possible and everything must be stopped.

It was only after entering the teaching building that many officers of the Royal Exorcism Bureau realized that it was no longer an ordinary teaching building, but a place full of unknown traps!

The elevator was damaged, and a team of police officers was going upstairs when they heard a pleasant laughter.

When they turned their heads and looked, they saw a projection screen on the wall next to the stairs.

In the picture is the back of a beautiful woman who is taking a bath.

The white back and slender waist all tell everyone that this is an extremely beautiful woman.

Even though these exorcist police officers had already prepared and understood that everything was not normal, they were still slightly lost at this time.

It's so beautiful... so beautiful... I really want to be with her...

Just after that, all of them felt a peculiar itch in their eyes, the itch was scratching the heart, as if countless insects were growing in the eyes, crawling in the eyeballs.

Several people immediately rubbed their eyes desperately.

"I can not stand it any more!"

A police officer yelled, pierced his finger directly into his eye socket, grabbed his eyeball and dug it out alive! Valley

The remaining two police officers also couldn't hold on at this time, one took out a dagger and cut out his own eyeballs, the other directly swallowed his gun and committed suicide!

At the same time, the exorcist police officers who broke into the teaching building discovered all sorts of weirdness.

Someone in the classroom saw a long-haired girl combing her hair in front of the mirror, with cascading blood flowing in her hair and scarlet nails. After a few more glances, a wound appeared on the viewer's throat, and blood was flowing.

Someone heard a weird baby crying in the bathroom and wanted to go in and check it, but was dragged into the toilet by the weird force, and his body was completely twisted to death.

The captains of the Awakened of the Royal Exorcism Bureau are now displaying their abilities and fighting together with the anomalies they have encountered.

Gunshots, shouts, crying, singing, all kinds of sounds rang out in the teaching building.

Suddenly, a piece of glass shattered suddenly, and then Renwei flew out from a window on the fifth floor, turned over in the air several times, had fallen more than ten meters, his hands were like hooks, and he was firmly hooked on the outer wall of the teaching building. Go up, look up.

In the window he flew out just now, there was a weird red figure faintly, it seemed to be a woman in red!

The red figure looked down at Lunwei, then turned and left.

With a cold snort, Lunwei rushed into the window on the fifth floor again.

He can guarantee that the figure just now is the abnormal singing!

"Gosh, that man who looks like a beast is Director Renwei of the Royal Exorcism Bureau? So handsome!"

"Wow, he jumped directly from the fifth floor to the second floor, then climbed up from the outer wall, too fierce."

"What is that red figure? Is it the red singer who is one of Manchester City University's six campus strange talks? It's terrible!"

"These strange stories are well-known on the Internet, and it is estimated that many viewers understand it."

"My friends, what you are seeing now is the scene of the Royal Exorcist's exorcism at Manchester City University. This sudden abnormal infection has caused dozens of students' casualties. Fortunately, there is the Royal Exorcist's presence. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

A group of live broadcasts and reporters spoke loudly to the camera at this time, and the scene was lively.

In their opinion, it's okay to kill some people. This is a guarantee of click-through rates and ratings.

An anchor suddenly pointed to a blank wall of the school building and said:

"what is that?"

When everyone turned their heads and looked, they saw that an image appeared on the blank wall. It seemed to be a dim basement. On a chair was tied a man with his head down and his whole body wounded.

The camera quickly zoomed in, and the man with his head slowly raised his head, revealing only two blood holes in his eye sockets.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and he was still laughing!

At the same time, the present anchors and reporters, and even many police officers from the Royal Exorcism Bureau, as well as the powerful and their bodyguards who were watching the scene, suddenly felt an itchy feeling in their eyes...

In the classroom, the abnormally infected students saw that their wishes could not be fulfilled, and they all showed angry and hideous expressions, murmured in their mouths:

"Can't fulfill my wish... Give me the gift back!"

"My, return my gift!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

The students touched sharp objects such as signature pens and utility knives on the table one after another, and UU Reading walked towards Li Fan.

Including the teacher named Abin, who also touched a pen and walked towards Li Fan with resentment.

Li Fan kicked on the backpack and said:

"hurry up."

The little bear dolls hurriedly crawled out of the backpack.

Seeing these infected students in front of him, Ba Song's bear doll couldn't help but stunned:

"There is the breath of resentful spirits here!"

The bear dolls around stood up one after another, stood in a row, and looked at the owner behind them.

This demon is really uncomfortable... How come you encounter these things every day...

Li Fan said lightly:

"Let them faint and don't hurt these students."

He had a hunch that the abnormal infection at Manchester University was also directed at him!

A group of little bear dolls nodded, pinched the magic formula one after another, chanted in their mouths, unleashing powerful spells, and headed towards the infected students in front of them.

The students in front of them immediately trembled like an electric shock, the hideousness on their faces disappeared, and they stayed where they were, unable to take a step forward.

Ba Song's bear doll said while casting a spell:

"This resentful spirit's mental body was originally very weak, but later it should be because the so-called legend was solidified by the mental power of a large number of ordinary people, but fortunately, it is not particularly strong."

Li Fan nodded. The infection incidents now appearing in Manchester University are all related to the so-called campus strange talk, which is in line with the conditions for the consolidation of mental power.

Obviously, Advent will also have more scientific research on the existence of anomalies.

At this moment, a camera on the ceiling in one corner of the classroom suddenly turned silently, and pointed the camera at Li Fan and a dozen bear dolls in front of him...

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