Anomalous Collector

Chapter 476: Rescue Lao Zhao

According to Zhao Yifeng's description, after entering the thick fog, they did not separate, but remained together.

They passed through the thick fog directly, but what appeared was not the road opposite the thick fog, but a place similar to a burrow.

This burrow seems to be somewhere underground, and there is a faint light from a moss creature on the surrounding cave walls, allowing them to see the surrounding scene clearly.

A huge underground space with a height of hundreds of meters looks like a building, but it definitely doesn't look like a man-made building.

Looking up at the dome of the cave, you can see all kinds of strange patterns and mural scenes on the dome, which look very strange and bloody.

At that time, Zhao Yifeng didn't have time to take a closer look.

On the wall of the cave in front of them, there are hundreds of entrances of holes with a diameter of two or three meters. It seems that no one knows where the black holes will lead.

According to Zhao Yifeng's later recollection, under his leadership, the investigators of the Southwest Bureau were a little shocked at first, but they were not panicked, but were very well-trained.

It was only then that shouts began to come from many of the caves.

Under Zhao Yifeng's order, the crowd was broken into pieces, and hundreds of people were divided into hundreds of three-person teams. According to the direction of the shouting, they entered the tunnels one by one, and went to rescue the people in distress.

And this has also become the thing that Zhao Yifeng regrets the most in his life.

At that time, he himself led several investigators and rushed into the nearest hole.

He could clearly hear the cries of his wife and children.

Concern is chaos, which is also a little bit of his selfishness.

Just after going in, they found that the place was getting darker and darker as they walked. In the end, they could not see their fingers. When they entered the fog, it was daytime, so they didn't bring any lighting equipment at all.

The glimmer of the moss was gone, but the sound of calling for help was still coming from the front. They could only use a lighter to ignite the fire and groped forward.

It's just that they didn't know how long they walked inside. The lighters quickly ran out of gas, and there were only a few opportunities left to use them. The cries for help were still coming from inside, so they had to walk in the dark.

Later, they were all very tired, but they didn't know where they were going.

Zhao Yifeng stretched out his hand to help it towards the wall of the cave, but he only felt that the tentacles were rough, like the touch of cloth.

He hurriedly turned on the lighter, and the moment the flame lit up, he immediately saw that there were dense rows of people standing around this passage!

These people, men and women, old and young, were wearing all kinds of clothes, and all of them were expressionless, staring at him in the dark!

At this moment, Zhao Yifeng only felt his scalp tingling. Even if he was an awakened person with strong power, his whole body would explode.

He suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, trying to find his companions, but found that all the people who had followed him just now were missing.

Just when he yelled loudly and asked who these people were, the light of the lighter suddenly went out.

The last trace of fuel was exhausted, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

Zhao Yifeng was inexplicably horrified at the time. He wanted to grab a person and ask him to understand, but when he reached out, it turned into an icy rock wall.

When I came, I went forward desperately. After several forks, I couldn't go back to the original road without light. There were still family members in front of me, so I could only encourage my mental strength to rush forward.

Later, he could feel that some creatures gradually appeared in the darkness.

He couldn't see these creatures, but he was able to radiate a general perception based on his own mental power.

Indescribable, indescribable, all he knows is that these creatures are not human...

In the darkness, some strange attacks began to appear, as if someone was biting or reaching out and pulling.

With his obsession to find his wife and daughter, he desperately followed the voice and rushed forward, tirelessly, without knowing how long it took.

Finally, he saw a little light in front of him, and when he thought he was about to find his wife and daughter, he suddenly rushed out.

He rushed out of the last piece of fog and returned to the road to Mushroom City.

After listening to Gong Yijun's narration, although everyone present had no experience of entering the fog, they couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines.

What the **** kind of place is that huge burrow with an almost endless tunnel?

It sounds like the underworld.

Gong Yijun snuffed out the cigarette **** in his hand and continued:

"Later, the General Administration also sent a special person to investigate, but in the end, nothing was found. Fortunately, the researchers in the Research Department of the Southwest Bureau kept a large amount of on-site mental radiation data, as well as various sound and light data. ."

According to the investigation of the General Administration, that fog has appeared many times in history, and it is likely to appear again.

If you want to find the fog of the magic cave, you only need to lock its unique abnormal mental radiation band.

And just a few days ago, abnormal mental radiation similar to the foggy environment appeared again.

The location is in the small desolate country outside the northwestern border of Zhongzhou - Turkoristan.

Turkoristan, the land of the four wars, has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

When it was determined that the fog of the magic cave would reappear, Zhao Yifeng immediately applied to the General Administration for an investigation.

And after so many years of foreshadowing and experience, the current Central State Anomaly Bureau has long been incomparable, and has already accumulated enough experience in the research and handling of a large number of abnormal events.

Many anomalies that are much more serious than the Mist Cave Incident have also been contacted and dealt with.

And after so many years of continuous research, I have gained more awareness of the existence of the Mist Cave.

Therefore, the General Bureau finally agreed to Zhao Yifeng's request, and even specially asked Zhang Chanlin, the bright sword, to come over, and the Southwest Bureau also formed a luxurious lineup.

It stands to reason that this time it's almost certain, but I never expected that something would happen in the end.

After briefly introducing the whole situation, Gong Yijun then conveyed the meaning of the General Administration.

Recently, anomalies have become more active around the world, and a large number of abnormal events have also occurred in Zhongzhou. Now the entire Zhongzhou Anomaly Bureau is very busy. Many of the newly recruited investigators can't be directly involved in actual combat. Things are more urgent.

Therefore, the rescue mission fell directly to the delegation in the country of Sang.

After all, there are many elites in the delegation, not to mention the night watchmen are also here.

This is very important.

You must know that Zhang Chanlin, the bright sword of the former Zhongzhou Anomaly Bureau, was trapped in It would be futile to send some ordinary awakened people over.

And with the night watchman, a strong man capable of slaughtering gods, then this is absolutely safe.

Gong Yijun looked around at this time and continued:

"This rescue mission is very urgent and dangerous. Turkey itself is a war-torn place dominated by warlords and foreign troops invaded. According to the requirements of the General Administration, it is completely voluntary... Of course, I also hope that Director Zhen can participate, and The communication with Director Zhen requires all colleagues in the Southwest Bureau, especially Director Li Fan Li, after all, you and Director Zhen are members of the same leadership team."

The identity of the night watchman is really too special, and the general bureau also knows that the night watchman has a strange temper, and their direct order from the general bureau will cause the other party's disgust.

On the contrary, the Southwest Bureau, which is in Gucheng, is a fellow from the same town, and is a colleague in the bureau. I believe it is more convenient to communicate with the night watchman.

Li Fan nodded and said:

"Don't worry, the palace bureau, wrap it on me."

This was also the strategy that had been decided before he came to the meeting. At that time, he was also given two fireworks to summon the night watchman.

Looking back, it seemed that I had to use another one to summon myself.

Gong Yijun went on to say:

"Very good, the next step is to sign up. Comrades who are ready to participate in this operation can raise their hands."

Li Fan took the lead in raising his hand.

The situation is extremely urgent, and Lao Zhao must be rescued quickly.

Otherwise, the director of the Southwest Bureau will probably have the surname Li!


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